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Accountability thread 9/2 - 9/8

Turtleonmyleftarm September 2nd

Hi everyone,

Welcome to the safe space where @Phoenix22k @enigmaticOcean8813 @orangeSpruce9113 and I share our journey together to overcome eating disorders. 

Everyone is welcome to join and share their stories and thoughts.

Sending positive vibes and lots of love

orangeSpruce9113 September 9th


Sounds like an awesome day! I’m happy you were able to fight your ED brain and complete day 1/5. You got this!

orangeSpruce9113 September 10th


Hi everyone! Sorry I’ve been so busy. Today was my sister’s birthday and it was so fun AND SUCCESSFUL. This is day 4 binge free! I’m so proud and feel great! Day 5 here I come! I hope you all had amazing days!

orangeSpruce9113 September 10th

Oops I just realized I posted to the wrong thread. Ignore this post haha

enigmaticOcean8813 September 10th

@orangeSpruce9113, why is this toe wrong thread? you are doing great!!!

orangeSpruce9113 September 10th

@enigmaticOcean8813 Haha I just meant to post it to the 9/9-9/16 thread. Thank you!

enigmaticOcean8813 September 12th

@orangeSpruce9113, 😄😄😄