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Spending Time With A Surfer @theboymoana

MyNameIsNicole April 27th, 2022

My friend, @theboymoana is an awesome person, who I've had the privilege of talking to for quite some time through the disability support thread.

Through this interview, @theboymoana blesses us with his positive and bubbly burst of energy while reminding us to be respectful and kind to everyone. Happy reading!

Note: While some responses may be slightly edited for an easy flow and to make it easier to understand, none of the answers are altered to ensure authenticity.

Question: How does being deaf affect your learning disability?

Answer: It makes it a lot harder because it’s hard to learn things when I can’t hear but also hard to learn because have intellectual disability and learning disabilities. Lot of people do not know how to help when you have both so take me a long time to learn how to communicate and learn school things. Teachers just ignore me all day and tell my parents I can’t learn anything!

Question: How do you prefer to communicate and access information?

Answer: I communicate with sign language I learn it and my family learn it but I still have a lot to learn and have a sign language teacher come here to teach me and my family sometimes to. I can’t speak and doctors used to say is because of deaf and learning disability, but now new doctor say is because of autism.

Question : Have you had communication barriers when speaking to people who are hearing?

Answer: I can’t talk to anyone that doesn’t know sign language because I can’t speak words. I am starting to learn some sounds now in speech therapy and been learning to use AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) for past 2 years but I am not good at that. I forget where the right words are and get really anxious trying use it places. I think people get mad because I take to long so I don’t like use that and always have someone with me that can talk for me.
Question: What accommodations do you use that work for you?

Answer: I use things like that flashing lights for doorbell, smoke alarm and house alarm and communication device that I don’t like and my insurance pay for person to do sign with me places if I can’t find therapists that know sign and that is all I can think of. I don’t have hearing aids or anything because have profound deafness can’t hear anything even with stuff that suppose to help and I get a lot help from my family to do things that I can’t do my own because of intellectual disability and learning disabilities
Oh and I always make sure phone vibrate for things and have flash on so know someone call or text me if is not beside me to feel it vibrate.

Question: What kind of school environment do you have?

Answer: I am homeschooled because I used to go public school and the teachers were mean to me and not teach me or anything! They say I can’t learn because could not read or write or anything when I am 9 so my mom started homeschooling me and teach me reading and writing and stuff.
School stuff still really hard for me, I do 2nd 3rd grade stuff even though I am 13 and supposed to be 7th grade but my mom and daddy say not matter because they just want me like learning and work lot on life skills instead lot of school stuff and now I like reading two favorite books right now Zoey and sassafras books.

Question: What kind of learning disability do you have, and how did you get diagnosed with it?

Answer: For learning disability I am diagnosed intellectual disability and written language disorder and dyscalculia. I got diagnosed with intellectual disabilities when I was little because delays in everything and they do IQ test and other tests and diagnose me with it. Other things happen when I am 11, my parents have more testing done since they saw me not understanding lots of things, so they diagnosed me with learning disability that is why life things and school things and everything is hard to me.

Question: Do people treat you differently because of your disability?

Answer: Yes lot of people are mean to me and look at me mean. I have ADHD and have really hard time sitting and be calm and I want to always do things so places I am supposed to be calm and quiet people always look at me. It's extra hard to stay quiet because I don’t know how loud I am. But kids say mean things to me and I am not good to stand up for myself so people do bad things sometimes and I don’t know how make them stop. Some people really nice to me though and give extra help because disabled.

My favorite library person she knows sign and always help me find books and is really nice to me even she is busy help me every time I go there. Also I get to join SURF TEAM. And they all help me a lot make sure am ok and my coach say one of my brothers or parents always have to stay with me at practice and stuff but he do a lot to help me and I am happy let me join because surfing favorite and not lot people let disable people join normal teams and that is mean because nice include people like me.

Question: What do you want people to understand about you?

Answer: I just want people to understand people with disabilities are just people! I have disabilities and I need help with a lot of things other kids my age already do for long long time but that is not just all about me. I still am just a kid just Nahoa and I have things I like that is have nothing to do with disabilities. I am really good surfing and skating and my favorite thing is to play soccer with my brothers. I love to be outside and wish more people will be friends with people like me instead of thinking we are just disabilities and not want to have friends.

Question: Tell us any challenges you’ve had in the past because of being deaf, having learning disabilities or both.

