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My little disability space [TW]

AvyIsKing December 16th, 2023

Hi! My name is Avy. I'm 15 years old. Basically I am going to use this space to rant about pain, the affects of my disability, and weird little things about it no one notices. 

Let me explain my story a little bit:

So in 2021 I was playing soccer and I got stepped on, and then stepped on again early 2022. I went to my doctor and she sent me to an orthopedic doctor. That was when the surgeon said he was surprised I hadn't been to see him sooner. Because of my injury I ended up with severe tendinitis and arthritis in my foot. I was sent to physical therapy. Through months of intense physical therapy 4 times a week and going to the surgeon every 3 weeks, he figured this out. I have naturally high arches, it runs in my family. But for some reason the tendons in my foot stopped growing when I was about 7. Which explains why my feet have always hurt. As I'm getting older and taller it's getting worse and one day the tendons in my feet will snap. I also have tri-pod foot (that's what he called it) from my heels being misaligned. Basically only 3 really small points on my feet ever touch the ground. Not even my toes 😨. I've gone through 2 pairs of inserts, I do physical therapy every dang day, and nothings working. Basically now my only option is surgery. Since I've been limping for 2 years my knee has been affected and so has my hips. This whole process has been really isolating and discouraging. I kind of just want it over. 

Anyway lots of weird things happen so I'll share them here!

AvyIsKing OP March 18th


yeah ): my old ex who was a really bad person and did a lot of messed up things to me. we started talking again as friends but now he's like confessing his undying love and being really pushy and weird again and im scared 

also don't u need sleep ? *hugs tightly* i love you 

Tinywhisper11 March 18th

@AvyIsKing 😞😞 please be safe😞

AvyIsKing OP March 20th

AHHHHHH positive post 

its officially my birthday!!! And boy does my nose hurt but I love it. TW when I turned 13 my brother told me id oof myself before I turned 15, but now I'm 16. I did it. I just did it. I caj barely walk but I did it

tearstruck March 20th

hiii :) yaaayyy HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUU 🥳🥳🎉🎉🪅 oohh you're 16? I'm 16 too 😁 (older than u though hehe) I'm proud of you for making it this far ❤️ wish you the best for everything :) <3

Why does your nose hurt? not sure if you've already mentioned earlier sorry. Hope you're okay <3 have an amazing birthday!! :)

AvyIsKing OP March 20th


ahhhh thank you!!!! 

It hurts cause I got it peirced like an hour ago 🥲 lol

tearstruck March 20th

@AvyIsKing oohhhh that makes sense :D I'm glad you love it:) take care and have an amazing 16th! <3

Tinywhisper11 March 20th

@AvyIsKing yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

🎶🎶 happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you,

Blah blah blah blah blah

Blah blah blah blah blah

blah blah blah blah vodka 🎶🎶

but your only 16, so I'll just take that vodka😁 awwww! Your sweet 16th ❤❤❤ here's your balloons🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈 *pop* *pop* oops! Sorry I like poping things😁 did your piercing hurt??? And yes you made it 😂😂😂 you sound like a old lady😂😂😂😂 'puts on old lady voice' "once I used to rock around the clock, now I hobble around the block"😂😂

anyway it's present time 🎁 open it. . It's a globe 🌎 cause you mean the world to me ❤❤ heres your other present 🎁let's open it... Oh look it's a new foot 🦶. Yaaaay! Now your all better ❤❤❤gives you the giantist tiny birthday hug evverrr ❤❤ I love you ❤

AvyIsKing OP March 20th


lolllaaaaaaa this made me cry omg 🥺🥺🥺🥺 thank you for the new foot! I love you so much *hugssss*

Tinywhisper11 March 20th

@AvyIsKing huggggs the birthday girl ❤❤ how is your sweet 16th going?

