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In need of help or a friend, or something

User Profile: spicedclove
spicedclove December 17th, 2015

I've been struggling with my relationship with food for years, I'm too embaressed to say anything about it to my friends or family. It seems like such a first world problem, and it's embaressing for me that I can eat so much and still want more. It's causing problems for me, on the days I don't binge I feel as though I can't hang out with friends because it might lead to me overeating and on the days I do binge I can't hang out with friends because I put away an embaressing amount of food.

I just want a normal relationship with food like everyone else seems to have, but I'm not sure how to eat normally anymore. I hate the way I look and I hate the way it makes me feel. My life revolves around food which makes me really upset with myself that I can't seem to find anything else in life more important.

I guess I just need a friend or something, maybe a friend I can talk to when I want to binge who can talk me out of it who won't judge me, or maybe is going through the same problems. I'm not really sure.

User Profile: blitheSun94
blitheSun94 December 17th, 2015

My heart goes out to you. As someone who has struggled on both sides of the disordered eating spectrum I can validate the level of difficulty you describe here. I am so proud of you for seeking support on such an obviously personal issue. I would say the number one priority in diminishing emotional eating is understanding nutrition, your own personal inventory/triggers, and a willingness to alter previously held habits. I know this is wayyyy easier said than done, but I know sometimes all you need is another voice. PM me anytime. ♡

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User Profile: spicedclove
spicedclove OP December 18th, 2015


Thank you so much for your reply, it's nice to know that there are other people out there who are going through the same thing. Although I wouldn't wish this on anyone, it is comforting to know I don't have to go through it alone.

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User Profile: politeCup86
politeCup86 December 18th, 2015

I really understand how you feel exactly. Binge eating disorder was with me since childhood. I know all these feelings. It's really overwhelming. Embarrassment, shame, guilt, constant desires to binge. Constant fear of binging.

But please try to reach deep in ur soul to sea what causes the real issue. It is never the food. We eat with our emotions. And binge eating is stuffing our emotions inside. Therapy is the best way to face ur real problems and feelings.

Can i be ur friend :) a lot of ppl here can be ur friend too. We will be honoured :D

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User Profile: spicedclove
spicedclove OP December 18th, 2015


Hi, I'd love to have a friend. And yes I know there's definitely underlying feelings that cause me to overeat, I just have to figure out what they are.

Thank you so much for the support already.

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User Profile: blitheSun94
blitheSun94 December 19th, 2015

Beautiful. 😊

User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia December 22nd, 2015

@spicedclove - you are absolutely not alone in this, and it's okay to be struggling. If you ever need someone to talk to, whether it's for a distraction when you want to binge or just to talk about your day / vent / whatever, you can PM me anytime. Take care

User Profile: melsba
melsba February 16th, 2016

I feel the same way. It's so hard because food isn't something we can take a break from or quit.

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User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia February 22nd, 2016

@melsba - Agreed, and to me, that's the hardest thing about an eating disorder is that it's not one really hard decision to stop, it's a million little, really hard decisions. But it is possible, and if you ever need some extra support, you can feel free to message me. Take care, lovely.

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User Profile: baZzchik54
baZzchik54 February 27th, 2016

I don't really know what to say here as I have never mentioned my binge eating problems to anyone...but take one look at me and you could tell. And I'm sure it gets talked about behind my back...I know it does. Just another chronic condition I have not really ever dealt with as I've been this way as far back as7yrs of age. I'm so very sad....

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User Profile: blitheSun94
blitheSun94 February 27th, 2016


I also struggle with disordered eating. Along the way I tend to lose and regain the same ten pounds. It can become so discouraging. Message me if you ever want to talk about it.

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