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Things no one told me about depression

Celaeno August 24th, 2015

Last two weeks were really tough for me. Recovery from my depression seems distant and unattainable, so I decided to put my feelings into words. This is my description of how it is to be depressed.

Depression is boring. Like really boring. Nothing ever happens in your life, your days blur and look painfully plain: you lay in bed, you stay inside, you sleep, sometimes you cry. It seems you are stuck in a time loop, day after day the same mundane surroundings, the same shallow activities. Your life became a never-ending series of daunting tasks you really have no desire to complete. You wait for something, but no one knows for what, including yourself. You just wait and quietly dare to hope that tomorrow you will feel better.

Time and space warp. You can't remember if you shower yesterday or three days ago. You forget why you entered the room. You don't feel hungry, but you can't recall if you ate dinner. Or breakfast, for that matter. Your private universe seems to shrink to the four walls of your room. Everything slows down, and even then you feel you can't catch up with the world.

It's not always being sad. Sometimes it's anger and being on the verge of tears, and sometimes it's overpowering numbness. It's restless and over-analyzing everything, and sometimes it's frightening paralysis. It's guilt, and anxiety, and self-loathing, and distress, and constant fatigue. You're a whirlwind of emotions and a hollow pit at the same time. You mislaid the hope for a better tomorrow.

Depression silences you. You don't have the energy to speak up, so you slowly lose your voice. You can't reach out, you think you must suffer in silence. In times of the greatest need, when the simple act of supporting you could make such a difference, you are unable to ask for attention. You can't give vent to the gravity of your pain. As much as society wants to believe in that, you can't turn your sadness into heartwarming art. You don't even have the energy to consider creating anything, because you think you are worthless. And such a pitiful creature is unable to give form to beauty.

Fighting with your own brain is tiring. Sleeping 12+ hours doesn't mean that you are well-rested. It also doesn't mean that you won't take naps during the day. And that after waking up from them, you still won't be exhausted. You feel weary, but you have no idea why – you certainly don't do anything significant.

You are not in control of your emotions. You feel awful and that's it, no way out of it, no way around it. It seems impossible to "cheer up", and hearing such statements only makes you feel guilty. Because you think you should have been able to express something else. To just switch your mood TV and turn on a different channel, that would be a dream scenario. Instead, you are constantly apologizing for existing and spoiling other people's moods.

Depression lies. It makes you feel worthless and guilty. You think that if you feel so hopeless and despaired, you must have done something to deserve it. And there's plenty of mistakes in your past. It locks you in your own mind and persuades it's for your own good. You believe it - why wouldn't you, it's your last friend. You can only think of yourself. You feel impure and beyond saving. It seems there's no hope.

Laying on the couch in your pyjamas is better than being dead. Crying for hours in the shower is better than being dead. Staring in the screen all day is better than being dead. It will always be better than being dead.

It's not alluring. It's beyond my comprehension why anyone would romanticize it (damn you, Bukowski!), but overwhelming sadness and self-loathing is not beautiful. It's gut-wrenching. Depression makes lovely people believe that they are hideous, and I hate it.

You have to celebrate little things because you are incapable of functioning like a normal human being. You brushed your teeth? Well done! Changed your sweaty clothes? That's great! Walked outside? What an achievement! You feel like a needy brat who asks for constant praises, and you hate yourself for it, and you feel stupid. And a bit grateful, because someone notices your struggle.

Antidepressants are not evil. They are not scary personality-altering drugs. They are not happy pills or a source of ‘artificial' happiness. Antidepressants are a type of medication designed to make you feel better when you are ill. They are just like any other medicine. They are not a sign of weakness. And taking them is your personal choice and no one else's business.

You can get attached to depression. It's your constant companion during the day, and it's your bedmate at night, so it's natural you form a relationship with it. Sometimes you've been so long depressed, you don't remember how it is to be free of its weight. You forget there's a sun, and birdsongs, and laughter. You've started to believe this void is your destined reality. You are scared of change, so you cling to it. Because as silly as that sounds, this depression is a safe house for you. You lived here so long that you know every corner of this dark cave. The vastness and freedom of free world overwhelm you. You prefer to stay here.

