What is your disability?
Anyone who wants to share their disability can do so here, post your symptoms that trouble you most or your condition or both. It is up to you. I have Schizoaffective Disorder, OCD, Borderline Personality Traits- not the full disorder, Daily Chronic Headache & Short Term Memory Issues. It is severe & persistent, I was fully Diagnosed on September 6, 2016. I have been dealing with the issues since I was 14, self harm started age 13. Anyhow, If you want to share, feel free & take care!
I have:
Schizophrenia, limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2J/ Tibial Muscular Dystrophy, depression, generalized anxiety, and PTSD.
Hard of hearing, cancer survivior with chronic lymphedema in 1 leg and chemotherapty-induced periphrial neuropathy in the other.
I have a difficulty with acknowleding whether I am disabled or just someone with chronic health conditions. In some situations, I'm considered disabled (such as at university) and in others, I would say I'm not disabled. It's definitely a label you must accept to apply to yourself or not.
Anyway, I deal with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (and related symptoms such as chronic fatigue), Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (though the diagnosis is still not 100% certain), asthma, eczema, psoriasis, IBS, regular incidences of tendinitis and I have general anxiety, previously PTSD like symptoms and panic disorder.
@SilentSerenityy Hey there. If you need listener you can text me. I would love to help.❤
This is almost a complete (I think) list of my health isssues, including disabilities:
*chronic fatigue syndrome
*Chronic migraines
*Mitral Valve Prolapse
*Gilbert's Disease
*Bipolar Disorder
*Borderline Personality Disorder
*generalized anxiety, social anxiety, pretty much every type of anxiety
*Panic attacks
*Tardive Dyskensia
*Seasonal allergies
@K87 i feel for you...
I appreciate it 😉
@Amd14 Is that something relatively new? Good thing you have glasses to help!
Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, Audio Processing disorder, hearing imparied, visually imparied
mental health issues - social anxiety, depression, trauma, audio hallulinations and a whole bunch of other stuff
@listeningspaniel oh and chronic pain, I struggle with walking but an't know body thinks its a problem they just think I'm lazy
@listeningspaniel Hey. If you need listener feel free to text me.
L HAVE A DISABILITY pulmonary hypertension. I have bad pain and I'm told that my pulmonary hypertension was caused from lupus. I was a junkie when I was twenty and have struggled with addiction until I started wanting to live. However I was not aware that I was self medicating due to another emotional and rocky relationship between my mother who is controlling . I had no clue when she was able to take my son who was disabled away from me so I started to use speed . This was many many years back. However the scars on my arm have been a reminder that self destruction will be there so I am trying my best to find a way to get these scars removed. If not I will feel like people will judge me for the past. I am also trying to find a way to get past the next step before I get in a bit of a shock as I am living with my mom who at 40 controls what she can. I want to think as a woman and meet a man and I would love to do my best to love myself as well and know that I want to live. I want to listen to others and be a person who has no judgement and believes just because a person was not the best in the past the person has the ability to do things differently. Also I am not suger coating what I did as it was not legal and I was able to do time and I did put this past behind me so I do know that when I was able to get a pic of what I did I will say that the first time I was in front of a person who was able to help me see therapy can help with disabilities as long as there is goals and objectives that are met.
@richyShiny39 Hey. If you need listener feel free to text me.❤
My left hand was paralyzed for almost an year and a half due to an accident. I had to learn new ways to live with only one hand. It is still half-paraized (i can't feel my last two fingers and there is a tingly sensetion all the time from the damaged nerve). I have three cancers (dedifferentiated liposarcoma, dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma and a benign skin cancer). At my last operatiom they wanted to amputedmy leg together with my right hip and my right buttock so i was preparing mentally for that but the surgeons managed to save my leg. I suffer from prolonged chronic depression, bipolar with inclination to depression and a bit of ADHD. I wish you all well, we are strong in our sufferings together...
@SakoombaKero Hey. If you need listener feel free to text me.😊
Hi, yall!
I struggle with some invisible disabilities. Most people tell me I look fine, but I struggle with every day tasks and to function as a regular human being. Here are my chronic illnesses and disabilities:
-Microscopic colitis (IBD)
-Chronic migraines
-Epilepsy/seizures (inactive, havent had a seizure in years)
-Clinical depression (very severe)
-Anxiety (general and social, severe)
I also have SIBO as a result of my IBS & MC being active for the past few months & I am prone to ulcers. My mental health issues affect my functioning ability severely as well in addition to the physical ones so that causes me to be relatively hard on myself.
@Cutiepear That's a big list, I hope you have some good ways to manage them.
I suffer from eds its a very invisible condition for the majority of the time until it is too late, it affects every part of my body including organ, tissue and muscles, for my whole life people thought I lied about pain I was experiencing because they were never anything physical to prove it, I had constant dislocations that doctors put down to growing and assumed it would heal itself
At this moment in time there is no cure
Along with Eds I also have asthma, arthritis
@Smiler1206 I'm glad you got it diagnosed, but it's frustrating when doctors allow a problem to go on a while because they don't know the issue!
Hi there, new to 7 Cups. I'll be 25 this July and I have moderate-to-severe Tourette's Syndrome that greatly impacts my daily life. Some days are so bad that I'm ticcing for hours, which puts stress on my kiddos to see me in such a state. Comorbidities that stem from the TS are ADHD and OCD.
Thanks for listening!
I have a speech impediment that doesn't allow me to speak as fluently as most people and it's very hard to pronounce certain words. But most importantly, I'm half deaf, as in I'm deaf in one ear. It sure is hard to talk to people when you can't even speak or hear properly.
@akash969 Do you use any tools that help your communication? It must be fairly frustrating at times.
@AffyAvo Nah, nobody knows about it.
@akash969 Have you ever considered trying telling one person? Maybe even ask for them to come closer to your 'good ear'? I've had friends do that and I don't mind as it makes it easier on both of us!