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My little disability space [TW]

AvyIsKing December 16th, 2023

Hi! My name is Avy. I'm 15 years old. Basically I am going to use this space to rant about pain, the affects of my disability, and weird little things about it no one notices. 

Let me explain my story a little bit:

So in 2021 I was playing soccer and I got stepped on, and then stepped on again early 2022. I went to my doctor and she sent me to an orthopedic doctor. That was when the surgeon said he was surprised I hadn't been to see him sooner. Because of my injury I ended up with severe tendinitis and arthritis in my foot. I was sent to physical therapy. Through months of intense physical therapy 4 times a week and going to the surgeon every 3 weeks, he figured this out. I have naturally high arches, it runs in my family. But for some reason the tendons in my foot stopped growing when I was about 7. Which explains why my feet have always hurt. As I'm getting older and taller it's getting worse and one day the tendons in my feet will snap. I also have tri-pod foot (that's what he called it) from my heels being misaligned. Basically only 3 really small points on my feet ever touch the ground. Not even my toes 😨. I've gone through 2 pairs of inserts, I do physical therapy every dang day, and nothings working. Basically now my only option is surgery. Since I've been limping for 2 years my knee has been affected and so has my hips. This whole process has been really isolating and discouraging. I kind of just want it over. 

Anyway lots of weird things happen so I'll share them here!

Tinywhisper11 January 30th

@AvyIsKing inserts? Is that a operation?? Good luck sweetie ❤ don't worry it will go well, message me as soon as your out of hospital ok? A boot, I've seen those I really hope that helps ❤❤❤ hey! Now you only have to buy one shoe at a time, save money😁😁😁😁 also ask for a wheelchair. I love you ❤❤ I'm right here for you ❤❤ goodluck and yaaaay! Finally ❤

AvyIsKing OP January 30th

@Tinywhisper11 ok so inserts are basically little things that go in my shoes, custom fit to my feet. Its a pretty easy process, I just go and wait for a bit. Thursday is going to suck though, because things have gotten worse and the lady todsy said my dr might just say screw the test and schedule me for surgery 

AvyIsKing OP January 30th

Ok so i forgot all about this so here's how today went!

Moderate pain day,my friend is going to give me her crutches to borrow. Drs app went well, I'm getting that test done, most likely in may. THe lady doesn't doubt ill need surgery, and she told me a bit more about it, which I knew but my mom was scared. Most likely they will break my bones this summer. The lady asked if there is any family history of disorders such as CMT (what I did researchon) and my mum said no but my dad has high arches too, and the lady said she might refer me to a genetic doctor because it could be tuat. 

Tinywhisper11 January 30th

@AvyIsKing that does sound scary, but they know what their doing, I know you want to go on the band trip. But health first yeah? The quicker the better ❤❤❤ I'm so proud of how brave your being through all this, I really hope they can fix you up properly ❤❤ gives you a giant tiny hug ❤❤

AvyIsKing OP January 30th

@Tinywhisper11 hugssss ❤️❤️ me too ❤️❤️ I won't go on the trip unless i know i can handle itn

Tinywhisper11 January 30th

@AvyIsKing there will be other trips. But you never know maybe you will be able to go on the trip still ❤ and when your better you can plan cool day trips with your friends, and go roller skating without any pain🤗 ❤ hugs you tightly

AvyIsKing OP January 30th

@Tinywhisper11 hugs <3 im going to talk to my doctor thursday, seeing if he advises me not to go. i shouldn't be on my feet much :0 lots of sitting and practicing, and swimming which is great for my foot 

Tinywhisper11 January 31st

@AvyIsKing bless you. Your doing so amazingly well with all this ❤ swimming is good for your foot? Wow! I wouldn't of thought that. I've never been in a swimming pool or the sea. But probably best , I don't think my wheelchair floats😁😁 hugs you tightly ❤❤ let  me know how it goes tomorrow ❤

AvyIsKing OP January 31st

@tinywhisper11 water is overrated aha, im allergic lolll! Today is going to be a really hard day, we are TW putting jeffys sister to sleep. Everyone is sad. Im getting my crutches tho

