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Accountability thread 9/2 - 9/8

Turtleonmyleftarm September 2nd

Hi everyone,

Welcome to the safe space where @Phoenix22k @enigmaticOcean8813 @orangeSpruce9113 and I share our journey together to overcome eating disorders. 

Everyone is welcome to join and share their stories and thoughts.

Sending positive vibes and lots of love

orangeSpruce9113 September 5th


Thank you for your advice and positive outlook on a negative experience. I agree with you on having regular meals but sometimes it just feels wrong after a binge because I don’t even feel hungry plus I always feel soo bloated too. That’s definitely something I need to work on though. Again, thank you for your positive outlook it has changed my perspective a bit on the experience.

Phoenix22k September 5th

Thursday 9/5

Got some extra sleep last night and woke up feeling really good! Had a great workout as well. Home now and relaxing some before I eat dinner. As typically the time I get home until the time I eat dinner is when ED brain is most active, I decided to instead turn here to check up on everyone and report in :)

I'm feeling more confident that I'll make the right choices. I typically journal in the morning and I started to tell myself "I WILL WIN" today each morning. Maybe sounds silly, but this little pep-talk has helped. It's almost like I've already started the day with the mental decision to eat right and do the right things. ED brain is still there, but it has less power over me.

The weekend is coming up and I'd love to keep my streak alive, I have been feeling so much better, working out better, and just am more "present" for my students and colleagues at school.

Hoping everyone else is finding success! Going to keep relaxing here, go out on my porch and catch up on some reading, then make dinner.

Turtleonmyleftarm OP September 6th


Hey Phoenix!

I’m so happy to hear that you slept better and are feeling good today! It’s amazing that your workout went well too (well they're all going better and better). I really love how you chose to handle that delicate time between coming home and dinner, when the ED brain usually kicks in. Instead of getting caught up in that cycle, you decided to connect here and share your progress. That’s already a huge victory!

I totally understand the positive effect of your little morning "pep-talk," and I don’t find it silly at all. On the contrary, giving yourself that positive message "I WILL WIN" every morning puts you in a strong position from the start. It’s like you’re building a winning mindset right from the beginning of the day, and it seems to be working! The ED brain might still be there, but each time you fight it, it gets a little weaker.

I’m really proud of you and your commitment to maintaining this streak. I know how tough it is, especially with the weekend coming up, but it seems like you’ve found a nice routine that works for you. Feeling more present and connected with your students and colleagues is proof of how much these changes are having a positive impact on different areas of your life.

Keep going, and don’t forget to take some time for yourself, like you’re doing now with relaxing and reading (what are you reading now, by the way?). I’m sure the weekend will go well, and you’ll keep your streak going. We’re all cheering for you!

Phoenix22k September 7th


Thanks Turtle :)

It was a good week and a struggle at times but making it through! It is encouraging that ED brain is less active in the afternoon.

I'm currently reading The Stormlight Archive and am in the last book, Oathbringer. It's a really cool fantasy series. It kind of combines "star wars" with light-saber type weapons/armor and fantasy like the Lord of the Rings. The books are HUGE which I like. About halfway through.

orangeSpruce9113 September 5th

9/5 Thursday

Well, I’ve already had a binge episode and its not even 2 pm. I feel so anxious and scared that this is never going to end. I wish I could go to an ED clinic and get like treatment for this cause I’m just so defeated and don’t know how to deal with this ahhh

Turtleonmyleftarm OP September 6th


Hi Orange, 

I am sorry I haven't been able to reply to a few of your latest messages, I'll reply to all of them (more or less) here. 

First of all, I want you to know that you absolutely don't need to feel like you're falling behind or not doing enough compared to us. I started my journey long before you, so it's only natural that we're in different places. The same applies for Phoenix.
Direct comparisons aren't helpful, because each of us is walking our own unique path, full of ups and downs. I can understand why my reports might seem "perfect" to you, but believe me, they aren't. I also have moments when it feels like I take one step forward and a hundred steps back. There are days when I say everything's fine, but if you read between the lines, you'll see that I'm still restricting, even if it's less obvious now.

None of us are perfect, and trust me, we all make mistakes. Every step forward, no matter how small, is an achievement, even if we don't always realize it. And I can see you're making progress too. I see it, even if it’s hard for you to notice sometimes. You have incredible strength within you, and even in the toughest moments, you're still moving forward. Please don't give up.