Answer: I have lot of challenges. School really hard before homeschool because can’t understand anything supposed to do and people were mean but I didn’t know how to tell any one and learning sign language really hard for me and some signs really hard for me because I mix them up or hands don’t move right because hand things very hard for me. Because hand things is really hard I need a lot of help still with things like getting dressed and brushing teeth and stuff can’t do buttons or tie shoes yet.
I get hurt sometimes because I can’t hear people say there is danger or anything and just get distracted a lot so walk in front of cars before and not allowed go places alone because I get lost and can’t remember how to ask for help.
I don’t remember days and stuff very good so I don’t remember things I’m supposed do and sometimes get very frustrated because I want to play something but then my mom say I have appointment. And new thing I learn is hard is be on internet in chatroom because I don’t understand lot about people talk about I get confused all time but there is lot people here explain to me and that help a lot!

Question: What hobbies/activities do you enjoy?

Answer: Hobby and activities I enjoy are surfing, skating and playing soccer. Like just go to beach too and go on hikes. My family we go on hikes together is lot of fun and I like to swing. Have swing in my backyard and my room. I like to help my family with things. I am learning to help put away dishes and water flowers and feed our cats. And I like watch movies with my brothers sometimes I don’t do good reading subtitles so movies is hard to me. And I think this is not a hobby or anything but I really like soft blankets and squishmallow stuff animals. I like to make nests all over my house to lay in as well.

Question: Would you like to share anything with us?

Answer: Want I want to share is be nice to people and even if do not know they have disability don’t be mean if someone is annoying to you because maybe they do have disability.

And want to share is I have a deaf cat he is really sweet and always follow me around. We use to have 3 cats but one get lost am very sad I wish he come back home because other kitties miss him to. But I like people to be nice to me and asking questions is ok because it is how people learn is to ask questions. It is better ask things then just stare at people that are different and I don’t mind people ask my parents things instead of me because I don’t like people talk to me in real life I get really anxious overwhelmed try to understand they are saying but some disabled people only want people ask them things so that is important ask before start talk to person that is helping disabled person first.

Once again, I would like to say a big thank you to @theboymoana for taking the time to answer the questions, and teach us a few things about him and how wonderful of a person he is.

I would also like to use this medium to say thank you to my friend @WarmLightXO and my purple buddy @audienta for helping me out when I needed assistance regarding this interview.

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theriverissinging April 27th, 2022

@MyNameIsNicole so lovely reading this ❤️ @theboymoana I find you to be a very interesting and kind person! Know that we will be here to support you in any and all possible ways.

Also, a big yes to treating people with kindness!

theboymoana April 27th, 2022


thank you being so nice am glad think I am kind I always try be nice and help people here !!

WarmLightXO April 27th, 2022

@theboymoana Thank you for taking the time to do this! I'm sorry to hear people aren't always nice, and happy to hear about your cute cat 😊 I like seeing you in the chatrooms, we have fun! *sends love*

@MyNameIsNicole And thank you for this new interview series! Looking forward to it 💜

theboymoana April 27th, 2022


it makes me sad people are mean no reason 🙁 but cats is happy and like see you to! I like when ask all the questions that was fun!

WarmLightXO April 27th, 2022


We'll do it again!

mytwistedsoul April 27th, 2022

@MyNameIsNicole @theboymoana It was so great to get to know you better 😊 The surf team sounds so awesome! I hope your kitty comes home soon ❤️

*fist bump* Cowabunga Surfer

theboymoana April 27th, 2022


yes is it awesome! Surfing is my favorite thing ever get to be on team is lot of fun and they are nice to me. I hope he does to but been gone since last month think will not come home 😢

audienta April 27th, 2022

@theboymoana Thank you for giving us all those very interesting answers! I definitely learned something from you today. I'm sure that you will find your path and I wish you all the best for it!

@MyNameIsNicole yaay purple buddy. 💜 Thank you for creating this interview!

theboymoana April 27th, 2022


thank you ! I am happy learned something to 😃

MyNameIsNicole OP April 28th, 2022

@audienta of course, I'm happy you liked it. You're the best friend ever💜

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 27th, 2022

Thanks for another awesome interview @MyNameIsNicole @WarmLightXO @audienta ❤

Hello @theboymoana, I really appreciate you for sharing your experiences, thoughts and feelings with us. It is so not easy talking about things, but I'm really proud of you for confiding in us. ❤

I learned a new super adorable word today "squishmallow" --- totally gonna use it often now haha.