Recovery is freaking hard. It's long and complicated and sometimes seems pointless to keep insisting for. It's hardly a straightforward path – more like a bandy road, full of ups and downs, through the dark forest. In winter. Wearing slippers. It's basically never-ending series of playing tag with your brain. It doesn't happen over days or weeks. It's a gradual process, like with leaves falling down from autumn trees. One by one they dropped throughout the season and suddenly you realize there's none of them. The branches are bare. Then, on your good days, you will spend your precious well-being time on worrying how long it will last. And you will get knocked down. And you will say with satisfaction, I knew it!. And you will grit your teeth and stand up again. And you will get knocked down again. And again. And again. And again. And again. It won't get easier, but you will get up quicker every time because you remember to bring with yourself a rope to pull yourself up.

You want a manual about how to get your past life back, but you only have this stupid "I'm survivor" T-shirt. You feel stronger but cannot help to wonder when you will meet your foe again. This time, you will be better prepared for it. You can see the horizon.

I wish someone told me: "You have depression, but depression doesn't have you. It's an illness, not an identity. You are more than a medical term. You are more than a noun."

Imtrying469 November 26th, 2015

No body told me there would be days when I felt good and then days when I didn't. I would trick myself into thinking I was okay. And then bomb, I it would hit me like a wave. And would come back ten times harder. I didn't know that I would have great days and terrible nights.

Celaeno OP November 26th, 2015

@Imtrying469, relapses are awful. They are painful and frustrating and may seem like failures to us. But they are not, they are a normal part of any recovery - this process is not linear, more like a bandy road which sometimes take us backwards.

Setbacks are not a proof that we failed. They are a sign of progress, a symbol of how far we come. They are proofs that we are on the right path to regain control.

Sending you all my strength for your hard times, lovely. All the best!

batman4485 November 26th, 2015

ty your words are beautiful and inspiring. I am trying desperately to look for a reason to be here and to try and be happy. Your courage brings tears to my eyes. And you are right about wishing people had told you certain things about depression. Depression hurts and it sucks and it's a long process. I have fought and fought and fought. My simple words aren't enough to thank you. You have given me a reason to try and fight if only for another few moments. ty so much.

Celaeno OP November 26th, 2015

Lovely @batman4485, thank you so much for so many kind and loving words! I really appreciate that you took your time to read my post, and the fact that it resonates with you make me feel absolutely fantastic!

I'm so glad that you won't stop fighting. You deserve the good life, life without misery and torment caused by this gut-wrenching illness. You are worth the love, you are worth the struggle. I believe that you certainly can be victorious. You've already said that recovery is a long process, but it is worth every step we take. Just live one day at a time. That's enough.

If you ever want to talk, the whole community, including myself, is here to support you. If I may, I recommend you to visit this thread where you can post about how you feel today. There is also a community guide, if you'd be interested. Whatever you need, whatever you want to know, I will try to help you.

Lots and lots of love, wonderful!


Cadence November 28th, 2015

@Celaeno I want you to know that to this day I still quote this guide, saying, "A wise once soul once said..."

True story. You're a legend. <3

Celaeno OP November 28th, 2015

@Cadence, I don't even how to reply to this - you're kindness and awesomeness just made my whole day ^^ Thank you so much!

I still hope that this post can help others explaining their illness to their family and friends or reassure them that their struggle is valid. No one is alone in their fight.

Sending you all my love and can't wait to see you back in our community

baZzchik54 November 28th, 2015

This is going to b short as it is my 5th yes, try to post a note to no avail. LoL its been very hard thinking, writing, feeling all of the words that I had or have put down in words here. Very hard, no one told me that I would hate myself more than ever. That I would push my friends and family away, and not receive support from others. After twenty yrs of battling w my mind, I StiLL feel horrid and depressed most of the time...i did not know it was in some cases a life sentence. I did not know from the moment I rose till the moment I tried to sleep and ALL in between that it would suck the lifeforce out of me. The BlackCloak that envelopes me every moment of the day, squeezing here suffocating there. And most of all, what no one ever told me about depression is that when its at its darkest that BlackCloak in dragged down even farther into the BlackAbyss that steals you whole. Your lifeforce, your Joy, your spirit until finally, your Soul...