Phoenix is right when they suggest planning meals in advance. It's a small action that can make a big difference, helping you feel more in control and stay on track, especially during the more challenging times.

Eating disorders are closely tied to the need for control. Studies and psychological research have repeatedly confirmed that this need to manage everything often stems from insecurity and the desire to create order in a world that feels chaotic. You're not alone in this, and your desire to control certain aspects of your life is a common reaction.

Remember: you’re not "behind" and there’s no need to compare yourself to anyone else. You don't need to feel less than me or Phoenix, because we stumble and get back up too. What matters is that you keep moving forward, one step at a time.

And please also remember you deserve to eat even if you feel you don't, or if you feel bloated. 

Sending you a big hug.

orangeSpruce9113 September 6th


Thank you for that🥹🥹 You’re right I need to stop comparing because everyone is on their own path. It makes me happy that you seem to notice progress from me because I certainly don’t see it but hearing it from you is motivating. I’m seeing my therapist tomorrow and I’m hoping we’ll be able to take some steps forward. Thanks again

enigmaticOcean8813 September 6th


Just by being here, you have made some steps forward. Finding a community of people with the same struggles that share ideas and help each other is a big step forward. And we all notice your progress, as I'm sure you notice ours. Just keep up the great work and stick with it.


Turtleonmyleftarm OP September 6th

Hi everyone,

Sorry for being absent yesterday, it was a really busy day at the office. When I can, I prefer to write from my computer at work — it's much more uncomfortable and difficult to do it from my phone, especially in the evening.

As you know, wednesday night I went to my parents’ place for a barbecue, and I’d say it went... okay. Not great, not terrible, just so-so. I had a sausage, a piece of rib, 4 french fries, and a small slice of cake. There were no vegetables or anything “healthy,” which made it challenging for me, but I tried to stay calm and act like a normal person would.

A comment from my mom when I arrived gave me an extra push to do that. She said, "Your grandmother called me earlier. She told me that last week, when you went to see her, your uncle was there too. After you left, he told her he was worried because you looked too thin and asked her to call me to check if you're sick or unwell." My mom’s tone was almost amused, as if the comment wasn’t a big deal. Before I could even respond, she added, "I told her you're fine, not to worry."

I made a face, and a noise that was mix between a laugh and a snort that meant I didn’t really take the comment seriously and actually thought it was b-s-. Then, when we sat down to eat, I made sure to eat, as if to say, "See? I eat like a normal person, how could anyone think I'm unwell?"

Yesterday (Thursday the 5th), I went to the gym to see my trainer and tried to stick to my diet, even though I didn’t eat the exact amounts… I cut down here and there. However, like I mentioned before, I did add a few coffees with milk during the day, and in my head, I keep thinking that this balances out the reductions. This morning, I weighed myself and I’m back to 48.5 kg, so there's been a weight increase, which means I’m eating more. I don’t want to say, "I'm getting fat" (even though that’s what my brain is thinking), but I’m definitely putting on weight. This means that despite the small reductions, I’m still eating more than before.

We’ll keep moving forward, day by day, and see how things go.

Wishing you all a wonderful day, and I hope everything goes well for you! I can't wait to read your updates in the threads. Sending you all a big hug!

orangeSpruce9113 September 7th


You’re doing great! Don’t let your ED brain tell you manipulative lies. Like you said, day by day. You got this!

Phoenix22k September 7th


Glad to hear the BBQ went mostly well and despite the different foods and lack of "healthy" options you pushed yourself out of your comfort zone and ate! 

I'm sorry to hear about the comments from your family though. Those are always challenging, and hopefully come from a "good" place, but since they truly do not know all that you are going through, it is hard to hear them.

You are doing a great job at adding more foods to your plate, having less concern over the weights of your foods, and sticking to eating your portions the following day, even if it is not perfect. You are an inspiration to us all!

I'd say just stick to what you know is working and try to let the comments go, which it largely seems like you have.

The weight you've gained I would say is most likely muscle or just some water weight. So long as you are seeing gains in your weights/runs and feeling good then you are doing great!

Awesome work Turtle :)

enigmaticOcean8813 September 6th

Accountability Report for the week of September 2nd to September 6th:

Friends, really family, I apologize for not being around, but as you know, we've been busy packing up, throwing things away, and donating goods, getting ready to move. There are just a little over two weeks left before we move out.

