Hello to anyone reading this<3 please pause for a moment, make sure to read my whole profile before deciding to send me a personal request or message, my profile may be long but it may only benefit specific stuations and people. I can't help everyone in the world, so do not be surprised if we dont fit well or by giving me a bad review for the reason/block me or ban me. Read about what category of issues I am willing to listen to, It is what I am interested in & some I have dealt with as well. I self-teach myself what I would like to know. I research on the internet all the time on many subjects I am interested in. I am an accepting person and don't take advantage of anything/anyone, I am descriptive & specific (detail oriented) but I can see the whole picture, creative, serious mostly but I have humor, open minded, highly intuitive (sixth sense), intelligent, confident, very patient, great social skills, straightforward-as in honest, Godly, genuine, understanding and non-judgmental but I can be discerning, I am 'equal brained', meaning I think with both sides of my mind equally. I love lots of detail, like colors & designs. I am interested in Music of all sorts, Fitness of all sorts, The Medical Fields, Mental Health (psychology, psychiatry, forensic psychology, neurology), Natural/Organic Lifestyle, Natural medicine, Paranormal (parapsychology, demonology), Etymology, Astronomy, The Military (all branches), Arts of all sorts (photography, singing, dexterity stuff, Arts and crafts, diy stuff), Tattooing, Technology of all sorts (video games, how technology works) and The Law (csi, criminal justice, learning about the law in general). I want to learn as much as i can about my interests. I am an old soul, I can be old fashioned, proper, I try to help, I listen very well, I have lots of skills & I love being alone a lot of the time and helping myself out instead of letting others help me, because i lIke doing stuff on my own when i can. I am an INFJ personality type, according to personality tests online. I tend to be a realistic person more then optimistic, pessimistic, or narccistic according to tests. I keep my intentions pure as much as possible. I was born on July 1st, 1997 & "P.S. The name on my profile is my full first, middle and last name in that order." I was born in Elizabethton, Tennessee and I have moved a few times in my life.
Also, I wanted to let everyone reading this know I have been through many things, down to homelessness a few times and being admitted to mental hospitals quite a few times, also the worst thing that I have attemted was murder meaning things got physically violent, I have high standards (definition for it is the quality of people like how Genuine and pure they are, including what they do as in actions) about people I'm around or friends with and no I wasn't charged for the attempt because it was towards people I lived with and they just like disrespecting me so they kept me around and never called the cops so they could keep up the disrespect. I wont talk any further about it on the site because its intense for specific people but its due to having what mental disorders I have. I've experienced a lot of negative situations in my life. I have SSI & I was diagnosed with Serious Mental Illnesses, Severe & Persistent, so its hard just to live daily life at all, everything is difficult for me to do pretty much. I do not drive, because of my diagnoses, It wouldn't be allowed/legal for me to. I have never had a job, due to my illnesses starting at age 14, too depressed to keep interest or to even leave home most of the time and my psychotic issues could get me into trouble with the law so it was decided i couldn't work. Self-harm started age 13 (a.k.a cutting, for me), from what i remember that was the age and it was consistant every day for a few years. My Diagnoses are Schizoaffective Disorder- Bipolar 1 type, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder-OCD, Borderline Personality Traits- Not the full disorder, Daily Chronic Headache- Tension type, Short term memory issues. I have never been in trouble with the law, never arrested or in prison. I do not do drugs of any sort or smoke tobacco, I rarely drink alcohol. I have met many people who have been addicted to all sorts of drugs, tabacco and alcohol, past friends and even family. I do not take medications for my mental illnesses because medication does not work for me at all, it works against me and so I dont go to doctors about my issues no more, my brain is treatment resistent as stated. I have a slight sexual addiction, but it wasn't made as a diagnosis. Probably because of the Bipolar 1 in my Schizoaffective disorder diagnosis though, it was at least typed in my paperwork for a symptom to my condition.
