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What Helps V/s What Hurts?

User Profile: Amphios
Amphios February 10th, 2018

"When 'I' is replaced by 'We'... even illness becomes wellness"

How to talk to someone with a mental health disorder? [Source- ]

It could be worse, there's plenty of people worse off than you

I'm sorry - you're not alone, and I am here for you

Have you tried taking this supplement or Herb?

Is there anything I can do to help?

Just snap out of it

You might not believe it now, but the way your feeling will change

We all go through times like these

I may not exactly understand how you feel, but I care about you and want to try to understand how you are feeling

You just need to get out and distract yourself

I would love to spend time with you. Can we grab some coffee?

[Source- ]

[Edited by theriverissinging to remove the special character '�']
[Edited by Bubblegumwings1234 to correct formatting as per request of Amphios]

User Profile: joyfulDew6796
joyfulDew6796 November 2nd, 2021


That is why they say, "United we stand divided we fall."

User Profile: Tink05
Tink05 November 2nd, 2021

I love this! I’m going to share! It definitely is a great guide on how to communicate with people with mental health issues.

User Profile: IsayUncle
IsayUncle November 2nd, 2021

I'm guilty of most of the "no-no's. Great eye opener, Thanks for posting

User Profile: dreamRainbows3245
dreamRainbows3245 December 2nd, 2021


What hurts: You never seem to get better, you always complain.

What helps: Even though this might take a long time for you to get better, you will get better and the fact that you are trying and being hopeful shows me how strong you are.

User Profile: DarkPiT23
DarkPiT23 December 28th, 2021

Depression is very harsh. It's really important to know how much words can impact someone. This post is really helpful. Thank you for sharing!

User Profile: funnyAcres8304
funnyAcres8304 January 20th, 2022

This is the reason I’m not able to discuss my depression with my parents.

really instils positive vibes . Thank you.

User Profile: SweetSoul26
SweetSoul26 January 29th, 2022


It appears to be positive guide for all. Great Post :)

User Profile: whirlpool225
whirlpool225 January 31st, 2022

This is such a great post! It was very well written and are great alternatives to things that are usually said!

User Profile: Zarram77
Zarram77 June 7th, 2022

@Amphios sometimes people say that "it is not the end of the world" and the most hurtful one is when someone says " there must be your fault too." Yeah, I agree that we all make mistakes and sometimes it looks like the other person is just so crazy to act the way they did but we must understand the reasons behind their actions and decisions. Everyone has their reason. We must ask for it and understand it. No one wants to make themselves suffer intentionally.

User Profile: loyalPear1728
loyalPear1728 June 7th, 2022

@Amphios well-said!!!