But this week was particularly difficult. I was motivated by @Turtle's comments above, and I am terribly sorry that you had to go through that @Turtle with your uncle. But I face it every day with my wife who worries about my weight because we're so physically active right now. But I swear to her and to you that, as active as we've been, my weight is not changing at all, which is good. I'm not putting any on, but on the other hand, I'm not losing any.

I do have to admit though that the stress of this all led me to one binge day this week. I plowed through a bag of tortilla chips and a couple of glasses of wine. The tortilla chips were great, but the wine does not mix so well with all of the medication that I take. But this is now two binging episodes since we started our little group here. I don't know whether I can excuse it by all the stress or not, but that's what's going on. So I have to try to keep that under control and maintain a healthy balance of what I've been eating.

The other significant event, or more significant event, was that my neurologist, who I've been seeing for tremors, has sent me to a doctor to have an EMG study done. If you're not familiar with it, it's an electrical stimulation of the muscles. I have been complaining that my hands get stiff and I have significant pain in my feet. I had this test done yesterday, and it was probably the most painful two hours I have ever had. The end result was shocking to me, and I haven't yet shared it with my wife. 

The problem with the stiffness in my hands is due to nerves being pinched in my elbows. The cause of that is significant weight loss. There is just not enough fat to protect the nerves going through the elbows out to the hands, and they are being damaged because the nerves are almost being exposed. It's really a very scary thing that he had to say. I have no reason to doubt or challenge what he had to say; it was a very thorough exam. But it was just a sign that my significant weight loss over the years and being so thin now is really causing major health problems that I don't know how to reverse. And I guess I should have asked if this is reversible.

I'm going to have to face the fact that I have to share this information, and it won't go over very well. It's not a good way to end the week. So please keep me in mind, and all of you hang in there.

orangeSpruce9113 September 7th


That sounds very scary and stressful. I’m sorry you have to deal with that :( I really hope things get better for you and that you start to feel more comfortable and relaxed!

Phoenix22k September 7th


Hey Ocean, sending you a hug.

Your news sounds really scary, and I feel proud that you shared it with us. I know eventually you will with your family, but just want you to know I think of you regularly and pray/hope for your strength.

For only have two binge-sessions in the last few months, that is awesome in my book. But I know we are on different paths. It does sound like you really do need to eat more so perhaps it was just your body trying, desperately, to get some calories.

I know you have some challenging conversations ahead, and just decisions in general. Try to keep eating, for reasons of improving your nerves, your overall health, and your mindset. 

Wishing I could help more, if I think of anything I'll be sure to add.

orangeSpruce9113 September 7th

9/6 Friday

Hi everyone! I’m happy to report that today was a good day. In regards to my eating I had 3 filling meals, a green smoothie and a peach as snacks, and another green smoothie after dinner as dessert. I’ve found that these green smoothies are a good help in keeping me full and satisfied and they’re easy to make. They’re made of spinach, banana, and chocolate protein powder but it mostly just taste like banana and chocolate. I also had therapy this morning and we covered a lot which I’m happy about. I actually might start taking antidepressant/antianxiety meds. After therapy I did a little workout, then got lunch and did some homework, and then went on a hike with my dog because I got called out from work. So yeah really fulfilling and productive day. I’ve also started journaling again (yesterday and today) and I think it’s actually helped a bit. I hope you all had wonderful days as well!

Phoenix22k September 7th


Orange I'm so proud of you!!!! Just awesome.

I'm really glad you had some regular, satisfying meals, and that you found a healthy "treat" in your smoothies which do sound delicious! I added an extra protein shake at the end of my day too and I really look forward to it now. It also cuts down on cravings.

I'm also really glad to hear about your psych appointment and your discussion there. I was on anti-depressants for a time, and to be honest probably should return to them. I did not have any negative side effects or anything but stopped going so my prescription ran out. 

Like we shared before, it seems we struggle finding "joy" in what we have/do. I would say mine comes and goes. In the morning, and most of the day when I'm busy, I feel great. But it is the down-time that I just lose focus on that. 

So glad to hear of all your success. Build on this and use it as momentum for tomorrow!

Phoenix22k September 7th

Friday 9/6

Another positive day to add to my book. Slept well, did my arm workout focusing again on timing which means lower weights. My "EGO" is a little hurt, but overall I still feel good after the workout and a little more sore (in a good way) so it likely is a positive thing.

