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Things no one told me about depression

Celaeno August 24th, 2015

Last two weeks were really tough for me. Recovery from my depression seems distant and unattainable, so I decided to put my feelings into words. This is my description of how it is to be depressed.

Depression is boring. Like really boring. Nothing ever happens in your life, your days blur and look painfully plain: you lay in bed, you stay inside, you sleep, sometimes you cry. It seems you are stuck in a time loop, day after day the same mundane surroundings, the same shallow activities. Your life became a never-ending series of daunting tasks you really have no desire to complete. You wait for something, but no one knows for what, including yourself. You just wait and quietly dare to hope that tomorrow you will feel better.

Time and space warp. You can't remember if you shower yesterday or three days ago. You forget why you entered the room. You don't feel hungry, but you can't recall if you ate dinner. Or breakfast, for that matter. Your private universe seems to shrink to the four walls of your room. Everything slows down, and even then you feel you can't catch up with the world.

It's not always being sad. Sometimes it's anger and being on the verge of tears, and sometimes it's overpowering numbness. It's restless and over-analyzing everything, and sometimes it's frightening paralysis. It's guilt, and anxiety, and self-loathing, and distress, and constant fatigue. You're a whirlwind of emotions and a hollow pit at the same time. You mislaid the hope for a better tomorrow.

Depression silences you. You don't have the energy to speak up, so you slowly lose your voice. You can't reach out, you think you must suffer in silence. In times of the greatest need, when the simple act of supporting you could make such a difference, you are unable to ask for attention. You can't give vent to the gravity of your pain. As much as society wants to believe in that, you can't turn your sadness into heartwarming art. You don't even have the energy to consider creating anything, because you think you are worthless. And such a pitiful creature is unable to give form to beauty.

Fighting with your own brain is tiring. Sleeping 12+ hours doesn't mean that you are well-rested. It also doesn't mean that you won't take naps during the day. And that after waking up from them, you still won't be exhausted. You feel weary, but you have no idea why – you certainly don't do anything significant.

You are not in control of your emotions. You feel awful and that's it, no way out of it, no way around it. It seems impossible to "cheer up", and hearing such statements only makes you feel guilty. Because you think you should have been able to express something else. To just switch your mood TV and turn on a different channel, that would be a dream scenario. Instead, you are constantly apologizing for existing and spoiling other people's moods.

Depression lies. It makes you feel worthless and guilty. You think that if you feel so hopeless and despaired, you must have done something to deserve it. And there's plenty of mistakes in your past. It locks you in your own mind and persuades it's for your own good. You believe it - why wouldn't you, it's your last friend. You can only think of yourself. You feel impure and beyond saving. It seems there's no hope.

Laying on the couch in your pyjamas is better than being dead. Crying for hours in the shower is better than being dead. Staring in the screen all day is better than being dead. It will always be better than being dead.

It's not alluring. It's beyond my comprehension why anyone would romanticize it (damn you, Bukowski!), but overwhelming sadness and self-loathing is not beautiful. It's gut-wrenching. Depression makes lovely people believe that they are hideous, and I hate it.

You have to celebrate little things because you are incapable of functioning like a normal human being. You brushed your teeth? Well done! Changed your sweaty clothes? That's great! Walked outside? What an achievement! You feel like a needy brat who asks for constant praises, and you hate yourself for it, and you feel stupid. And a bit grateful, because someone notices your struggle.

Antidepressants are not evil. They are not scary personality-altering drugs. They are not happy pills or a source of ‘artificial' happiness. Antidepressants are a type of medication designed to make you feel better when you are ill. They are just like any other medicine. They are not a sign of weakness. And taking them is your personal choice and no one else's business.

You can get attached to depression. It's your constant companion during the day, and it's your bedmate at night, so it's natural you form a relationship with it. Sometimes you've been so long depressed, you don't remember how it is to be free of its weight. You forget there's a sun, and birdsongs, and laughter. You've started to believe this void is your destined reality. You are scared of change, so you cling to it. Because as silly as that sounds, this depression is a safe house for you. You lived here so long that you know every corner of this dark cave. The vastness and freedom of free world overwhelm you. You prefer to stay here.

Recovery is freaking hard. It's long and complicated and sometimes seems pointless to keep insisting for. It's hardly a straightforward path – more like a bandy road, full of ups and downs, through the dark forest. In winter. Wearing slippers. It's basically never-ending series of playing tag with your brain. It doesn't happen over days or weeks. It's a gradual process, like with leaves falling down from autumn trees. One by one they dropped throughout the season and suddenly you realize there's none of them. The branches are bare. Then, on your good days, you will spend your precious well-being time on worrying how long it will last. And you will get knocked down. And you will say with satisfaction, I knew it!. And you will grit your teeth and stand up again. And you will get knocked down again. And again. And again. And again. And again. It won't get easier, but you will get up quicker every time because you remember to bring with yourself a rope to pull yourself up.