AvyIsKing OP March 20th


Hugggsss mom is being a butt, and I'm sad, but I'm having milkshakes with my friend at a cool restaurant 

Tinywhisper11 March 20th

@AvyIsKing ooooo! Milkshake😋 strawberry ones are my favouritist😁 stupid mum! Don't let her ruin this day for you ❤ it's your sweet 16th, a milestone birthday ❤ you should get 3 milkshakes😋

AvyIsKing OP March 20th


I got a peach one!!!! My mom is being better now (: getting ready to go on a car trip now eheheheh

Tinywhisper11 March 21st

@AvyIsKing you got a peachy one haha! Me too🍑💨 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 oooo! A car trip, I wonder where you went🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 I'm glad your having a nice birthday you deserve it ❤❤ 

AvyIsKing OP March 21st


im going to visit my grandma, all the way in new Jersey!!! (: I had the most amazing day. My mom didn't do much like at all, which big shock, I'm a big girl now, I guess happy birthday is enough lol aha. My sister and my friends planned a little surprise party and everyone made me gifts and it was so sweet I almost cried (: 

Tinywhisper11 March 21st

@AvyIsKing awwww that's sweet ❤ have fun with grandma, I bet she'll be sooooo happy to see  you and your sister ❤❤  and a little party with your sister and friends that sounds really nice ❤ homemade gifts are the best ❤❤❤ 

you know when you and your sister are a little bit older living fun, happy lives, perhaps starting families of your own, then your mum is gonna realise the damage she caused, she's gonna realise all those opportunities she missed out on and mistakes that was her own ignorant fault. In the end it's gonna be you and your sister that come out victorious in this whole situation ❤❤

how are you feeling? I bet your doors hurting quite a bit after today? Is your knee any less swollen yet?? And how is your nose? I bet it looks really great on you ❤

AvyIsKing OP March 22nd


my grandma is happy to see me, but her health is failing. My knee hurts and so does my foot. I got really bad news today and I'm just sad and my irl friend who my life worth living is quitting band and I'm like 

really upset

I might loose my granmda sooner than we thought 🥺😞 not having a good day at all ): 

tearstruck March 22nd

@AvyIsKing Ohhhh 😢 I'm so sorry to hear that ❤️🥺😞 take care 💕

AvyIsKing OP March 22nd


my grandma is like my mum and she's ill and has been for over 3 years but last we know she was doing good. Im so worried. If she goes back on chemo ill deferr my surgery to be here 

tearstruck March 22nd

@AvyIsKing ohhhh 😭😭😭 I understand, I'm so sorry ❤❤❤ I know thats must be really worrying and upsetting for you and you're very close to her and on top of that youre already going through a lot, and with your friend and that as well 😔 I'm sorry ❤ here for you if you need anything ❤ *hugs if okay*

AvyIsKing OP March 22nd



also im getting foot reconstruction this summer

tearstruck March 22nd
@AvyIsKing I can understand you wanting to stay to spend time with her  Whats the surgery for? <3 
Tinywhisper11 March 22nd

@AvyIsKing 😞poor grandma. I'm so sorry sweetie😢 the thought of loosing your grandma, and a good friend, must be so hard😞 hugs you tightly ❤ sends healing rainbows 🌈🌈 to grandma ❤ unfortunately with life comes death, but it's what you left behind that makes you happily cross t hat bridge to heaven. And she has left alot, I bet her best, most proudest things she'll leave behind is the you and your sister, and the love she has for her family ❤ everything is gonna be ok sweetie, I'm right here for you ❤❤ gives you a giant tiny hug ❤❤

AvyIsKing OP March 22nd


I know, and I know shes done fighting, this has been 3 years in the fighting. I'm just scared, and sad. Really really sad. I dont want to loose her. Ive lost every person ive ever cared about. They all say they wont go and then they do. I had a really good birthday but now im head deep in scary sadness again. I dont know if i can handle loosing both of them. I'm like attached to my friend, i was literally screaming at him last night. And my grandma is just... Shes my world. 