It's upsetting to hear how some teachers and some people have been mean to you, something worse than no support is receiving unkind behaviour :')

Having supportive folks around though is really helpful, I'm so happy to hear your parents support you and help you (and yay you're learning new things and help them out too), and have some nice people around like your surfer coach andddd I so hope you feel the kindness and support vibe in 7 cups as well.

Your struggles are so valid and your parents are right, not everyone learns in the same way or at the same time. You're always allowed to be at your pace and continue doing the best you can, hearing about your hobbies and what you enjoy doing is lovely to hear, I'm glad you enjoy time spent in playing, reading, being outside, being with your cat and surfing amongst other things.

I adore the message you have for us, something that you'd like everyone to know. Kindness is so essential and we should certainly practice being kind to everyone.

Nicole said it right in the introduction haha, can feel the upbeat vibe you have, Moana, your "can- do" attitude and willingness to continually better yourself and make the most out of your days is inspiring, to say the least. Way to go, you. ❤

MyNameIsNicole OP April 27th, 2022


I love the word squishmallow too, they're actually plushies!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 29th, 2022


Oooh now that makes sense lol. :p

theboymoana April 27th, 2022


thanks to be proud of me! I am proud to I never do interview before I answer so much questions for it ! Squishmallow is like squishy marshmallow they are best things ever you should get some they make everyone be happy. Sometimes people here 7 cups makes me upset but mostly are really nice people and lot of them always say hi to me and explain things they are nice friends

my parents are BEST BEST I love them a lot and them and my brothers all help me and don’t care I am not same as them. Just sometimes I get really upset and very anxious a lot but I try to be happy and be nice and I like have fun and want other people to be happy to 😃

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 29th, 2022


Aw ofcourse, answering so many questions isn't easy hehe, you did such a great job at it.

I'm glad most people are nice and friendly towards you here, that's how it should be after all, everyone being kind and supportive towards everyone.

Aw that makes me so happy, really nice to know you having a loving and caring family. And we all deserve to have fun and enjoy too. I love your positive spirit. ❤

theboymoana April 27th, 2022


thank you letting me do interview and being so nice to me! I have lot of fun answering questions I like sharing so much things with every one! Just one thing is question how I get diagnosed is backwards I get diagnosis intellectual disability first and other things I am older. Just I am proud of me how I answer all that questions I am going to show my family they will be proud to see how good I do

MyNameIsNicole OP April 28th, 2022


Oh, thank you for letting me know Nahoa. I would have to change that, maybe I'll ask you the same question again in pms.

I am so proud of you, you did answer the questions perfectly. I told you were perfect didn't I? You're the best, and your family is going to be so proud like wowww💓

theboymoana April 29th, 2022


Thank you nice friend! I work very hard give you all the answers my family is proud of me say I do SO GOOD. I am excited still I do this never do a interview my whole life before and do perfect

MyNameIsNicole OP April 28th, 2022


Just edited it, is it better now?

BPD74 April 28th, 2022


LavenderHere April 28th, 2022

@MyNameIsNicole Thank youuuu for working so hard and making this lovely interview post. I'm sure it'll help us understand neurodiversity better and make 7Cups inclusive.

@theboymoana thank you so so so much for taking the immense effort and answering all these questions, and talking about what you are going through. You bring up some very valid points about being kind to all, they might have a disability too. It's alright to be "behind" but remember we have our pace, you are learning, growing and trying and that's what really really matters. We laud your efforts on living life despite all the difficult treatment, and I understand it must've been very difficult to communicate. But I see you trying and we all at 7Cups will try our best to help you too. And yayyyyy for the surf team- that sounds like an awesome opportunity and something you love doing- yay. Thank you again for bringing to us this awesome interview!
theboymoana April 29th, 2022


thank you say nice things that is my parents say to all go own pace and it is ok ! Get to do interview really exciting I like to share things and am happy I get to tell people stuff about me and about disabilities I have how are for me because everyone very different even with same disabilities

Starlight82 April 28th, 2022

@theboymoana VERY inspiring story 💙💙, keep your chin up and keep doing what you're doing! I am honored to have the opportunity to meet you.

It saddens me to hear of all the rough attitude and prejudice you had to face, I pray that you will be surrounded with the kindness this world has to give. Don't lose hope!

