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Feeling down and conflicted

QuietMuse July 21st, 2017

A recent breakup has thrown me into this deep depression I can't seem to get out of. We're still trying to be friends but it's hard for me to say that the friendship is pulling me apart. It's hard for me to text him and I don't want our friendship to fade but he really hurt me. He left me because I wasn't getting help for my anxiety and depression, and now I feel like I can't trust him as I used to before. What should I do? I could really use someone's perspective and thank you for reading

Iloveparis July 21st, 2017


It's hard to give advice when I don't know the details of the situation, but it sounds like you need to take care of yourself and work on yourself. It's very difficult when you feel like someone you trust isn't supportive, but maybe if you work on your own well-being, it will bring you closer (or you'll find someone who will be more supportive of you as you heal).

That's probably not what you wanted to hear, but based on the little I know of your situation, that's what I have to offer...

I wish you the best.

QuietMuse OP July 21st, 2017

@Iloveparis Thank you, I really appreciate your response and taking the time to read it. And yeah I honestly feel like I've been going through a lot emotionally and I really need to heal but I'm not sure if it's a good idea to stay friends with him because it hurts too much and I just feel like I have to put up these walls because I can't trust him like I used to

Iloveparis July 21st, 2017


If you can't trust him (for whatever reason) and remaining friends is a burden to you, then it's preventing you're healing. It's a very painful decision, but you have to do what is best for you.

QuietMuse OP July 21st, 2017

@Iloveparis Thank you and the reason why it's hard for me to trust him is because I helped him and stood by him while he was going through some really tough times but he left me because I was struggling with anxiety and I wasn't getting help. And it hurt a lot because I supported him when he was depressed but he didn't support me

Panway87 July 21st, 2017


I think taking time for yourself first which if you're anything like me is really hard lol.. but I'm learning that I count to. You count and you need you first. If he's a true friend he'll understand.

BlueButterfly4 August 1st, 2017


I'm sorry you're feeling conflicted and depressed. Those are two emotions that really do stink. What helps me is to have a coping skill, preferably more than one. Use them for distractions. Have plans, make plans, and use them daily. I hope this helps.