School and the day went well. Stopped to see my parents for a bit then came home. The afternoon was quiet and I was looking forward to watching "The Rings of Power" in the evening. It is a new thing that I am looking forward to on Fridays or the weekend.

So watched this after dinner. I did have a small extra portion, just chicken and salad, but this did not lead to a binge! Woo. So I might have ate a little more calories than "suggested" but I tried not to think of this too much. 

I am trying to gain some muscle, so need to tell myself that a few more calories is what I need, protein as this choice great as well. I'm mostly satisfied with what I see in the mirror, and just am working on reframing my mindset. 

The weekend ahead looks relaxing and I'll be sure to catch up with you all here :)

Turtleonmyleftarm OP September 7th

Hi @enigmaticOcean8813,

It's great to hear from you again after some time! We know you're really busy with the move, so thank you for taking the time to update us.

I'm really sorry to hear about the recent news regarding your health. I can imagine how concerned you are about talking to your wife about it—it's natural to worry about her reaction. For those who don’t share our struggles, it’s easy to say we should eat more, or they might start acting like “colonels,” monitoring everything we put in our mouths and then saying, “Eat more, remember what the doctor said…”. They mean well, but they risk overwhelming us, which could end up making things worse. Best of luck when you decide to tell her—you’re in my thoughts!

Just one question: if you manage to gain some weight (once you've moved and aren’t as physically busy), will the pain improve? Or is the nerve damage irreversible at this point?

Hi @orangeSpruce9113,

It's so wonderful to hear about your positive day! I’m really happy for you!

It's great news that you’ve found some help with green smoothies—they seem delicious and healthy. Well done! And the hike with your dog was definitely a perfect way to end the day, as being outdoors with a four-legged friend is a great way to breathe fresh air, get some healthy exercise, and find peace and calm. What’s your dog’s name? Is he a purebred or a mixed breed? I love dogs, so feel free to tell me more about him!

But the best part of your message was hearing that you had the chance to do therapy and that you’ve started journaling again. These are really important steps that will help you improve day by day. I’m so proud of how you’re handling everything and taking control of the situation. Keep up the good work!

Hi @Phoenix22k,

It’s great to hear you had a positive day as well! I understand how your ego might have felt a bit bruised from using lighter weights during your workout, but if you focused so much on perfecting your form and ended up feeling a bit sore, I believe this workout will yield better results than others! You’ll see! You’re doing an amazing job...

And regarding the food: that little extra chicken will go straight to your muscles—you didn’t eat too much, not at all! Think of it as fuel for your body, and know that it’s exactly what you need to build your muscles and keep improving.

Sending hugs to all of you!

orangeSpruce9113 September 7th


Thanks! Yes, hiking is one of my favorite activities to do. My dog’s name is Harper (she’s a girl haha). I hope you have a good day!

Turtleonmyleftarm OP September 9th


I don't know Harper but I am already in love with her and I am sure she's the goodest good girl!!!

enigmaticOcean8813 September 9th


Hi @Turtle,

I'm still getting caught up myself in fits and starts. We're down to the last two weeks before moving, so I'll only be able to be on sporadically. And since I can't type, it's hard to find time when I have private dictation time to dictate a message to the group.

I did want to answer your question about my nerve damage. I have the sense that the nerve damage is not reversible. It's irreversible in the sense that the doctor said he could recommend surgery to alleviate the symptoms and compensate for the problem, but my neurological function would not return to normal even if I was able to put on sufficient weight to protect the nerves in my arms, especially at the elbows. So that's the English language version of what he had to say in his written report—somewhat disconcerting and somewhat disappointing.

On another note, I really love your analogy about the eating kernels monitoring everything we put in our mouths. It sounds like you, I, and surely others have them. Yes, they mean well, but my wife's version of dieting isn't what I would consider a healthy diet. Her algorithm is to put on calories anywhere you can find them, which includes plenty of junk food all day long. It's not just overwhelming, as you said, but I find it stifling.

Turtleonmyleftarm OP September 7th

Accountability for Saturday 7th

Today was a rest day, apart from a quick "workout snack" focusing on core and arms. I was feeling a bit sore from my last workout, and tomorrow's run is going to be in a hilly area. The last time I ran there, it was exhausting! I’m hoping that, with today’s rest, tomorrow’s run will feel better than the last time.

