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Recent forum posts
Healthy Living / by Iloveparis
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August 27th, 2017
...See more I was diagnosed with walking pneumonia. I'm nervous because I go back to work this week full time plus I will start grad school this week. This weekend, I exhausted myself just by going to the grocery store and then I took a nap, waking up drenched in sweat. Has anyone else here had pneumonia? Has anything helped you go about your daily life?
Relationship Stress / by Iloveparis
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July 28th, 2017
...See more How do we remain compassionate to others without absorbing their negativity when we're empathic? How do we remain compassionate to ourselves?
Depression and Relationships
Depression Support / by Iloveparis
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July 25th, 2017
...See more Are any of you in a romantic relationship with someone who is also depressed? How do you help and support each other when you're both experiencing depression?
Depression Support / by Iloveparis
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June 28th, 2017
...See more I was recently diagnosed with something depression (along with severe PTSD and something anxiety). I had been misdiagnosed as bipolar and dissociative identity disorder for years. I do dissociate, yes, but I do not have DID. Things have been beyond terrible. Tossing and turning all night and waking up crying from nightmares. Crying multiple times a day. I go back and forth between the anxiety and depression. Every second is a struggle. Even though I love my job, I don't want to be there. All I want to do is read. I was recently prescribed klonopin at the ER. It has been a life saver. A few days ago I was prescribed a small dose of celexa and prazosin. The only side effect from the celexa was some drowsiness, so they increased my dosage today. Time to wait out the typical wait period for antidepressant effectiveness to kick in. As for the nightmares, I now have wild, stressful dreams all night that leave me with an emotional hangover and a bit of amnesia about what happened during the dream, but I don't wake up crying. They say that it also takes some time to kick in, but they can increase my dosage at the next appointment if there's no improvement. This is the closest thing to hope I've felt in a while. So, hello. Nice to meet you all.
So I think I have PTSD
Trauma Support / by Iloveparis
Last post
May 28th, 2017
...See more From sexual assault. What do I do now? I don't have health insurance, so seeing a therapist is not really an option right now.
Is this rape? Trigger Warning, Proceed with caution, take care of you!!
Trauma Support / by Iloveparis
Last post
April 21st, 2017
...See more Warning: this post mentions rape, emotional abuse, and threesomes. I was in an abusive relationship a few years back. In this post, I will focus on one of many issues that arose from that relationship. He insisted that I owed him a threesome because I had had a threesome with someone else before we met. I made it quite clear that I wasn't interested in having a threesome ever again, but he told me that he needed one to feel fulfilled in life - a sort of bucket list item. I said no. Then I said yes. Then I said no again. I never once changed the fact that I didn't want to do it. He found a woman who was willing to have a threesome if she "tried him out" first. I reluctantly let him do it, crying at home the entire time. She ultimately decided against having a threesome with us because she developed feelings for him. Again, I told him I didn't want to do it. He then told me he knew of twins who were in the country for the week who would be willing to do it, then he would come back to me. I said no and he got angry at me for preventing him from having something he craved so badly. After a couple years of me fighting him over this issue, I agreed to do it and found a woman who was willing. I had a couple rules, one being that he couldn't come inside her. That night, I got as drunk as I could, hoping that I would black out all memory of the event, but I failed. I remember it perfectly. I was completely incapable of getting aroused... [continued in next post]
Needle phobia
Anxiety Support / by Iloveparis
Last post
December 29th, 2022
...See more I have a violent phobia of needles. Shots. I cannot see them on TV, I cannot be in the room when a loved one is getting an injection, I haven't had my blood drawn in years, I cannot even bare seeing a cartoon needle. If I walk into a doctor's office, the anxiety starts - even if I know that I'm seeing a doctor for a purpose that doesn't result in needles. I have panic attacks, I cry uncontrollably even well after it's over, I sometimes faint... I almost lose control of myself and will say things without thinking. I haven't always had this phobia. Like many people, there was a time where I just didn't like them, but I was able to get beyond it and even gave blood a couple times. I was seeing a psychiatrist for a long time who believes my fear of needles stems from a fear of being powerless. This may explain why I have no problems getting tattoos. My husband thinks it's related to how my ex-boyfriend died from a drug overdose. I don't know, but I need help because this is preventing me from getting medical treatment (blood tests, for example). In recent months, I discovered that my psychiatrist was not a very good one and we never discussed any methods for overcoming my phobia. Is there hope for overcoming phobias? How do we work on this? My husband thinks that because my phobia was something that developed later in my life that it is something I can overcome somehow.
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