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Medication & weight gain.

StrawberryPanda March 30th, 2015

I have had many issues with medication, I've had some serious side affects (the last one cussed my bladder to completely shut down, had to have a catheter for 3 weeks - I was luckily to escape without kidney damage).

I hugely struggle with medication. I don't feel it but apparently there's a difference when I'm on it & not.

my GP is tryna get me on a medication which I've previously been on before, I came off it because it caused me to gain weight.

there's a chemical in medication that caused my bladder to stop functioning so i have limited choice.

I'm totally torn. I want to get on with life. I massively struggle to control my anxiety & mood. When I'm not on medication I get even more suicidal & impulsive & I've made some silly decisions whilst not on medication. BUT I can't cope with weight gain. I don't want to be fat & mentally ill. I will be mentally ill either way so is there any point?

StrawberryPanda OP March 30th, 2015

I don't know how to edit a post.

caused *

i struggle Without Medication*

StrawberryPanda OP March 30th, 2015

I hope someone will respond to this soon :( really struggling with this

Longleggedloner March 30th, 2015

I know exactly how you feel. I'm very sensitive to medications and I've been on them all. I hate the ones that cause weight gain. I'm 24 and I just got married a year ago but I've been with my husband for ten years. We want to try having children this fall so they switched me to pregnancy safe meds. Only problem: these meds cause weight gain. I know I will gain weight with pregnancy but I plan to work out and be healthy. I used to have a eating disorder so I'm used to adjusting to a healthy lifestyle. The problem is no matter what I do I keep gaining weight on this med and I want OFF. I just can't function sanely without it. I just go all emotional, but honestly I feel like I'll be crazy emotional either way and id rather not be fat. Well my pdocwon't take me off the med so I went to a clinic and got an amphetamine for weightloss. She'd flip if she knew. And I really like my pdoc but she really doesn't get that if I gain even one more pound I will end it. I wish there was something I could say to comfort you but all I can say is I get it and it sucks. Nobody wants to gain weight.

StrawberryPanda OP March 30th, 2015

I'm sorry you have struggled with something similar.

my only other options are MAOIs which are very restrictive & can be dangerous. I have lactose intolerance so my diet is already restrictive. If you eat a food with certain chemicals in them it will sky rocket your blood pressure :/.

I know if I went on these meds my ed will get worse so there'd be no point to even being on it.

my GP doesn't seem to understand either. She told me "you won't gain weight cos you are very self disciplined" if that were true then why did I gain the last time I was on them. I was only on them for 6 weeks!

Longleggedloner March 30th, 2015

That is what my pdoc said. I work out and eat healthy so I shouldn't gain. But I've gained 26 pounds in the last three months. Now on this amphetamine I've lost four pounds in four days but I've only been eating 1500 calories too and I'm tall so that's on the light side of cals for me. Docs prioritize mental illness over EDsand I don't think they get that EDs can really control everything if they get too bad.

StrawberryPanda OP March 30th, 2015

If there was emotional support for the potential weight gain then that would be good but there isn't (at least where I am). I was so upset when my GP said it to me. Idk whether she said it out of ignorance or a bad attempt at reassuring me. Now I feel even more pressure to not gain weight otherwise my GP will think I'm a gluttenous pig. I spoke to a listener on here about it who just said "exercise more." I have social anxiety & only go out if absolutely necessary so even a simple walk is challenging. I did have a period where I took diet pills.. I don't want to go down that route again but it looks like I have no choice if I did go on mirtazapine. My GP has given me 3 weeks to think about it & come back to her. I feel so lost.

Longleggedloner March 30th, 2015

I hope that you can do it the healthiest way possible but if you can't don't feel weak, you are only human and we are flawed. Recovery is a journey. To me weightlosspills are better than puking but it's still the lesser of two evils. I'm trying to find a listener who understands EDs because most don't seem to get it. With an ED you just don't want to change you want another way around things and it's complicated. Most of your pride comes from your power over (thinking) you're controlling your ED (even tho your ED really controls you) and it's sort of like something you want to brag about, for me anyway. Like yeah I made it today without eating x calories or yeah my meds didn't make me gain and I still managed to lose. They don't get that the focus is completely on the ED.

StrawberryPanda OP March 30th, 2015

I haven't found a L on here who understand EDs either. I also have BPD which Ls struggle to understand too. I had to get the most difficult illnesses lol. I'm the opposite, I keep my ed & eating habits to myself. My ED comes from self hatred. It initially started from me wanting to starve myself to death as it's painful then it spiralledinto an ED.

At least we can relate to each other though, if others can't. I know with my situation i won't like any of the answers. I'm so upset that this is it. I'm annoyed at my body for being so sensetive. When I had to have the catheter (only got it off last week) it was complete hell. Nobody warns you about the emotional drama that comes with it. I had no control over my bladder, lost sensation & had spasms. I was so unwell with it yet.., I would rather that than weight gain. It doesn't make sense.

Longleggedloner March 31st, 2015

I had had to have a catheter for just three days after overdosing once. Whatever I did inflamed my urinary tract and I could not get pee out. I really feel for you. After three days I was practically screaming for someone to get it out of me. It's the most uncomfortable thing, counting the time I had to have the meganeedlein my arm for two days after an overdose.

I used to be like that with my ED maybe I'm just like this now because it's reemergence. Like the beginning stages. I'm not in deep like I was before. I don't hate myself so much when I slip up. I just hate myself when I gain and then I hate myself for slipping up, but I remember hating everything I had to put in my mouth. I never tried to starve myself to death. If I wanted to die I would cut my wrist up and down or overdose on whatever was available.

Dianaymia1991 April 10th, 2015

Holasoyanorexicaybulimicadesdelos 16asmegustarconocerpersonasquehallanpasadoporestoo loestenpasando.Muchosbesos!!!