Useful facts about Depression!
You may already know some facts I mention on here!
1. Depression can be as hard on your loved ones as it is on you.
2. Exercise is the easiest and least expensive cure for depression.
3. The origin of depression can be situational.
4. People don't choose to be depressed, but they do make a choice about how to deal with it.
5. Depression is experienced as anxiety 65% of the time.
Comment for any clarification
You can add two important things to that list! -pets are great at fighting off depression -jogging or biking is better mood lifter than chocolate
I agree with you 👋
I have another. Vitamin D3 is necessary for battling Seasonal Affective Disorder and other forms of depression. Can only get it from the right foods (see labels), suppliments or the sun unobstructed by window glass or clouds at 80 to 45 degrees from the ground for 15 min on exposed skin (longer if you're wearing sunblock or have a tan).
@loveyourself90 I love this, and I know a lot more about depression now. I'm glad you've taken the time out to share this with us.
Thank you for making this post!
These are a few small things that might take us a long way!
Thanks for making this post!:)