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Discussion on Binge Eating vs Overeating

KristenHR October 27th, 2023


There are several symptoms related to binge eating disorder.  Not every single symptom needs to be met, but the first symptom is one that a therapist or psychiatrist notes through their manual with a list of other symptoms.  If you are checking off some of these symptoms above, please reach out to someone who specializes in eating disorders to see if you have a binge eating disorder.

Let's talk about the difference between binge eating and overeating.  This is a concern that comes up for a lot of people.  As we approach the holidays, this is an even more prevalent concern for some.

There is a difference between overeating and binge eating.  Here are some questions for discussion.

What do you think are the differences between binge eating and overeating?

How can you tell if you are binging versus overeating?

At what point do you determine that your eating has become disordered or an eating disorder?

I'd love to hear your thoughts as we discuss this topic.

Leonydus October 27th, 2023

@KristenHR I'll give it a shot!

  1. Differences between Binge Eating and Overeating:

    • Binge eating typically involves consuming a large amount of food in a short period, often accompanied by a sense of loss of control, guilt, or shame.
    • Overeating may involve consuming more than usual, but it doesn't necessarily result in the same feelings of loss of control or emotional distress.
  2. How to Tell if You Are Binging Versus Overeating:

    • Signs of binge eating may include eating rapidly, eating when not hungry, eating alone due to embarrassment, and feeling emotionally distressed afterward.
    • Overeating may involve consuming larger portions than usual but without the same sense of loss of control or emotional turmoil.
  3. Determining When Eating Becomes Disordered:

    • Eating habits become disordered when they significantly impact physical health, emotional well-being, or daily functioning.
    • It's important to seek expert guidance when you notice a pattern of disordered eating behaviors, as early intervention can prevent more severe issues from developing.
KristenHR OP October 27th, 2023


I love how you laid these out and clearly showed differences.  I especially liked the aspect of how disordered eating or eating disorders impacts us in so many areas.

Thanks for getting us started!

Georginahowe October 28th, 2023

What are differences between BED and over eating? 

  • if have BED you compulsively overeat, meaning you eat to feel good, even if you aren’t hungry.
  • You binge regularly, at least twice a week for six months.
  • You find your bingeing very upsetting. If you don’t have any feelings attached to your eating, it’s usually not binge eating disorder.
  • You don’t like to eat in public. While most people eat with friends and family, you routinely eat alone.
  • You don’t feel physiological cues such as hunger or fullness. You eat when you’re feeling angry or sad.

      How can you tell if you are binging versus        overeating?

  •      Binges are sometimes planned in advance, but can be spontaneous. They are usually done alone, and may include "special" binge foods. You may feel guilty or ashamed after binge eating.
  • Overeating is not the same thing as binge eating disorder. BED is a medical condition,
  • People with BED regularly eat large amounts of food while experiencing a sense of loss of control over the eating episode. 

At what point do you determine that your eating has become disordered or an eating disorder?

  • negative body image or disturbance in perception of body image (thinking that you look bigger than you really are)
  • rigid exercise routine combined with extreme guilt or anxiety if this routine is not followed
  • obsessive calorie counting or ‘rules’ around calories e.g. ‘I can eat this only if I've exercised first’
  • anxiety about or avoidance of certain foods or food groups
  • rigid approach to eating, such as only eating certain foods, inflexible meal times, refusal to eat in restaurants or outside of one’s own home
KristenHR OP November 3rd, 2023


Thanks for sharing this.

Georginahowe November 3rd, 2023


Youre welcome