I ate today, but I can't deny that seeing the higher number on the scale has been tough. This morning, I weighed myself again, and the number had gone down a little since yesterday. I know it could be anything—water, food, whatever. I also know that gaining a little weight would be healthier for me, and that I shouldn’t be trying to lose weight. But it’s hard to see the numbers going up instead of staying the same or going down.

I’ve never hidden from you that in the past few days, I haven’t always managed to stick to the quantities in my diet. Today was another one of those days.

I measured everything as accurately as I used to. I restricted (not by a huge amount, but still). I felt scared of certain foods. The whole anorexic playbook.

I still ate a decent amount (tomorrow is my long run day, and I don’t want to mess that up), but not as much as I should have, and not as freely as I should have. This is one of those days where it feels like I’m taking steps backward instead of forward, but as we all know, it’s part of the process. Recovery isn’t a straight line—we all have our ups and downs. It happens, and we need to accept it and move on.

I’m also scared that I might be losing control. Last night when I got home from work, I was so hungry that waiting another hour, hour and a half until my husband came home felt impossible. I ended up eating an entire raw bell pepper. I just washed it, chopped it into four pieces, and ate it like that. No seasoning, no plate—just straight from the fridge. And let’s be honest—it’s a good vegetable, but it’s not something you eat for pleasure, like a piece of chocolate. I devoured that bell pepper as if my life depended on it, unable to stop even after realizing how ridiculous it was. So I’m scared I might be losing control and heading towards a binge, and that terrifies me.

I’ll keep you updated on my progress, hoping these bad thoughts stay just that—thoughts.

Phoenix22k September 8th


Hey turtle! Glad you had a day to yourself to rest, I'm sure you will have a nice run tomorrow! Hills are brutal! I have a 5k run I do on weekends, and it starts mostly downhill... but the return leg is nearly all uphill! It adds a decent amount to my time but I just go one foot in front of the other. It's a good feeling when you reach the top!

I understand your fears on the scale and am sending you a hug. I'm one that likes "clear" answers and also when I see the scale am like what the heck! What did I do wrong? Of course the "wrong" part is mostly in our heads, but it can still be discouraging.

I also know the feeling of "waiting" for a meal and just... giving in. Now I have to applaud you for it being a pepper, but I also feel your sense of anxiety and, here is another hug. There is no shame in feeling hungry and curbing the thoughts is a challenge. Maybe next time have a protein shake or something that is a little satisfying and just have a little less at your dinner, not restricting, just eating part of your daily calories at a different time.

Progress as you said, is not linear. As a math teacher I have yet to find a graph that reflects my progress! Probably more like a sine wave (you can look that up :)

Know that I am still super proud of you and you have made leaps and bound of progress. I/We are here for your ups and downs. As I write my reflection for today, I think you'll see I also had some challenges of my own.

Hoping Sunday brings you peace of mind <3

Turtleonmyleftarm OP September 9th


Hi Phoenix,

Thank you for your support and kind words, and for all the virtual hugs!

I’m familiar with sine waves (although I didn’t know that’s what they were called—I remember seeing them in school since I attended a “liceo scientifico,” a high school with a focus on science). I think they perfectly represent what recovery from eating disorders is like—full of ups and downs. Since you're the mathematician of the group, do sine waves eventually end, or do they go on forever?

Phoenix22k September 9th


Ahh I love the intriguing question... they go on forever! Though they can be less "intense" and calm down. Quite a good representation of life :)

orangeSpruce9113 September 8th

9/7 Saturday

Hi guys! I’m pretty busy so I’ll just give a short update. Today started off rocky but I didn’t let it derail me. I had a good day especially in regards to my eating so I’m happy about that. This makes day 2 binge free! I’m gonna try keep this streak going!

Phoenix22k September 8th


Rock on Spruce!!! Some days there is more to report than others, it's a good thing to hear you are pleasantly busy but you still made some time for us :)

Keep it up! I'd like to make a Week challenge with you, as I recently slipped myself... But YOU, yes YOU are inspiring me to get back up and start a new "streak".

Turtleonmyleftarm OP September 9th

@orangeSpruce9113 @Phoenix22k

Great job guys! I am rooting for you and your new 5-day goal! 🥳

Phoenix22k September 8th

Saturday 9/7

Woke up feeling great! I did go to bed pretty early, for a Friday night, but was more excited knowing how I would feel in the morning with a great nights sleep. Had my full body workout circuit and then went for my 5k run.