Tinywhisper11 March 22nd

@AvyIsKing being sad and scared right now is understandable sweetie 😞 hugggs you tightly. In any relationships, grandma or friend of other. We are all passing through this world making our own way. People will come and go all through out your life, but what matters is the memories you shared with them when you could. So instead of shouting at your friend do something memorable instead, like maybe one last giannnttt hug, and whisper in his ear, I love you and we'll meet again sometime ❤ and grandma isn't gone yet, you may not be able to see her as often as you like, but nice daily conversations on the phone, trust me it won't be a waste of time. Hugs you tightly ❤❤ offers a shoulder to cry on

AvyIsKing OP March 22nd


i cant tell him i love him, even though i do. he has a girlfriend and his mom literally hates me. like she hates me for no reason other than i am the way i am. im gonna try and call my grandma more often, its just the idea of never seeing her again makes me so sad. i know people come and people go, but these are people that i consider my family. people i love with the entirety of my heart. i just don't want them to go. hugssss <3 im trying my hardest not to cry lol. 

Tinywhisper11 March 23rd

@AvyIsKing 😞😞 I'm so sorry sweetie 😢  I wish I was there to hug you in person. I've never had to deal with this kind of thing before, so I'm  not sure how best to comfort you. Just remember it's safe here, you can vent  and cry. You don't have to try and stay strong, when your not feeling it ❤ I love  you and I'm right here for you ❤

AvyIsKing OP March 23rd


I love you too, and thank you <3 i got some sleep and am feeling a bit better, im way less worried and scared <3 hugs

Tinywhisper11 March 24th

@AvyIsKing that's good sleep is good ❤❤ hugs you tightly ❤❤ what about you how are you feeling with your pain levels??

AvyIsKing OP March 24th


i love love loveeee your profile picture. Lola you are so pretty 🥺

pain is ok. I got a busy day today so im gonna try and not hurt lol

AvyIsKing OP March 25th

I had my party. 

I was hurting. If im not in physical pain im in mental pain because i cant eat really. Im so sick of this. I just want it to be over.

AvyIsKing OP March 27th

Ive never been in more pain in my life. 

I just want it to stop

Tinywhisper11 March 27th

@AvyIsKing hugs you tightly ❤ I know how hard it is to manage physical and mental pain all at the same time. But you've come this far, it will get better I promise, your gonna be ok ❤ I love you ❤

AvyIsKing OP March 27th


i love you too. im just really really tired and the pain has gotten so much worse and im just so tired 

AvyIsKing OP March 28th

I reminded my mom TWICE Tonight i needed my meds and when i finally said mom its 9pm i needed to take my meds at 5 she looked me dead in fhe eyes amd said fvck you. And then lectured me about being up to date with my meds

and so i felt stupid and useless so i folded the laundry to make her not angry and yell and i folded her socks wrong and she got so mad at me

😞😞 im really just so done

Tinywhisper11 March 28th

@AvyIsKing wraps you in a cosy blanket and cuddles you up ❤ I really wish you were in a safe, happy home. You suffer so much, and she does nothing to help😞 it's really sad. I'm sorry sweetie. Dw one day your gonna be pain free and living a life of luxury, cause your amazing and deserve only nice things ❤ I love you ❤ 

AvyIsKing OP March 28th


i love you too ❤️❤️ part of me wants to just leave. I got enough cash and i can grab food and meds and stuff. I'll just go and be on my own 

Tinywhisper11 March 28th

@AvyIsKing *pulls worried face* I know that would be ideal. But you have to work there sort of discussion through first. But I really do understand that feeling. It's only a couple of years, then you will be free to go somewhere else and be safe at the same time. For now just hold on to all the hope you can. Let's get you physically well again first ❤

AvyIsKing OP March 28th

@Tinywhisper11 i dont even know if i have it left in me. i have 722 days left. its raining so i cant leave today (water allergy) but i probably will tomorrow. i don't know, im just so done. i can take care of myself i think. i don't really know. 

Tinywhisper11 March 28th

@AvyIsKing😞 I wish I could bring you here and look after you properly, just think before you make any desicions, the world can be a cruel place. And I worry about you ❤❤

AvyIsKing OP March 28th


i will, ill think it over 100% first