Celaeno OP November 28th, 2015

@baZzchik54, I wholeheartedly agree with you that depression is an horrid illness, dragging you to the darkness every time they hit, without a moment to let you take a breath. I love how you described it as a heavy cloak - it's such an apt word!

I'm sorry that you have to struggle for such long - I can't imagine the maelstrom of misery and torment you have to push yourself through in order to survive, day after day after day. But this shows how incredibly strong you are - persevering for such a long time requires an inhuman strength.

And still, you've endured it all. You are a definition of a warrior, lovely. I'm honored to hear your about your experiences, even as painful as they are. You are giving a hope to everyone who is suffering with this illness. Your bravery and honesty is an inspiration.

Sending you all of my strength, wonderful!


baZzchik54 December 23rd, 2015

@Celano Thank you for your kind post. It surely is a test of strength and endurance. That post obvi was a very bad day...there are bad days, weeks and bad months. And unfortunately in my case years. But we must persevere ! In my case @7cups has been a haven for me. A place where there is help and support and informative forums. While all days are not exactly chipper in here, it really helps (me at least) to speak to and support others . 7cups has brought me out of my shell a lil more, or at least the courage to try. Every Virtual Hug or endearing word, the touch of the 💚 button, are awesome in our pursuit of joy and laughter and our comradery. It teaches us not to be so inwArd but to be open and honest and supportive of others . As i said there are such horrid days as the one i posted, but coming here to 7cups has allowed me to be more ME, the Authentic me and i am starting to like that person in the shadows , the one darting in and out against the black cloaks heavy wrath. If this keeps up i could possibly love myself again, and its been over twenty years since i have felt this way or said those words if not just on text, but imprinted on my heart . 7cups has helped me allow myself the right not to drag around that heavy black cloak as often. And fight for myself again!

And @Caeleno you do inspire hope. Thank you for your kind words....

@baZzchik54 🍉💜💙💚💛❤️

ApricityLife February 21st, 2016


So I'm a few months late to reading this absolutely brilliant post. That being said, Id like to say that it not only resonates with me on a personal level, but also in general, you have articulated everything so honestly yet beautifully. The part of This depression is a safe house for you. You lived here so long that you know every corner of this dark cave. The vastness and freedom of free world overwhelms you. You prefer to stay in here. left me thinking how true this can be. Thank you for sharing this and your impact around here is remarkable. You are wonderful. <3

Celaeno OP February 21st, 2016

@ApricityLife, thank you so much! It still makes me incredibly happy when someone finds this post helpful. You're so kind and lovely for writing such a nice message to me ^^ I hope your days are calmer and that you don't struggle with any kind of pain. Sending you lots of love!


optimisticClementine4316 August 3rd, 2017

Something I wish people understood was how I don't control my depression. When I say its really hard getting out of bed in the morning its not because I am lazy. When I say I am upset and you say I shouldn't be because your there that is such a slap in the face. You think I want to be this way. You think I want to consetly remind myself that things will be okay when all I want to do is give up. No its not but I am not giving up. Not now not ever. You know why. For all those people who said I can't.

Celaeno OP January 23rd, 2021

@optimisticClementine4316, I admire your resilience. I agree with you when you say that depression is not a choice - I cannot imagine anybody choosing heartbreak and misery over wellbeing.

I hope you are doing well in your life and recovery. Keep up with your motivation!

DonneMoi June 24th, 2019

This is who I am, mostly...except no antidepressant mixes worked for me out of several prescription programs...


Celaeno OP January 23rd, 2021

@DonneMoi, I am glad to hear that this post resonates with you. I hope you are doing well!

tluper6491 July 4th, 2019

It doesn't get better. Nothing ever gets better. It only gets worse.

Celaeno OP January 23rd, 2021

@tluper6491, it often seems that way. Depression narrows our field of vision so much that we cannot notice anything else than the current pain which is still valid. You do not have to plan out your life or pretend your misery is not existing. Surviving is enough.

Sharonslatt July 22nd, 2019

I am at loss for words. I cant believe how acurate you are in telling the world what depression really feels like. I have been trapped in this misery for 5 years now and no matter how hard I try it just won't leave me. I have tried several medications and suffered with the side effects of each one. I know how important it is that our loved ones understand it. But unfortunately, they have no idea what its all about. How it cripples your mind and physically attacks your body. Most people only see whats in front of them. They can't see whats trapped inside.