You want a manual about how to get your past life back, but you only have this stupid "I'm survivor" T-shirt. You feel stronger but cannot help to wonder when you will meet your foe again. This time, you will be better prepared for it. You can see the horizon.

I wish someone told me: "You have depression, but depression doesn't have you. It's an illness, not an identity. You are more than a medical term. You are more than a noun."

Celaeno OP August 27th, 2015

... and we could reach the stars if we could just let it go, @caitp8767 ^^;

yzzil August 27th, 2015

I have. 😫

Babyelephant August 27th, 2015

How easily it made you want to push everyone no matter how much they tried to be there for you

Celaeno OP August 27th, 2015

@Babyelephant, yep, exactly. Because you believe the sly persuasions of depression that you don't deserve any attention whatsoever. And you are afraid you will get hurt even more, and it will be just too much to take. You fear it will be the last drop, that you will crash into million pieces, never to be picked out again.

There's a wonderful TedTalk about it, which I recommend to watch for anyone, if they'd like to. Here's a quote from it:

"Loneliness creates a deep psychological wound, one that distorts our perceptions and scrambles our thinking. It makes us believe that those around us care much less than they actually do. It make us really afraid to reach out, because why set yourself up for rejection and heartache when your heart is already aching more than you can stand?"

Sending hugs!

yzzil August 27th, 2015

OMG. This speaks the truth!!! I just learned about TedTalks, must go listen!! Thanks again Celaeno!!

Celaeno OP August 27th, 2015

Anytime, @yzzily ^^

conscientiousTurtle7794 August 27th, 2015

About the "it's not alluring" thing - I don't mean to be argumentative, but I think that's sort of a matter of perspective. I kind of have problems with anxiety way more than depression, like a sort of mad dash to find a solution. So listening to someone who's depressed and wanting to be there for them is sort of what calms me down, only I don't think I'm very good at it.

yzzil August 27th, 2015

Turtle, the fact that you know you want to be there for them makes you good at it! 😉. Just be there it's a good thing.

Celaeno OP August 27th, 2015

You certainly aren't argumentative, @conscientiousTurtle7794, don't worry ^^

In this part which you mentioned, I mostly have in mind criticism of the whole romanticizing of depression. There is this idea in the Western culture that in order to be creative and to become the artist, you need to suffer emotionally. As if the art of creation is limited to the depth of our pain. I think it is just a social construct, and at the same time a dangerous perspective, because:

a) we push creative minds into perilous, unhealthy zone. We tell them that their suffering is completely natural - even more! - obligatory, if they want to become artists/creators. That they shouldn't seek out help, but just "channel sadness into hopeful energy";

b) we limit ourselves to only negative sources for our inspiration. We forget about affection, compassion, thrill, wonder, hope, curiosity - the whole palette of emotions. Life is not black&white, nor it is in shades of grey. It's blue and green, maroon and silver, in fierce yellows and mellow turquoises. It would be such a waste to leave it all behind.

Of course, I'm not referring here to the ways of coping with mental illnesses via various mediums, but to the general "depressed like Van Gogh" attitude.

I don't think your concern is problematic in any way. You are just a compassionate soul who want to understand others, and also to be understood. It's less of an allure, and more of empathy ^^ You're just kind.

Oh, and thank you so much for reading! I appreciated it.

Much love!

conscientiousTurtle7794 August 27th, 2015

It seems like it's a catch-22. Channeling those negative emotions into art and literature is what brings in attention from all the people who wish that they could help and from those that feel similarly. But then it's still very private about what they'd actually need help with, because you wouldn't want to broadcast that to everybody.

Celaeno OP August 27th, 2015

@conscientiousTurtle7794, just like catch-22, exactly! Great analogy.

sammyorclo05 August 27th, 2015

That people would romanticize it so much, or ignore you completely. That smiling is easier the day before than it is the next morning when you thought the happiness would stay a bit longer. That it would make you feel even worse than before and unable to do anything when someone else needs you when they are depressed too. All the questions you get on being 'tired' all the time or not focusing enough.


People who don't go through it, will never understand it. Be grateful that you don't understand.

yzzil August 27th, 2015


bleubellejune August 30th, 2015


This was incredibly brilliant and true.

