What Chronic Pain Condition Do You Have?
I have Daily Chronic Headache, mine started out when I was 8 years old as an acute condition. As time went on, by the time I was 15 the headaches have always been consistent. Hardly any day of the year I do not have them. Mine feel like a Tension Headache, Mild to Moderate pain, mostly Mild. Sometimes, I get Migraines. I love sharing my conditions with all of you :) So you can post here what your chronic pain condition is & what it is like <3 Or just your pain condition in general, chronic or acute. Also, I have had shingles before but for me it only lasted like a month or so & it did not cause me much pain.
I have fibromyalgia and chronic migraines along with a ton of other things.
Hello my name is Jess and I have Lupus.
I've been diagnosed with M.E./Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
not a firm diagnosis but they speculate hEDS
I have a clinical diagnosis of Marfan's. A connective tissue disorder "related" to EDS.
Hello! I have chronic pain in my lower legs. I was born three and half months early so I do not have any leg muscle in my legs. I have to wear leg braces because I had a tendon transplant so my feet stay straight when I was about 6 or 7 years old. So I pretty much have pain every day, sometimes I can mange other days I cannot.
I also have a condition called neurofibromatosis type one (NF for short). This condition is rare and maybe someone on here has it too. NF is a genetic disorder that is passed down by a parent or parents, but someone could also just have a gene mutation and have it. Their are three types Type One, Type Two and Schwannomatosis. People who have NF can have chronic pain, non cancerous tumors that are on the nerves system, people can develop lumps on the skin, have learning disabilities, anxiety, and brown spots on their bodies. These are just a few things that someone with NF can have, not everyone with NF has all of these. Every case is so different, but if you have NF you have a 50/50 chance passing it along to your children. Some people are diagnosed when they are young (like me) or others are diagnosed when they are an adult. That is way more information you needed, but I thought hey maybe someone else has it too... But also I want people to be more aware of NF, because it is so rare. I hope you all have a good day!
I now no longer have Cartilage in either of my knees. Bone on bone at 58....
Hey there
I've got fibromyalgia with a lot of syndroms that come with it like ibs (irritable bowel syndrome). I'm also hypermobile and have a fnd (functional neurological disorder). Along with that there are some trauma related mental health issues.
They thought I had fibro but now they're pretty sure it's MS. I need to get some further testing.
I have trigeminal neuralgia, as well as some chronic joint pains.
I have fibromyalgia, hypermobility syndrome, IBS and FND.
Hi @VanessaGraceStory thank you for sharing your story,
I have a complex situation. I have a clinical diagnosis of Marfan's Syndrome, a connective tissue disorder that among other things, causes my tendons and ligaments to be too "stretchy", which in turn causes me to injure my joints easily due to hyper-extension / sublaxation / dislocation, which results in arthritic/inflammatory pain from the damage I cause.
It's been suggested that because I was born with the condition and have had chronic, wide-spread pain for so long that it has caused what is called "Affarant Barrage" resulting in Hyperalgesia. Essentially, normal sensory input does not get filtered out correctly, causing them to be interpreted as pain when the mechanism is overwhelmed and making me more sensitive to pain.
Currently I'm on a new set of medication as my anti-inflammatory has become less effective. So far it's looking promising, but I'm only on my second week of the new medication so I have to wait and see. A family friend who's also a doctor is not so keen on the medication as he feels it is too harsh but if the initial affects of the medication is truly a clinical result and not just a fluke/coincidence, it will be more than worth it though.
It's not as though I will suddenly be able to run, ride bicycle and not having to be so careful about what I do, but at the very least I should feel less debilitated and be able to enjoy the things that I am actually able to do but just can't due to the pain disrupting things.