Tinywhisper11 January 31st

@AvyIsKing oh no😞 is jeffys sister, your sisters bunny? Bless you all 😢 crutches are great tho ❤❤hugs you tightly, I'm sorry sweetie

AvyIsKing OP January 31st

@Tinywhisper11 we just got home from the vet. Yeah she was my sister's bunny. Hugs you really tight. Here's a picture of lucky, she was 7resized-20240131-165217_1706743870.jpeg

Tinywhisper11 January 31st

@AvyIsKing awwww she's so cute ❤ I'm really sorry sweetie. But 7 is pretty old in bunny years😥 wraps you in a cosy blanket and cuddles you up ❤ are you ok?

AvyIsKing OP January 31st


I'm doing okay. Just trying to get ready for tomorrow. She was really old, we only had to because she was paralyzed from the waist down. My sister is jokingly mad at jeffy because he's almost 8 and still being crazy. 

Idk I'm just sad 

Tinywhisper11 January 31st

@AvyIsKing it's hard looking a family member, you all love so much ❤ but it was the kindest thing to do ❤ hey! Yeah it's your trip tomorrow, have lots of fun ❤ and I'm sure being with your friends will cheer you up ❤❤ hugs you tightly ❤ 

AvyIsKing OP February 1st


Loosing her is just bringing back all I've lost. My friend I thought had passed away this fall is alive, just disappeared. I was missing them and emailed them today. I was happy but they said that they can't talk to me anymore, being friends with me was a mistake and they were sorry and said goodbye 🥺🥺 it's been a really really hard year for me. 

Tinywhisper11 February 1st

@AvyIsKing 😥 your a good friend ❤❤ you really are the sweetest kindest person in the whole world. And even with all the pain and everything your going through. Your still amazing and the best l oving girl ever ❤I'm glad that person is ok, but that's their problem, their the one who's missing out on having the chance to be your friend. Looking Lucky, is very upsetting and triggering, it's ok for you to be upset and reminded about sad things right now. Keeps hugging you all day long ❤

AvyIsKing OP February 1st

@Tinywhisper11 hugs ❤❤ I'm just really sad right now, and I don't want to be. I should be happy considering I'm going on a trip tomorrow. I should be grateful for what I have, not what I've lost I guess 

Tinywhisper11 February 1st

@AvyIsKing it's ok to be sad, it's good to cry, let yourself cry, and feel for a bit ❤ be kind to yourself ❤ then in a few hours, hopefully the excitement of tonmorow, will take over, and you'll be ready to put your smile on and get ready. Hugsss you tightly ❤ it's so gonna be ok ❤

AvyIsKing OP February 1st

@Tinywhisper11 I'm home alone, I'm crying a bit. I guess that's healthy aha. I'm excited for tomorrow, I probably won't feel excited til after I go to the surgeon lol ❤❤❤

Tinywhisper11 February 1st

@AvyIsKing hugs you tightly ❤ how are you feeling now? I know how upsetting it is, bless you ❤ are you nervous about seeing the surgeon?? Please let me know what happens. Hugs you again ❤ I love you ❤ jeffy will cheer you up ❤

AvyIsKing OP February 1st


I just got back. So surgery is a definite they just need to know from the study if it's bone or tendon. I got a walking boot, his name is Karl hehe also jeffy says heyyyyy 

Tinywhisper11 February 1st

@AvyIsKing you named your boot 😂😂😂😂😂😂 so your ok to go tommorow??? And thats good I think surgery would have the best outcome for you ❤❤ and the sooner the better ❤

AvyIsKing OP February 1st

@Tinywhisper11 yes I did! And I'm all good to go (: 

I changed his name to Leo 😔 mostly because I have a Karl already. I decorated Leo with stickers 


Tinywhisper11 February 1st

@AvyIsKing leo and karl are both great names ❤❤ and hey! That boot looks pretty cool, and your stickers make it look very pretty😍 and yaaay! You can go ❤❤❤ time to get your excited face on😁 I'm so happy you can go, and have fun ❤❤ yaaaay

AvyIsKing OP February 1st

@Tinywhisper11 I'm so excited!! We are leaving In about an hour and a half !!!! ❤❤❤ I love you 