I can't quite describe how moved I am by your words or how much I could relate to every part of it. I never thought that what my feelings were could be said completely, like a part of the truth will always be buried or unable to said. But you said it all so eloquently. You described every part of the struggle in such a way that I vibrated through every fiber of my being and I cried.

I cried because of how true your words were. I cried for the fact that it can only be said by someone who's gone through it. Your words come from a place of experience and hurt and that resonates to me.

Thank you so much for saying this. Thank you so much for putting words into feelings and struggles that never felt like they could be described.

You are right. Depression is a companion that we can't just unfriend. It's a familiar aspect in our lives and therefore, it's comforting yet we hate it all the same.

How do you celebrate you? I can see all the wrong going on and so do everyone else. On the contrary, I always found it hard to praise myself when no one else dare take notice of the good things.

Celaeno OP August 31st, 2015

@bleubellejune, I'm so glad you've liked it! I hope your tears brought you relief, the same kind I'm experiencing right now reading your lovely words. I was in the dark for so long, thinking there is no way somehow would understand the pain. And there you are, darling, understanding every ounce of my suffering. We both struggle and it's so hard, but I'm so thankful for the day I found out this community, because together it is a bit more manageable. I'm so happy you're here with me. I saw few of you posts, and I already come to like you. You're loving, and kind, and your voice has depth in it.

Wonderful and intelligent, I'm so grateful you took your time to read my post. And you said such an amazing praise, it's hard for me to comprehend that your words are destined for me. It's hard to be gentle to yourself after years of self-abuse. But I will try to be kinder, because of you - you gave me hope, darling, that we can walk this darkness, and reach the end of the tunnel.


discreetAcres6234 September 4th, 2015

This is the most inspiring post I have ever seen about depression as it really explains how it feels to be stuck in the depression cycle.

This is something I have been struggling with my whole life and I never really understood my feelings. I never understood why I couldn't find enjoyment in anything. I never understood how I couldn't remember what I did yesterday. I never understood why I felt so many negative emotions all at once but then nothing at all, as if I had turned from a hurricane into an empty wasteland. I hate feeling like I must suffer in silence as I am a burden to others and I'll make them hate me. It hurts to know that it isn't anyone else hurting me, it's me working against myself to the point where I feel hopeless and worthless. The self loathing is a deadly poison inside that makes me question every single thing in my life.

I also believed antidepressants were evil. I believed they we're addictions to a false sense of hope. Feeling that they we're improving your state of mind when they really weren't. I did not believe that could be helpful until I tried them myself and woke up for the first time feeling like I was alive. I cried because I had never felt so full of life before. It was like waking up from a black hole and entering a land full of brightness and colour.

The point I feel most connected to is where you say you get attached to depression. This is what worried me when I reached out to a professional a few months ago to ask for help. As someone who has been this way their entire life it feels like it is a part of me. I have no idea who I am as a person if I no longer feel depressed. It still scares me. It feels like I will lose a part of myself even though that part should not be a part of me in the first place.

I still have no idea what the future holds for me. I am still struggling to handle it all. I am still struggling to find help. I still have awful days. And I still have no idea who the hell I am. But I still hope for a bright future where I am no longer weighed down by this feeling inside me and wake up everyday feeling like I have a purpose and a reason to be alive.

I am so truly moved by your post and cannot thank you enough for putting it all down like this. Thank you. I wish everyone in this thread the best, you all deserve it.

Celaeno OP September 5th, 2015

@discreetAcres6234, you're a true gem. You struggled for so long, and I can understand your confusion and guilt. This is not you, not your thoughts and emotions, this is depression.

I'm so happy you're fighting every day for your own life, because it is that kind of battle. You are a lovely warrior, and despite everything you needed to overcome, I'm happy you are here with me. You deserve so much more than depression can ever offer you.

Thank you for taking your time to read it. I also wish you all the best - we are so worth it ^^

discreetAcres6234 September 5th, 2015

The true gem here is you, dear @Celaeno. I'm happy that we can all fight our battles together :)

Upbeat September 5th, 2015

Wow! I wish I could upvote this more than once, I can't express how grateful I am that you wrote this, I feel like I was meant to find it. You give me hope to stay strong myself. Thank you for being so supportive and helpful in forums. Lots of love and hugs :)

@Celaeno yessmileyenlightened

Celaeno OP September 5th, 2015

@Kash216, thank you for such lovely words ^^ I'm really grateful you took your time to read it, because sometimes depression seems like a lonely island where you have to live forever more as an outcast. It's really encouraging to see others gaining hope from my words. In reality, we are all in the similar boast, ay?

