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Chronic Illness x7

RC9520 Monday

Hello 👋🏼 I’m Rachel - 33 years old from Wisconsin and living with my husband of 4 years and our 2 fur babies. I wanted to write a little intro to connect with others that might share some commonalities with me. In May of 2020 I was diagnosed with my first chronic illness and my life has been going in a downward spiral ever since. I now have 7 diagnoses/chronic illnesses, I’ve had multiple brain surgeries, I’ve been hospitalized 12 times, I’ve been fired from 4 different jobs, and we just had to file for medical bankruptcy. My diagnoses/illnesses include: IIH, migraines, TBI, stroke, tachycardia, type 2 diabetes, liver disease/NASH, major depressive disorder, and peanut allergy/anaphylaxis. I also have a ventriculoatrial (VA) shunt that drains excess fluid from my brain down into the right atrium of my heart. Let’s connect and support each other if we share anything in common (or you just need a friend 😊)!

MistyMagic Monday

@RC9520 Welcome to 7 Cups! And welcome to the Disability Support Community too 🌞

Thanks for introducing yourself, I am sure you will get a lot of replies.

@RC9520. Hi there, nice to meet you. 

stormieandpaws 3 days ago


hi we have chronic  illnesses too. not same as your other then a few we have type 2 diabetics  due to can not take the med they start most on. we been on insulin but it still not low as they want. have diabetic neuropathy  and trauma  neuropathy too. also chronic  traumatic  brain injury, Fibromyalgia and the list goes on and on. we now 54yr old for us everything started around age 30yr and we been on SSI ( government  disability) since we was around 32yr. we also have learning disabilities  and mental illness. bi-polar, cptsd, anxiety  so long list in pain 24/7

AffyAvo 2 days ago

Welcome! I've had lifelong illnesses but new ones have developed and some have gotten worse.

I have a job with very flexible hours. 

slowdecline48 2 hours ago

I am truly sorry all that happened to you, Rachel. 😔 It's not right...not at all.

Can't imagine what your husband goes through in dealing with the fallout from all those conditions.

I have chronic conditions also, but I gotta be honest here: they are nothing like yours. My main one does not have a firm diagnosis yet, but the best guess ATM is "vestibular migraines". (It was previously Dx'ed as Meniére's disease. Go figure) It & my chronic tendinitis limit my life the most. They aren't the only conditions I have but they are the most restrictive &, at times, the most crippling.

No pets here as I'm not up to the responsibility. If I could own one, it would be a good medium-sized dog. He wouldn't have to look show-ready or even handsome; all I would require is his loyalty & enough intelligence to not go running out into traffic.

All those disabling illnesses & you're still pretty, too...ain't that the way? I've seen it more than once. Some days I'm completely messed up, but you wouldn't necessarily know it when I'm walking around. Have you ever had a healthy person say "but you don't look sick"? 🙄 I've heard that... If they only knew.

WellsFiction 37 minutes ago

@RC9520 Hi Rachel! I'm Mattie. First of all I really love your sunglasses! I'm so sorry you're going through all of that. I'm 30 now, but I was diagnosed with a rare disorder when I was nine years old. I've received therapy through infusions over the last twenty years. It's a lot to go through, yet I'm extremely grateful for the people in my life. I'm always here if you need a chat :)