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Needing support for a friend

RedPandaExpress88 August 4th, 2016

sad My new friend told me she has Ulcerative Colitis, last night, and I don't know how to cheer her up. I haven't had a good track record with friends, but she is a nice person, who I wish bad things didn't happen to her. I tried messaging a listener, but I don't know who to turn to. I feel terrible for not instinctively knowing what will make her feel better. I feel like I'm letting her down and no amount of silly pictures and youtube videos can take her mnd off of what she has. Is there anyone who has UC or anyone who knows someone with this long-term condition?

SandyM August 5th, 2016

@RedPandaExpress88 You are a great friend to be concerned about her and her wellbeing. I don't have or know anyone with UC but from personal experience my mother got diagnosed with cancer when I was 12. The first month I was so distraught that I could not be confronted just like its seems your friend is at the moment. I know that its so frustating but this is a natural reaction to getting bad news. For me during that time was a friend of mine that said to me that I can't change the diagnosis or know what to do but even though things are changing in your home life, our friendship is not going to change. I will still be there for whenever you need it, you can call me and we are still going to have fun together like going to the movies and shopping. It really helped me knowing that there was some stability in my crazy world.

Know she doesn't mean to make you feel terrible rather she is overwhelmed and distressed. This will pass.

Secondly you are a fantastic friend and someone I would wish would be there for me if I had problems in my life.

My only sugguestion would be to kept up send her message every now and again casually saying I hope you are having a okay day today. Thinking of you and I am a message away if you need me. Also maybe setting up a time to go out or if she is not well enough to do something together where she is like a coffee, playing some music together, a movie night.

You are amazing and don't forget that

Take care

RedPandaExpress88 OP August 10th, 2016

Thank you so much, @SandyM

I'm sorry I haven't replied to you sooner, and I'm really sorry about your mom and how her diagnosis affected not only her, but your whole family. I'm really glad you had a special friend in your life to help you through it.

You gave me great advice and I appreciate it. I wish you well. Have a great life. heart