Anorexia - What do think would change if your eating disorder no longer effected you ?
Anorexia - What do think would change if your eating disorder no longer effected you ?
To be honest, I think my personality would do a complete 180. I think that without it, I would be a lot more relaxed and flexible (e.g. not worrying about certain foods or actions). Less positively, though, I think I'd be less disciplined and less strict. I apply this trait across pretty much everything, so by taking out one portion, there goes the rest.
@ErwineRommel Thank you for sharing, Do you feel your ED is a positive trait you have? Is there anyway you can see yourself recovering but maintaining drive in other areas of your life or directing the strictness you feel your ED has to other areas such as work/school ?
@Chasingbutterflies It's a mix of both. I can't refute that the health effects are bad, but the concept that I could transcend physical desires for something more important than myself seemed, in a sense, beautiful. On the other hand, the constant anxiety and paranoia about food and others finding out is a negative.
I've definitely been getting help for the past couple of years, and it's helped me mentally and physically. I still have my work ethic, and I've noticed that I've been more positive and social since then. I still find myself missing what I have and the compliments about my appearance I used to get, though.
I'd be able to wear things with confidence.
I wouldn't have to stress about exercising or calories.
My gag reflex would get a rest.
I would feel prettier - perhaps I would even feel Pretty
I would have confidence in my size
I would feel thin enough finally
Food wouldn't be an issue for me
I won't have to stay up night planning my meals
I won't need to force strange foods down my throat to curb my appetite
I won't have to starve
I won't have to hide from photos
I won't have to stay away from mirrors
I won't have to cover up at the beach
I won't have to feel less than others
I would be able to pick up a magazine without being triggered
I wouldn't have to beat myself up over my weight
I wouldn't be in tears for eating a meal
I won't have to hide things from my friends
I won't have to punish myself
Or beg myself to keep restricting
Days out with friends won't be a nightmare
I could be healthy and happy
I wouldn't have to pretend I'm - just not hungry
I wouldn't be so cold all the time
I wouldn't be tired so often
I wouldn't feel so dizzy anymore
I wouldn't feel sick from eating
I wouldn't struggle to concentrate
My self-worth wouldn't be determined by my appearance.
The reality is - a lot would change. But it's going to take a while to get that change.
@MidniteAngel - It will take a while, but you will get there. You have already come a long way and you have so much strength, determination, and courage. You will beat this.
@MidniteAngel Thank you som uch for taking the time to write this post its beautifully written and it shows your awareness with the battle you're fighting, I know the battle takes a while but you will win the war, dont be afraid to reach out to people even in this community we are here to support you and help your strength grow even stronger, I wish all of these things for you on your journey!
Thank you, your words of support really do mean a lot to me. Thank you for making this thread, it has allowed me and hopefully others, understand the real consequences of Eating Disorders.
Love the ending to this post. Often times all anyone focuses on are the behaviors of our eating disorders when truly our mind is suffering so much more.
I wouldn't feel like I have to hide. I would have confidence and love myself. I would stop constantly counting calories and be able to enjoy life. I wouldn't feel like no one understands and is there for me.