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Depression Realizations

PinkVampires April 8th, 2019

Did anyone ever, or still, make up stories in social situations [with friends/strangers/family] to make yourself sound...better? Cooler/more involved/accepted?

I realized while reading a Webtoon comic yesterday when a character admitted to doing sinilar things to make herself seem more happy/active, that I have done and do the same thing.

Why is it so hard sometimes to say the truth?

Sometimes I think it's because we don't want to face it. And other times I always wonder --- if i were to ask/tell people how I really felt then would they even still want to be around me because everything is so negative?

middleofthemountains April 10th, 2019

@PinkVampires why is it so hard to tell the truth? This leads me to another question.... Do they actually want to know how I'm doing if they ask? Most people want/expect the "fine", "good" or standard answer.

Or if we tell the truth are we just going to look like we are looking for pity? And if we tell the truth, will they stick around just like you asked.

Depression has many masks. Find who you can be truthful with and appreciate them.

Good luck!

PinkVampires OP April 10th, 2019


Ugh its so true!

People aleays day "if you really need help just talk" but then when i try they dont give me full attention, act like they are interested but just give 'meh' 'yeah okay' as answers, or just say 'just stop being so negative'

middleofthemountains April 10th, 2019

@PinkVampires yup. You need to find, where ever it may be, even on here, a better support system.

GhostlyLilian April 10th, 2019


Exactly! They're like "you can talk to me" and then "oh come on, everyone feels sad, you just have to react" thanks. Aaaaaand that's exactly why I don't talk to you. "you don't accept any advice, you're fighting my ideas instead of the depression, I'm just trying to help you" and I'm just trying to explain you why exactly it's not so simple or how I already tried what you just said a million times and it didn't work. I really wish I could be like "oh, I never thought about this, I'll try, thanks" and come out of depression with just some advice, but sadly it's not that simple, and I'm tired of trying to explain. It's rather pointless. Shall we move to the "let's try to have fun" part? In short: "I'm fine thanks"

CosmicMike April 11th, 2019


In general, people despise the hard truth. We have been conditioned to accept only snippets of personal truth. It's just an aspect of an outdated paradigm. Being 100% honest tends to push others away. We live in a culture of business. In that culture it is best to keep as many as possible on your side. We also have a natural tendency to exaggerate our personal value and no one ever remembers events with 100% accuracy. A little brag here and there can boost self confidence. Just dont go overboard. Too much macho can push others away too.

River April 9th, 2019


Hey these are really great questions and I am glad you decided to share your thoughts about it with us. I dont remember making fake stories but I sure do hide truth sometimes to avoid more questions that might come up from telling the truth. I agree that at times, we dont want to face it and the fear of abandonment when we tell truth can be daunting too.

What, in your opinion might be helpful/has been helpful to you to be more true to ourselves and others around you?

PinkVampires OP April 10th, 2019


It helps when im around people that like what i like for sure, or have some experience dealing with the same things. But thats 99% not always the case. I wish i knew when the other perosn was being truly honest with me that way maybe id be more comfortbale sharing.

I feel like people arent personable anymore.

River April 10th, 2019


I agree it is easier around people with same interest and similar experiences and its easier to open up and be honest when other person is honest with you.