On my run... well I hit an uneven spot of pavement, fell, and caught myself. My shoulder was NOT happy about this. I said some choice words (that I hope someone heard at 6:00 am). Was still able to return home with a slightly *** knee, and overall.. my time was great for the 5k! So a messy success.

The rest of the morning/early afternoon was good. I went to my cafe and sat outside to read :) Didn't meet my dream girl this time... but there was another one sitting outside reading/working. It started raining though and we went our separate ways haha.

Lunch was good and I occupied myself rather well until about 3:00. Then, ED brain kicked in.

I was just bored, and I knew how I wanted to treat myself on Sundays, and ED brain just said come one its so close have a treat! Well... one thing led to another and I had a binge/purge session. It has been so long since my last it was rather uncomfortable, but it happened. Went out, bought some cookies/ice cream, and well I won't go into the details.

After the session, I calmed myself down and still had a healthy dinner. I know I need good, quality food to fuel myself. I can do fine with each "planned" meal, but just need to still be cautious around my down time.

It is Sunday AM now, and I feel pretty good all things considered. I slept rather well, did an easier workout to modify with my shoulder, and am just feeling motivated to get back on track. I have proved to myself I can have successful days, and as we all know we hit bumps.

So feeling motivated and with a new desire to make a new streak.

@orangeSpruce9113 I am so proud of your success and want to make a little challenge for us if you'd like. You are already ahead of me, but lets make it 5 days with no binge sessions! Of course we can go longer, but lets set this goal for now.

Know that I will be thinking of you when I have these binge/purge thoughts and that you'll be inspiring me to stay on track.

May everyone find success on their path, and return to it if you have fallen off course.

orangeSpruce9113 September 8th


I’m sorry you had to deal with the mental and physical challenges with your slip but I’m extremely proud and inspired by your positivity and motivation to keep going. That’s a very admirable trait to have. And yes, I’d be so happy to do this challenge with you! Let’s shoot for 5 days!

Turtleonmyleftarm OP September 9th


Hi Phoenix,

I'm sorry to hear about your fall! How's your shoulder doing now?

I had a similar experience a few months ago—it's just one of the risks of our hobby! In Italy, we have a saying that roughly translates to “it's the job that gets under your skin.” It's a tricky concept to translate, but it means that when you take on a specific job, you're bound to face certain injuries from it (like if you're a chef, you're going to cut your finger sooner or later). And if you run, you're bound to fall at some point. The hope is that when it happens, you don’t hurt yourself too badly!

I can see a parallel between your fall and our journey through eating disorder recovery.

You fell, but you got up and finished your run. Similarly, in recovery, we might stumble, but we have to pick ourselves up and keep going. We can't let one misstep ruin everything. If we fall, we can't just sit there on the pavement and cry until... well, forever. So, in the same way, if we slip up in our recovery—whether it's a binge, restricting, or whatever—we have to acknowledge it, get up, and keep moving forward.

It’s not easy, but going home with a messed-up knee or shoulder isn’t easy either, yet we do it. So, we need to learn to do the same in our recovery.

I'm really sorry to hear you had a binge episode. Truly. But I can see how you're getting better each time. This time, you recognized what happened, but then you got up, did your best to get back on track, had a healthy dinner, and the next day, you returned to your usual routine. I’m so proud of you for that!

Phoenix22k September 9th

@Turtleonmyleftarm and @orangeSpruce9113

Thanks for the kind words! Yes, it was a slip. But even as far as binge/purge sessions are concerned it was much less than what I had done in the past.

My shoulder is improving, still a bit sore. Knee a little bruised up, but overall I'm doing fine. Just a risk of the hobby for sure! My next obstacle race is Sept 28th so I should be mostly healed by then.

orangeSpruce9113 September 9th

Hi guys! I’m happy to say that this marks day 3 of binge free! I’m feeling so much better, level headed, and clear minded. I will make it to day 5!

Turtleonmyleftarm OP September 9th


OF COURSE you will make it to day 5!
You are stronger than you think you are. 
But we know it and we're going to remind you how strong and how capable you are. 
You rock!!!

enigmaticOcean8813 September 9th

@orangeSpruce9113, Wonderful news!!! You will make it to day 5, I just know it!!!