You have made me feel that I am not alone in this journey of life. I only dream of what it would be like to be "normal" and have friends and family to enjoy life with once again. I hope and pray that thru therapy and persistance and medication I will someday have my life back.

Celaeno OP January 23rd, 2021

@Sharonslatt, thank you for your kind words. I am truly sorry to hear that you've experienced big obstacles in your recovery. It often is such a long journey towards one's wellbeing. Having support helps because it makes you realize you can lean on someone in times of need. I hope you found it - maybe not in your close family, but in a friend, a professional, a member of this community. We are here for you.

Depression would like you to feel that you are alone, but in this subcommunity we are all struggling. We have better or worse days, but we try not to judge ourselves. Doing your best each day is enough.

You left your message some time ago, so if you'd ever wanted to let me know how are you doing these days, I would like to hear it. Sending my strength to you!

July 22nd, 2019

One really big thing about depression that I think many people might not know is that you don't necessarily need to have had traumatic experiences, or a difficult life to get depression.

I still need to figure out my past with a therapist, and how to move forward, but there are no obvious reasons as to how I ended up like this. Objectively, my life is going very well right now. I can't imagine how things could be progressing any better than they are now. But, here I am. I am constantly asking myself why I'm like this, and if I can't even be happy now, then when? I need to remind myself of what my doctor once told me: "depression doesn't make sense."

weirdman July 31st, 2019

Thank you. One day I hope to be able to help people the way you have

Celaeno OP January 23rd, 2021

@weirdman, that is such a sweet thing to say ^^; Thank you so much, lovely! Hope you still found this community helpful to you. All the best!

intellectual5402 August 6th, 2019

Wow I actually love the idea of this thread!

Things nobody ever told me about depression:

That it never "actually" goes away. I mean people said now that I take meds I won't be depressed anymore and that my illness is in "remission". But what does any of that mean? They (meaning the earlier psychiatrists and therapists I saw) made me think I'd take a few pills then be on my way again. Wow, were they wrong! Don't get me wrong, my life is a lot better now than it was when I was in acute depression, but problems still occur even after you're in remission. I kind of had an extremely idealistic version of life in my mind before. I blame it on the doctors and therapists. It's partially my fault, too.

That depression is and can be traumatic.

Miika815 January 23rd, 2021

Wow, that was so eloquent. It's like someone looked into my brains, emptied the bowl of words, and turned it into coherent sentences.

I'm glad to hear I'm not alone in having these thoughts :)

(although at the same time, it saddens me other people are going through this too)

Celaeno OP January 24th, 2021

@Miika815, thank you! Yes, it is unfortunate that so many people have to struggle with depression. Still, we can do our best and advocate our needs to others, and support each other.

Glad that you are here with us *hugs* Have a great, peaceful day, lovely!

sunnyCherry1888 January 23rd, 2021

@Celaeno everything is on point! thanks for shariing this with us. How you wrote it made it more realistic and relatable than all those scientific meanings combined. You wrote it in 2015 and now that it's 2020, you're the one giving advice to others in need. I'm am so happy that your journey has been going well. I hope I can become an inspiration and give advice too someday just like you.

Celaeno OP January 24th, 2021

Thank you so much, @sunnyCherry1888 - you are really too kind ^^; And I am so happy to see you around in various threads! Please do stay with us - our community can only benefit by your presence and supportive voice.

Past Celaeno wouldn't imagine that there would something for them in the future... When you're in depressive states everything seems so bleak and hopeless and it is so easy to give up. But recovery is truly possible. It has its ups and downs and the formula may look different to everyone but it is still attainable. It just takes time and perseverance, and also courage to ask for help.

I can honestly state that the quality of my life improved immensely in these 5 years. Heck, I think I am mentally stronger than 6 months ago. My mood still sometimes swings dangerously low and of course life has its own problems to through at me, but I've learned how to survive it - sometimes avoid it completely. Still, even bad days are a chance to improve my self-awareness.

It may seem like a constant dance with my mental health, but it is the one I've learned to appreciate. And past Celaeno would never imagine to say that ^^; Which I assume just shows that we can all change with time, including our relationship to ourvselves.