Tinywhisper11 February 1st

@AvyIsKing oh wow! Yyaaaaaaayyy! Have lots of fun, quick pack everything ❤❤❤ yaaay I love you more ❤

AvyIsKing OP February 4th

Wheeeee im home!! Gah i had so much fun! Like it was so amazing!! im going to write something positive up to post in a different forum (cant use my corner because its teen only and I wanna share with lola) I'm exhausted so just a teenie tiny little rant

I hate my boot, its causing more pain than good, and my new high strength anti inflammatory/pain med isn't working 

Tinywhisper11 February 10th

@AvyIsKing did you have fun?? Your cream didn't work😞 that's not good, and your boot. Perhaps they didn't make it right for your foot. I'll look at your other post in a minut e. I've actually not been in here till last night, I've been ill and not able to use the computer, but I'm all good now 😁❤ I want to hear all about your trip?? Gives you a giant tiny hug ❤❤

AvyIsKing OP February 10th

@Tinywhisper11 hugsssss ❤️❤️ I was getting worried, im so glad you are feeling better. My trip was amazing! SInce I've come home things haven't been great. Me and my boyfriend are taking a break 😪 I've also had some home life issues and things with friends and things are just nkt great right now. I might get to see my bf today tho, at a girl scout function. I missed you, I love you

Tinywhisper11 February 11th

@AvyIsKing I love you too ❤ oh no, I hope you get to talk it through with your bf😥 and I'm sorry things are hard for you right now. Gives you the biggest tiny hug evvver ❤ how's your health since you got back? I'm here for you, if you need me ❤ I love you ❤

AvyIsKing OP February 11th

@Tinywhisper11 i love you too. My health hasnt been great but I'm taking each day as it comes. Also my test is scheduled for may 14th, it may be sooner if there is a cancellation

Tinywhisper11 February 12th

@AvyIsKing oh let's pray for sooner, I hate the fact your in so much pain. I know how hard it is, bless you. I really hope they can make you better. But it's only a month away, so yes take each day as it comes, everything will be ok ❤❤ how was girl scouts?? Did you see your bf? It's ok if you don't want to talk about it. I just worry about you , cause I love you ❤❤ gives you tight hugs ❤❤

AvyIsKing OP February 12th


girl scouts was fun i guess, I was running the event, and was really spaced out. Pain was unbearable today. And I talked to my boyfriend, he said he still needs time. i sent him a long and considerate text and he said nothing in regards to me. i had so much faith in him too. Idk, people really hurt. Hes used me and moved on just like everyone ever. And my mom is getting more and more violent, and I'm just so tired 😞

I love you too, and I hope u know u can tell me anything

Tinywhisper11 February 12th

@AvyIsKing awww I'm sorry sweetie 😞 boys are stinky pants. Hugs you tightly ❤❤ your mum's being vio!ent again😞 your having such a hard time, my heart ❤ really goes out to you ❤❤ one day soon, you will be free and able to do whatever you want, and you'll live a life fit for a princess ❤ I love you ❤

AvyIsKing OP February 12th


I love you too ❤ I can't wait to leave all of this behind, the pain, my family, just everything. I'll be 16 in a month and 8 days, so then I can begin my 2 year countdown.  I might be coming to the UK for uni, I just gotta get far away from here 

Tinywhisper11 February 13th

@AvyIsKing 😞 hugs you tightly, I wish I could keep you safe

AvyIsKing OP February 13th


i wish I could keep you safe. i had a good cry, and I'm feeling a little better

Tinywhisper11 February 13th

@AvyIsKing crying is good for you ❤ I've been doing a lot of that lately to. But it's all gonna be ok ❤ we are both gonna be ok ❤❤ it's moments like this that I wish I was a cowboy(cowgirl) and I could jump on my horse and ride of into the sunset with out a worry in the world ❤

AvyIsKing OP February 13th


take me with you? 🥺

Tinywhisper11 February 14th

@AvyIsKing don't worry I already got you a cowboy outfit and a horse named braveheart ❤ there's even a tiny horse ready for jeffy😁