Phoenix22k September 9th


Amazing work Ocean! It is refreshing to hear of your success and motivating me as well!

It is so true, one day "clean" really can help build momentum. Sometimes it is just so hard to get that first "day" down.

Keep it up! Thanks for joining my "challenge" and being my accountability partner.

also, I did not mean to leave @Turtleonmyleftarm or @enigmaticOcean8813 out of the challenge. I know you guys have slightly different goals, but feel free to devote something similar to our "5 days"!

Turtleonmyleftarm OP September 9th

Hi everyone, 

Here's the new weeks' thread: 

I will now check what I missed today/yesterday and I will reply to those messages!

Turtleonmyleftarm OP September 9th

Hi my virtual friends,

I'll wrap up this week's accountability thread with a quick recap from yesterday, Sunday the 8th. And then I'll see you on the new thread (I've posted the link here above). 

I woke up early, had breakfast, and then walked the dogs before heading out for our Sunday run. As I mentioned before, this weekend's run was in a hilly area that had really challenged me a few months ago. So, when we started, I was thinking, "Okay, I'm going to struggle today. I should go slow, do my best, but I'm sure I won't be able to do much." Yeah, I'll work on my self-motivation in another life.

My husband had to take a 10-day break from running due to achilles tendon inflammation, so yesterday he needed to do a shorter and slower run (both relative terms for him, remember he's a "real" runner not a dummy like I am). When we got to the race, we bumped into a friend who was also nursing a knee injury and planned to run slowly. The two of them decided to stick together for support since they weren’t at 100%.

When the race started, we all found ourselves running side by side. I thought, "Okay, they're going to pick up the pace and I'll lose them." But they didn't. At the 2nd kilometer, my husband turned to me and asked if I was okay and if the pace was manageable. I said yes, but wondered why he was asking. He then told me, "You've never run this fast before. Did you check your pace on your watch?" – I hadn't, and he was right, I'd never run that fast before.

In the end, I managed to run almost the entire 12k with them. I lost them on a particularly steep hill, where I had to walk a bit, but I gradually caught up with them again. I could always see them ahead, and they only finished a couple of minutes before me.

I realized hills aren’t my strength – I jokingly called myself a "flat-earth runner" (poking fun at flat-earth believers) – but I still had my best run ever, so kudos to me!

Thanks also to the good run, I managed to eat 90% of my planned portions. I didn’t reach 100%, as it's still tough, especially with carbs and fats. But I did pretty well. Plus, I knew today (Monday) would involve a bigger meal since it's my 6th wedding anniversary, so I didn’t want to overdo it.

Sending a big hug to all of you! I’ll catch up with you tomorrow!

Phoenix22k September 9th


Amazing job on the run Turtle! It is really interesting that when running with others we can improve our pace even without knowing. That also speaks a lot of the growth/physical strength you have accomplished! I wouldn't be too hard on yourself for the hills, they are brutal!

Flat earth runners hahahaha. Where I live there are quite a variety of hills but I agree, I'd much rather have the low-grade flat. But, sometimes when I do approach a hill I just think of it like riding a bike, shift to a lower gear, and just keep going. I like to do little "bursts" when I'll pick up the pace for a few strides, then back to slow, then burst. It seems to help.

Your 90% caloric intake is still an improvement and with all the other "little" things you've been adding you are just doing an incredible job.

Phoenix22k September 9th


Sunday started out well with a good workout and run. I went a bit slower and easier with the shoulder from yesterday, but overall the AM went well. I went to church and afterwards came home to relax. As I mentioned before I wanted my Sunday to be a day where I didn't worry about steps. Despite that it was nice so I still went for a walk, but out of "joy" not because of a feeling I "had" to. 

I also did some sweeping/cleaning up of my garage/gym which was refreshing.

My diet was much better and back on track. After lunch I set myself a goal of watching some Football (the NFL season started up here in the states) and while I'm not a HUGE fan of any of the teams, it is still just a neat thing to watch and relax with. I then wanted to do some of my drafting work and found it pleasantly occupying. Before I knew it, it was around 5:00 and dinner time.

ED brain, kicked in a little after dinner. I wanted to get to bed early so I felt refreshed in the morning, I also thought of my "challenge" with orange and I successfully had a binge/purge free day! 

It was a little tough, but sometimes the first day "back" I find is the hardest, at least for a few days...

Looking forward to the week!