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Dietary restrictions and Holiday Meals & Gatherings

AffyAvo December 12th, 2021

Any gathering where food is involved can be tricky with things like specific diets, allergies or celiac disease. Holidays can add to the pressure especially as people can be reluctant to shift from traditional foods.

Do you have any food concerns with upcoming events?

Do you miss certain foods?

Do you have tips for others dealing with this?

AffyAvo OP December 12th, 2021

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munchiegoosie December 12th, 2021


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wonderfulRainbow817 December 12th, 2021

@munchiegoosie, yes I will add you! Welcome!

wonderfulRainbow817 December 12th, 2021

Hey @AffyAvo!

What a great idea to discuss! The holidays truly are hard for me as so many of the foods I want because they are delicious are things I can't necessarily have.

I personally have to have a Paleo diet which is gluten free, mostly dairy free, and I am limited on the grains I can have. Almond flour and nut flours are a lot of what I can have. I mainly miss my pastas. I loved pasta and bread. Those mainly use white flour though so I had to not eat those. Now, that's not to say that every once in a while I don't eat it because I do. I just have to limit it to like once a week if that.

For me, I ask if I can bring a dish to the holiday get together. This allows me to make it the way I know I can eat it. Usually if you have an understanding family/friends they will adapt some things to make sure it is something I can have. For example, there is a pie that my entire family enjoys. The problem is the whipping cream includes nutella which at least 3 of us are allergic to hazelnuts which is in nutella. To overcome this we either make two separate pies or we make one and leave the nutella on the side for people to put on their individual pie slices.

xandia December 12th, 2021

1. Do you have any food concerns with upcoming events?

Only with bacon; for some reason I cannot process this meat. I do believe that it has something to do with the preservatives that are used to cure the foodstuff. I wish I could eat it; I do love applewood smoked bacon. But it does not like me much at all. I usually end up eating bacon and not realizing it is in the food. Stuffing seems to be the main culprit for me.

2. Do you miss certain foods?

I dearly love whipped cream; however as one ages you have to watch your intake of fats. No one wants their cholesterol or triglycerides to skyrocket and cause problems with their circulatory system. Anything with a high fat content I do try to avoid so I don't have to take medicines that lower ones fat level in the blood.

3. Do you have tips for others dealing with this?

Avoid anything containing high levels of mono- di- and triglycerides. Try and not eat foods with high cholesterol amounts. Some foods contain cholesterol as a smoothing substance and make the dish taste better. Some foodstuffs just list fat as an ingredient; this can cover a multitude of substances that can be detrimental to someone with high levels already. So keeping an eye on the amount of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins one consumes will ensure a balanced diet and a healthy body. ๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ–
Positron2 December 13th, 2021

I was recently diagnosed as pre-diabetic.

I realize my diet is poor and I should make changes. But I am finding it hard to do. I buy healthy foods but never eat them. I eat the same processed foods, too little veggies and too much sugar.

I fear that I won't find the motivation to change my diet until my health gets seriously bad.

wonderfulRainbow817 December 15th, 2021

@Positron2, have you tried spicing things up with different seasoning on them besides salt/pepper? I found that it was a struggle for me to eat the healthier options simply because of the flavor. It is hard in the beginning but one can use healthy options to flavor a meal up.

IcedCoffee211109 December 13th, 2021


Great post for this time of the year Affy!

Yes, I have lots of foods I cannot eat any longer, due to some health dx conditions and some health dx problems.

Yes, I do miss lots of different foods and drinks often.

That was a good idea mentioned above about bringing a dish, when going somewhere. That does help assure you have at least something you know you will be able to eat when you are there and often find most everything else is something you cannot eat. For the holidays, I am just going to stay at home though, and he and I are going to cook a very basic, simple meal, as he and I both have one of the same health dx. We prepare our food at home, know what we each can have, and do what we need to do, including during any holidays.

I have cheated the past 2 weeks and had some diet soda, Coke Zero and Sprite Zero, which is very, very bad for me, as I am to never again have any carbonated drinks. When I run out, I hope I will be alright. I have given part of it away. There is just so much I can never have any more, due to multiple health reasons, and I get discouraged sometimes. I am and will pay for this!!!

CheeryMango December 13th, 2021


Do you have any food concerns with upcoming events? Just that some of my holiday usuals won't be in the stores or in stock.

Do you miss certain foods? I do! I miss dairy and red meat. But the dairy-free options taste just as good

Do you have tips for others dealing with this? Look for alternatives to your favorite holiday foods. There's almost one to accommodate the different dietary restrictions that we all have.

Lilibuth12 December 13th, 2021


Love this post, my food requirements are not as restrictive as some but the 100% make holidays based around food pretty difficult.

Do you have any food concerns with upcoming events?
Thankfully my partners father is going to be cooking and he knows all my requirements, and cooks for them regularly so I am not worried about him forgetting :) My biggest issues are cheese, I am lactose intolerant but with no self control especially around Christmas... and alcohol which I just cannot drink much at all anymore. Maybe a tiny tiny amount in one drink, but thats it at the absolute max.

Do you miss certain foods?
Chocolate. I miss some proper dark chocolate so much. I used to ask for a bar of dark chilli chocolate each Christmas, loved it so much. Also red wine, love red wine and very sad I can't drink any.

Do you have tips for others dealing with this?
Organise in advance to either bring your own foods or figure out what exactly someone else will make. Often people forget all my requirements so checking is paramount. Pack some backup food! Crackers, or idk something you can eat thats you friendly. It can be a long day and most other people will be snacking and drinking lol. Do not be guilted by others for having different dietary requirements, people can act almost offended at times you can't eat what they do, as said above offer to bring something for yourself if it's too much for them, its much better to plan in advance than to end up either hungry (and thus grumpy ;)) or ill because you ate something you shouldn't have. It's one day, not worth your health.

SynSavory December 14th, 2021


Not really but my dad is diabetic. So we try to eat nicer foods around him to not make him feel excluded. It seems that some of the sour healthy foods are good for my dad's blood pressure. I miss eating more sweet foods.

rrretsuko January 2nd, 2022


1. i am a vegan so i always have to be careful about what i eat/make my own foods during the holidays ! haha

2. the only thing i really miss anymore is goldfish crackers :') <3

3. getting used to veganism takes time ! and it's okay to have cravings every once in awhile or to be the only vegan in the room-- whatever you eat is still food haha