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Not Sick Enough
Depression Support / by ErwineRommel
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August 29th, 2017
...See more I haven't posted here before, mostly because I'm scared of being called a wimp. I guess I feel stuck between two worlds. I'm not sick enough to need disability accommodations (thank God; I don't meet all the criteria to get one) but also not healthy enough to (won't fill up the page, but Persian families aren't fun). I'm an honors student going into college soon, yet I'm not smart and strong enough to snap out of it or solve it myself. Counseling services and such are available on campus, but I'm scared of being told on again and having to pay $2-3K to be taken to a psych ED (found out I had depression and an ED a bit later, and this was three years ago). I don't even know what to do or how to deal with these feelings.
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Using MBTI in recovery?
Eating Disorder Support / by ErwineRommel
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June 15th, 2023
...See more I'm nowhere near a clinical breakthrough, but I was wondering whether anyone else has used MBTI types in the recovery process (e.g. tailoring recovery and maintenance to your personality type). My boyfriend who's been there for me throughout the process got me interested in the MBTI and psychology as a whole. In addition to finding my strengths and weaknesses to use them to my advantage in recovery (in my case, being more willing to experiment and being less adept with strict structure), I find "typing" (for lack of a better term) your ED voice makes it much easier to counter it and understand why it does the stuff it does. Has anyone else tried using MBTI for this purpose or heard about someone who has? Is this even a smart idea?
ErwineRommel profile picture
Is it wrong to use outside examples?
Eating Disorder Support / by ErwineRommel
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July 8th, 2017
...See more My mom is upset with me and keeps telling me what I'm doing is unhealthy, but my therapist doesn't agree. She tells me that using outside examples is childish. Of course, none of this interferes with my work or school, and I never use it for negative purposes. I also don't use these examples unless I'm extremely stressed. Who's right here? Clarification: For example, if I feel anxious about eating, seeing a Pokémon or anime character makes me feel less anxious (as compared to a politician). Also, I have positive examples of people who succeeded who aren't the same body type as I am (e.g. Sonia Sotomayor, Mark Cuban, and Henry Ford). My logic is that if they can be successful, so can I.
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Recovery Tips/Wisdom (All EDs)
Eating Disorder Support / by ErwineRommel
Last post
July 29th, 2017
...See more ED Awareness Week is ending tomorrow, so it's fitting to talk about recovery (for all EDs), which can be a stressful and confusing time. Here are some things that helped during that process: 1) The most important thing to remember: there is no deadline for recovery. ED recovery is not a school assignment; no one will grade you for how you do. Take your time. If you mess up, you can still get back on track. Set milestones can work for some, but you are not locked in by them. 2) Listen to yourself during the process. You will be more motivated on some days than others. If you feel more comfortable with a fear food, for example, you can try going to the next step in the process. If it's too much, it's always okay to scale back and work from there. 3) If you can, start trying to notice positive trends. These could even be smaller ones, such as your art improving throughout recovery. Not only is spotting trends a useful skill, these could be other reasons to keep going in those ruts. 4) Have at least two supportive individuals (e.g. a friend or relative) in your group who can give emotional support during hard times. 5) For anyone involved in a relationship: love is unconditional. There is a difference between "I care about you, so I suggest that you do this." and "If you don't do this, I will leave." If it becomes a transaction, LEAVE. What are some of your tips or pieces of advice you have used to get yourself through the recovery process?
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Hopelessly Addicted to Thinspo and Stuck
Eating Disorder Support / by ErwineRommel
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December 15th, 2016
...See more I know this is a sensitive topic for most people, but my obsession with thinspo has hit a critical point. My addiction to thinspo has gotten worse recently, and I can't help but gravitate towards it and think about thinspo all the time. Being too self-aware for my own good, I notice I tend to look at or think of thinspo when I am bored or lonely or if my parents get mad at me. I don't know where to go next. I always say I'll starve myself and work to be like them, but I always wimp out. I'm stuck. I don't know whether it's even worth it to try to get away from this, especially with all the heartbreak and pressure on me to "get over it." I miss my old courage and discipline. What should I do now? Some things that I look at or think of as thinspo, in case the information helps any: Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (weird, I know), historical portraits, younger photos of my mom, inspirational quotes, and a couple of my friends at school.
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Is there a way to get over fear foods?
Eating Disorder Support / by ErwineRommel
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September 11th, 2016
...See more This is probably a dumb question to ask, but I'm genuinely wondering if there is a way to get over fear foods. I luckily have reached a healthy weight, but I still have some of the psychological issues lingering that I need to work on. One of the most significant ones are the persistence of fear foods, such as ice cream and (recently) bread. I've noticed that most of these foods have some association to a negative memory, which adds to my fear of said food. Is there a way to get over fear foods or at least make the anxiety less severe? I can't handle the heartbreak any longer. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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