Thank you for this interview and giving us the privilege to get to know you. 💙

theboymoana April 29th, 2022


thank you I get really sad people are mean to me. Since move here have lot of people very mean and I don’t understand how come they do not like me at all I try be nice and not mean! But there is people here do stuff for people developmental disabilities and I go to fun Easter thing they do and everyone is nice to me and soon get to go to other event they having I am excited

GoldenNest2727 April 28th, 2022

What a great interview! Thank you for sharing a bit about your life, @theboymoana. You sound like an amazing person. I learned a great deal from your interview. You've given me lots to think about. ❤️

theboymoana April 29th, 2022


Nicole is good ask so many questions and explain what things mean when I am confused! I am happy get to share things so much people never get to before

kindSoul10 April 28th, 2022

@theboymoana thanks so much for sharing your experiences. I also liked how you talked about your hobbies and showed that a disability doesn't define us. It's just one aspect of our life.

With all your personal achievements to be proud of I like to emphasize you also helped to fight the stigma around disability in general and ADHD, learning disabilities and deafness. I salute you!

@MyNameIsNicole thanks for your dedication! The posting of very nicely formatted and ready to read. If you allow me a suggestion. Maybe a footnote / explanatory note would be nice for a lot of readers unfamiliar with sign language. There's often a misconception that there's one universal sign language. There are very different ones like there is in spoken and written language. :) In Austria there is Austrian Sign Language, Germany has German Sign Language, Britain has British Sign Language, and in United States there is American Sign Language... There is also International Sign which the deaf community likes to stress it's proper name is International Sign. They don't want it to be called International Sign Language since they fear that it would fuel the misconception there is one universal sign language.

Thanks again to everyone who contributed to make this interview happen. It was great!

MyNameIsNicole OP April 28th, 2022


Thank you so much for your kind words and feedback, I value and appreciate it!

I don't think that's necessary though, as I try to include things a lot of people won't understand, for example full meaning to abbreviations.

But for sign language, I think everyone should know what it is because just like all languages, sign language is a language. And I've never seen footnotes explaining languages before.

Also, thank you so much for debunking the misconception that sign language is not international. Although I didn't ask the person interviewed what sign language they communicate with.

I'm always happy to answer questions for people that don't know though!

kindSoul10 April 28th, 2022

@MyNameIsNicole :) thanks for responding and explaining your thoughts behind not including an explanation to it. I also liked very much that you didn't specifically ask which sign language they use, if they didn't mention it themselve.

People I met are still amazed that the signs for different words are different in different countries. :) They're not part of the deaf community so they most often don't know.

MyNameIsNicole OP April 28th, 2022


Wow, that's why spreading awareness is important. It's crazy how so many people don't know, but hopefully more people get educated.

Thank you for being so polite and respectful💛

GoldenNest2727 April 28th, 2022


Wow, I had no idea. Thanks for sharing that explainer. 😊

kindSoul10 April 28th, 2022

@GoldenNest2727 thanks for reading. Did you know on giphy there's a guy teaching American Sign Language? They uploaded GIFs with him signing different words.

theboymoana April 29th, 2022


yes because sometimes people just see disability and forget see PERSON to. Is why like my two friends have here by my house they don’t treat me like just am disability they are nice and help me but also just go skate with me and go beach and stuff just I don’t know what stigma around disability means

kindSoul10 April 29th, 2022

@theboymoana friends like yours are gems. It would be nice if all people could see behind the disability and see the person instead. ❤️

soulsings April 28th, 2022

what an inspiring person you are @theboymoana - and thank you so much for sharing your trials and successes. You are amazing.


theboymoana April 29th, 2022


thank you !! I am happy get to share things and so much people be really nice too

JayMeditates April 29th, 2022


Absolutely loved this interview ❤️


Your story is incredibly inspiring! I am in awe of how much you have had to endure and your capacity for joy in spite of your circumstances. While there are those who may treat you unfairly, please know that you will always have a friend in us :) Take care and thank you for being so open and honest about your experiences.

theboymoana May 2nd, 2022


i am happy so many nice people are here and be nice to me thank you!

hopezzy April 29th, 2022

@MyNameIsNicole Thanks for the interview series. ❤️

@thebabymoana Hii Thank you for sharing with us your journey. I'm really glad that you do things other than studies and it brings you joy! Please continue exploring and have fun doing things you love ❤️

I hope Mr Cat comes home and join you again. Let's hope for the best

theboymoana May 2nd, 2022


yes! I get to do a lot fun things I am happy my parents always say want me and my brothers to be happy is most important thing to them. I hope my cat comes back home too my brother say he think some family find him and keep him ☹️ I wish they give him back if someone do that.