I have one daughter. She was born February 22, 2015. My daughter has lived with her aunt, which is my ex fiancés sister, since February 21, 2016. I have not been in a relationship with the father since he never ended up picking me up from the mental institution I was in and caused me to go homeless one of the times. Later on in the year of 2017 though i got in a relationship with a better guy, he doesnt even smoke cigarettes like i always wanted in a person, who sets higher standards for themselves and has confidence, he was born August 1st, 1988. Him and I are exactly 9 years & 11 months apart. My first childs father has always done drugs since his teen years, he was born in April 17th, 1993, i was with him for sexual reasons but I wanted to find true love instead so things worked out for the best even if my mind brings up the negative past. I do not have my daughter because of my mental illnesses and court that carried through social services getting involved. All that happened was a long story. I have never been married, I take marriage as a very sacred thing. Im spiritual. I read the King James Version Bible, if that helps you understand me some for what I believe. Found out around July 2017 that I got pregnant for the second time and I'm undecided what to do at this time, abortion is not an option for me of any sorts, because God considers that murder. I ended up with severe postpartum depression my first pregnancy and it never went away but my brain has always been treatment resistant anyhow with trying mediction and therapys, so theres no point. I update my profile here when it needs it. So you dont have to ask too many questions about me, I have most about me on here, besides i'm just here for helping peeple out, but i understand if you need to get an idea if your comfortable with me or not. My favorite color is dark purple, I am a female(it shows gender on my profile), I have a dark Hip-Hop style in clothing and shoes, I eat healthy foods and I dont eat red meats much, I only eat chicken and turkey for a meat for the most part and everything else I will as long as its healthy, my eye color is hazel one of my eyes is more brown and the other is more green while both my pupils are different in size as well, my hair color is hard to tell but maybe dishwater blonde and i like it long, i am white ethnicity and race, born in north america, my skin is only a shade or two from albino because im pale skinned naturally, my height is 5 foot 7 inches, I am heterosexual meaning straight. I believe everyone is equal, so I dont support any state or place more then any other, i choose to respect by how each person is then by the state or place they are from. I also believe the government is corrupt and greedy, so I do not care for politics or money even if its how we live. When I was around two years old I had already believed in God from the start, I told my mom about "how we all started in heaven and our soul was placed in a body during pregnancy of women. I told her how I didnt like the world and how I rather be in heaven because how beautiful and nice it was to be there, I was crying about it at that time". Thats what my mom had told me, and she at the time was unsure of Gods exsistance until I mentioned that all to her. I was one of those children who knew about God when I wasn't even taught of Him, his spirit is naturally in all children though, I just knew of Him naturally at a very young age and only so many specific people do that or can even remember it. Theres a book written about the children who knew and spoke of God very early in life without being able to know by anyone else. Its a book called Psychic Children by Sylvia Browne, I think thats the name. If anyone has had an expierance like that, I would love to hear about what you remember or what you were told you had said. When I was 14 thats when I got myself Into cult issues with the Ouija Board and it lead to my mental illnesses. Age 16 I stopped getting involved with the Ouija Board and Occult related practices, I went from many religions like Pagan, Wiccan and Satanism all the way back to Christiananity with God.
**Only send me personal requests if you are in desperate need, just want to have a general conversation or send me a message, but, please, promise to not be rude or judge me because I won't reply back nicely if you are, no matter what. Respect goes both ways and I would appreciate if you keep negative opinions about me to yourself. I know myself best and so does God. Our policy on the site is we cannot offer Advice, I am following the policy so I can further listen to who needs it, so please do not ask for advice or 'what should I do' questions. I am here to listen, ask questions, and to help you help yourself like being open minded. Thank you for understanding.** At the time I had made an account on here I realized that I would only be able to chat when my symptoms weren't flaired up to a debilitating state, as in my mind causing me consistant issues that were so severe.
*Green Status(online)- I am accepting accepting chats now. Meaning, personal requests and ready to answer chats.
*Orange Status(busy)- I am in a chat with someone & have my status this color so I do not get more personal requests/chats right now. So I can further listen to who I am chatting with.
*Red Status(offline)- I am not taking any requests/chats right now or answering them or I am not online. If you happen to just send a message because we have talked before, I will reply back as soon as I can. Hopefully, if you just sent me a message and we havent chatted before, see below for details.
I would prefer you send me a personal request, so I know you read my profile or I may not answer back, unless you told me you had read my whole profile otherwise. Thank you in advance and I understand some people are in very desperate situations and do not have time to read the whole profile, but if you attempted it then you may feel more comfortable with me knowing something about me.
Best relating issues: Psychotic issues, Rage/Anger issues, Self Harm, Depression including suicidal issues as well, OCD, Self-Control/Impulse Control Issues, Thought Issues, Disabilities, Sexual Addiction, Emotional Abuse, Demonic Oppression, Cult and Occult Issues. For anyone dealing with understaning God, He has always exsisted and its hard to believe because we have births and deaths each day but God is perfect and has always been. If the forbidden fruit would have not been eaten like Satan wanted, then we would not deal with life and death or sin of that matter. This world isn't perfect, but because of what Adam and Eve did, God plans to make a new world as his plan would go through this next time.
Also, you can leave me a review on here is you want, but don't give me a bad review just because I don't do what you want, like giving advice, etc... Leave a review according to how well I have listened or helped you open your mind up to a new perspective, that's the whole idea so you can help yourself out more easily. You have a choice to leave stars according to how well I done, along with the review. Also, just because you read all this doesnt mean its my entire life all in one, the part where I talk about my personality and interests is basically all of me there but as far as experiences go, I didn't list everything and it doesnt mean you know me better then I know myself, so please don't say you know me. I've had random messages from people where they say they feel as if they know me or can completely relate to me, but we're all different so I don't believe it's entirely possible to know anyone else completely but yourself, except God and Jesus who created us.