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Advice on depression making someone leave the relationship

agreeableTortoise1748 June 12th, 2020

Could anyone explain to me whether depression makes someone leave you?

Context- my partner of 2 years left me - he was depressed for years and when we started dating kept changing his mind about things eg didn't know if wanted a relationship, had family issues, etc etc. Eventually l snapped and had a mini breakdown as l suffer from anxiety and the months of upheaval and his indecisiveness took its toll.
In response to me breaking down he said that in fact it was ME who caused all his depression (even though he had it since his teens) and that he was leaving me. However all the while before this point up until 2 hours of him leaving he was telling me he loved me and planning our future. On his way out he said he wasn't in love with me.

complete mind f**k and he's made me feel guilty as though everything is my fault

Can anyone advise me on if they've experienced this or any insight from people who experience depression? I don't know if this is just a blip and he will come back after a while....

helpfulPond3973 June 22nd, 2020


for some reason, this past weekend was really hard for me. I started thinking about how everything was at this point last year and all my emotions came out like a damn breaking. I'm trying to channel it into anger at him so it'll hurt less.

agreeableTortoise1748 OP June 22nd, 2020


this is me right now, I feel what you feel! Except I can't hate him, as much as I try

helpfulPond3973 June 23rd, 2020


he blocked me temporarily on insta this weekend, I'm guessing because he posted he was with another girl. I'm trying really hard to hate him and be angry that he got back with her so quickly. It makes me think that he must've just fought with her and second guessed himself and came to me as a second option, then went back. He hurts me so much.

agreeableTortoise1748 OP June 23rd, 2020


That is so hurtful. Thing is, if he has moved on then I guess you have no choice but to take the time to heal. Would you want this person back at this stage?

helpfulPond3973 June 23rd, 2020


hes done this before, he can't be alone. He needs a distraction and forces himself into a new thing quickly to prove to himself he made the right decision. Last time I spoke to him he told me that he still had every picture I sent him. He probably still loves me but I decided I can't do this anymore. I blocked his texts and calls so that when he tries to come back it won't set me back in trying to get over him, again.

agreeableTortoise1748 OP June 24th, 2020


i think that's good for your mindset, at least for now. Otherwise you will be in a continuous loop and at his mercy. I am here to support you

helpfulPond3973 June 24th, 2020


thank you, it's helped a lot to talk to you knowing that you're going through the exact same thing.

How are you feeling?

agreeableTortoise1748 OP June 24th, 2020


well I have to collect my stuff from his next week, so l am panicking so much about it and don't know how to act

helpfulPond3973 June 24th, 2020


I know the anticipation must be so nerve racking! I think it'll be a good chance for you to get closer to finding a possible closure and peace so that you don't get stuck in an emotional limbo. You're really lucky you get a chance to do something like that.

agreeableTortoise1748 OP June 25th, 2020


hes made it clear it isn't to talk or anything though, so not sure how much closure I would get

helpfulPond3973 June 25th, 2020


sometimes just seeing the person can help you heal

agreeableTortoise1748 OP June 25th, 2020


will let you know!

helpfulPond3973 June 29th, 2020


how did it go?