I also want to thank you for the support. Without wonderful listeners like yourself, it would be so much harder to keep trying. Best wishes!

September 5th, 2015

"Antidepressants are not evil." --- this is such an important thing!

yzzil September 5th, 2015

I believe with all my heart and soul that without anti-depressants I would not be here

Embersong99 September 19th, 2015

This literally just made me cry because this is my life right now. No one has ever explained it so well. You captured the thoughts and feelings of depression perfectly. It's tragically beautiful. When I read this I just thought 'someone finally gets it'. I never knew other people wished for their 'old self' back. Thank you for writing this, it's just brilliant!

Celaeno OP September 19th, 2015

@bluesong99, I'm so glad to hear you feel understood after reading my words. It's heartwarming, and encouraging, and I want to hug you, my fellow, brave warrior. Your experiences and feelings caused by depression are valid. The pain seems too personal and deeply rooted in our own insecurities and worries, but it is not your fault. You are doing as best as you can to just cope with the given situation. You are enough.

Thank you for all of the kind words. I'm happy that you find this community, lovely. I hope to see you around!

Fancysmygirl16 September 22nd, 2015

That is the best description of depression I have ever heard. It's like you are living my life. I certainly wish that you didn't have this awful struggle but it is comforting to know that someone else feels exactly the way I do. I want to print out what you wrote and share it with the people in my life that just don't get it. Thank you for putting my thoughts and feeling down on paper. You have validated my feelings. Thank you!

Celaeno OP September 23rd, 2015

@Fancysmygirl16, my fellow warrior, let me just hug you ^^ You are very kind and I am grateful you took your time to read & form such a sweet reply. I really appreciate it, lovely.


I agree, depression isolates us and makes us believe it is not possible to be ever understood, but it's not true. In fact, every time I come back to this community, I feel connected, despite my sorrow.

I am very glad that you've found pieces of yourself in my words. To be honest, it is the best side of this illness - to gain distance, vulnerability and relationships with others brilliant minds. Maybe our sufferings don't have to be pointless.

Sending you lots of love!

yzzil September 24th, 2015

@Celaeno, depression can be life sucking, and your descriptions and support point to one of the hidden prizes depression gives… it has brought people here for support. "Hugs" to you my friend!!

Celaeno OP September 30th, 2015

@yzzil, aww, you... Thank you.

yzzil January 23rd, 2021

No one told me I’d be embarrassed and feel weak

holdyourhand11 September 27th, 2015

This is painfully beautiful.

Celaeno OP September 30th, 2015

@holdyourhand11, thank you for such nice words! I am really honoured that you think so highly of this post.


Sometimes, even from the greatest pain, humans can create works of hope. I am happy that so many people find it in my raw, imperfect words.

Also, thank you for holding my hand. It helped.

mjiyn2010 September 29th, 2015

Thank you so much for sharing these words! I often struggle to explain the struggle to people but you said it all so perfectly!

Celaeno OP September 30th, 2015

@mjiyn2010, I am truly happy that I could make your life a bit easier, wonderful!

Depression wants all of us to be quiet, but our hearts drum to loudly to be silenced. We all will be victorious. You can trust me on this one ^^


faithfulTriangle3777 September 29th, 2015

So true and eloquent. DEPRESSION IS THE WORST!!!

Celaeno OP September 30th, 2015

@faithfulTriangle3777, you strike a chord of truth, sir. But still, we can do it. We are stronger than any obstacle.

I wish you the best things in this universe!

faithfulTriangle3777 October 1st, 2015


Thank you for the encouragement, wishing you the best as well.

Some days I can do it and some days I envy those who have already left this world.

Celaeno OP October 1st, 2015

@faithfulTriangle3777, it is hard, I don't deny it. We all have mountains to climb and no matter how motivated you feel to overcome them, it will require an effort.

Just remember that on any of your days, quick and easy or plain troublesome, you can visit this community. We care for you, wonderful. We are all here to share our stories and keep holding hands of those who want to rest from the mountain climbing.


Zarabi November 26th, 2015

This is so accurate, I struggle so much trying to say how i feel... Thank you so much for writing this, for sharing it! (I kind of want to give you a big hug)

Celaeno OP November 26th, 2015

@Zarabi, I'm happy that you find my post useful, lovely! It's an amazing feeling when you can put your struggles and misery to the positive context and give them meaning.

Thank you so much for your kind words! I will take your hug and repay you the same way ^^;
