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affableStrings4654 September 30th, 2023

So I'm an artist. I draw and paint, mostly. I have been doing digital art more often recently, but i do have a day job and lots of adult responsibilities. I also have depression.

It's making it extremely difficult to finish pieces of art. I have a goal of trying to do one digital painting a month, and I"m always struggling to meet it. It used to be really easy for me to create things when i was younger. I got to spend a lot of mental energy on my art. I think part of the reason i struggle with it nowadays is that i am too critical of my own work. i am afraid of messing up or having my art look weird.

perfectionism leads to avoidance. i don't know. it doesn't feel good. I want to be back to making things without the pressure that i put on myself. but I also don't know how to stop.

bestVase7265 October 1st, 2023

What would happen if you focused on making something different for a while? Sometimes being creative in a different areas will loosen up those juices in the area where they usually flow. @affableStrings4654

Tinywhisper11 October 1st, 2023

@bestVase7265 this is very true. I do all sorts of stuff. Making models and diorahmas, painting, woodburning all sorts. Even making toys and tunnels and play houses for my baby bunny. Art is supposed to be fun, so try keep it interesting ❤

bestVase7265 October 2nd, 2023

That is so many different kinds. Go you! You will find something that is easier for now. @Tinywhisper11

Tinywhisper11 October 1st, 2023

@affableStrings4654 awww hugs you ❤ I'm actually struggling with finishing any art I start at the moment. I'm not a perfectionist I can't be. Cause tw) I have limited movement ,I'm half paralysed and half of my fingers are missing. So I'm not sure how you get out of the mindset you are in. I'm just taking a break from art till it becomes fun again. Maybe you need to just take a little break too ❤❤

affableStrings4654 OP October 9th, 2023


sometimes that does help. trying to not force myself to do things. i want to enjoy it again.

eternallyworthless October 1st, 2023

I'm also an artist. Depression is hitting hard each single day. Work is taking most of my daytime.
I put everything i have into my art so i can finish a piece every 2-3 days or so. sometimes its just a sketch but everything counts.
I don't know what you are trying to draw but maybe do something that you can finish faster?

I'd recommend finding a professional mentor that teaches you. You improve faster and you have more confidence with your artwork since it has been 'supvervised'.

affableStrings4654 OP October 9th, 2023


Having a goal of doing x amount of art a month is really helpful. I do find that when the deadline is approaching, I tend to say "well i have to do it now". and even if i don't like it, i have something to add to my collection of works. over time, it adds up and i can say i have made things. Sometimes i even like them later XD

Tinywhisper11 October 2nd, 2023

@affableStrings4654 hey! It's also inktober. The challenge is to do a little sketch of doodle every day of October ❤

affableStrings4654 OP October 9th, 2023


i have tried it a few times, never get more than 5 because october is the busiest month for me at work. XD One day I'll be able to

Tinywhisper11 October 11th, 2023

@affableStrings4654 awww yeah. Don't pressure yourself over it. We can have inkfebruary ❤

passionateSea2002 October 2nd, 2023

- try blocking some time for it at night or at early morning...30 mins atleast

- find an isolated space and set an environment to get those creative juices flowing... bring in some candles and music

- go for a walk before trying to make something

- romanticise that process of making art in your head, and just enjoy it... don't worry about the outcome

- the best art is made when we are more vulnerable and honest so don't let anything hold you back.... you've got this

affableStrings4654 OP October 9th, 2023


i like the going on a walk idea. I don't always go outside on my days off, and I really should.

bestVase7265 October 10th, 2023

Yes you should. Walking is really helpful. @affableStrings4654

matchaLover89 October 10th, 2023

@affableStrings4654 Hi, I'm Celine :) Your worth as an artist is not determined by the perfection of your work. Creating art should bring you joy and fulfillment. Be patient with yourself and allow your creativity to flow naturally. You have the talent within you; it's just a matter of rediscovering it with a kinder, more patient perspective. Be flexible with yourself. Consider setting smaller, achievable goals initially. Gradually increasing your targets as you regain confidence can be more manageable.

affableStrings4654 OP January 20th


thank you. i've definitely been trying in small steps. it is really satisfying to do small, no-stress no-stakes projects ( like painting shelves).

I guess i just feel like i have to have everything figured out already. i have so many ideas and i often forget that projects take time and it's ok to rest.

Nova32 January 5th

You have a lot going on in your life. It's understandable to struggle with things when your bottle is becoming full. What kind of art do you do and why is it your favorite? 

- Nova :)

affableStrings4654 OP January 20th


I have found that i really enjoy landscapes, and fan art. been switching between painting digitally and painting with acrylics. I started out doing only pencil or ink drawings. but in my head, its full of color. bright neons and jewel tones.

not really sure where it will take me, style wise.

Nova32 January 20th


I think it's so cool that you have so many different interests in art. 
You don't have to follow a specific art style. Continuing to do what you love is enough :)

affableStrings4654 OP January 21st

@Nova32 thank you. I'm trying to let myself slow down a bit.

CupcakeCaring January 26th


I am really sorry that you feel that way. Balancing adult responsibilities, a day job, and pursuing art can be challenging. It's okay not to be perfect. You can consider setting smaller and achievable goals and focus on the end process. And also, it will be really helpful to seek support from family, friends or a therapist. Remember, you are not alone.

EclecticMuse February 1st

Hi, it sounds like you really do enjoy art, but the perfectionism is keeping you from moving through it as fluently. I understand perfectionism. I love arts and crafts, but often struggle with how it looks. I've found it helpful to look at each piece as stepping stone. I even give myself permission and expect mistakes. This helps to take some of the pressure off and let me just enjoy the process. Small steps is also a great coping skill. If I can't reach a goal, I make it smaller, achievable. What could you work on that would allow some mistakes?  How do you think this would affect your art?