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What little things in life make it worth living?

RhapsodyonSilence February 5th, 2018

For me,

It's hot chocolate on cold days

Or songs that make you dance;

Sunsets that kiss the world with fire

And put you in a trance

It's snuggling inside a blanket,

becoming a human burrito;

Or passing someone on the street

And exchanging quick hello's

Lovely people of 7 Cups,

those are some of mine;

It's appreciating these things, one by one,

that make life truly shine

LifelD239 October 31st, 2019

Upps. I was gonna write just the mere habit of cooking things i like. even if im not a super chef in the kitchen i like it because i can improve with time

calmOceanJoy March 5th, 2018

@RhapsodyonSilence I love this! Well done :)

Rose February 5th, 2018

@RhapsodyonSilence Oooh, this is awesome! I love poetry :o These are some of mine too ^-^

RhapsodyonSilence OP February 6th, 2018

@Rose Thanks! I didn't plan for it to turn into a poem originally but it started rhyming so I was like why not cheeky

calmOceanJoy March 7th, 2018

@RhapsodyonSilence haha love this! Why not indeed!

teleah70 February 6th, 2018

coffee, chocolate granola bars, music, cats purr and dog snuggles, these keep me here

JustACollegeKidWithExperience November 16th, 2019

@teleah70 whatever it is that brings you those moments of happiness, hold onto it! That's great!

Heyanonhowwasyourday February 6th, 2018

Sunny days in winter I find massively restoreative... and tea but for everyday :)

bunnyssong February 6th, 2018


Being an artsy person, I always look forward to seeing art :) It's always something that someone put their time, effort, and heart into. Even nature itself is art, especially when I look at the sky.

MadCatter March 1st, 2018

@RhapsodyonSilence So, I love to read. Like LOVE it. But usually, books from places like Barnes and Nobles are way too expensive. But over at the DI, I can get used books for only a few dollars. And it makes me extremely happy to always get books that have a history. Clean sheets and pillowcases also make me happy. Giving random people smiles or compliments always makes me feel good

RhapsodyonSilence OP March 5th, 2018


Those are some of my favourite things too :)

I'm reading through War and Peace right now -- a chapter a day! Since my edition has 365 chapters and I started on the new year, I'll be finished right when 2019 starts laugh

Do you have any favourite books?

MadCatter March 5th, 2018

@RhapsodyonSilence I have way too many books to have a favorite haha my favorite book is usually what I'm currently reading. Right now, it's "All About Passion" by Stephanie Laurens. What about you?

RhapsodyonSilence OP March 6th, 2018


Awesome :)

My favourite book is currently The Little Prince, but Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes comes close!

lovingPenguin11 March 4th, 2018

Folky music. Seeing the sun coming through the windows as I wake up. Books and movies. My father playing guitar all the time. Stupid jokes. Fantasizing about life. Painting and drawing. Singing my lungs out and dancing alone. Walks in the nature. My little cats. My favourite dish. Buying a cd of your favorite band. Springs and summers. Getting home after a long ride and being cuddled by my family.

life can be pretty nice sometimes

RhapsodyonSilence OP March 5th, 2018


That's beautiful :) (Cats are the best)

What's your favourite dish? cheeky

courteousNorth5140 March 5th, 2018

@RhapsodyonSilence for me it's nature, being outside, feeling the sun, the wind, the rain, breathing deeply and just being alive

RhapsodyonSilence OP March 5th, 2018


Sometimes just closing my eyes and deeply breathing in some fresh air makes my heart swell with an indescribable feeling of comfort :)

courteousNorth5140 March 5th, 2018


Exactly that :)

Dana4748 March 5th, 2018

Songs that put you in a trance, when you

RhapsodyonSilence OP March 6th, 2018


Those words of yours made me smile :)

calmOceanJoy March 6th, 2018

@RhapsodyonSilence same here!

Dana4748 March 5th, 2018

Songs that put you in a trance, when you

Anusha March 5th, 2018

Dogs and cats in life make it worth living :D

calmOceanJoy March 6th, 2018

@AnushaKayastha so loyal, so true!

calmOceanJoy March 6th, 2018

@AnushaKayastha especially dogs :P

Anusha March 6th, 2018

@calmOceanJoy IKR? 😂

calmOceanJoy March 7th, 2018

@AnushaKayastha laugh

Anusha March 15th, 2018

@calmOceanJoy Image result for happy dogs

calmOceanJoy March 19th, 2018

@AnushaKayastha tooooooo adorable!

Anusha March 28th, 2018

@calmOceanJoy IKR! hehe

playfulHero86 March 6th, 2018

@RhapsodyonSilence being a human burito is litterally life! But I do it like a mermaid lol so my feet are snuggled up as well

RhapsodyonSilence OP March 6th, 2018


Warm feet = happy feet :)

calmOceanJoy March 7th, 2018

@RhapsodyonSilence true indeed!

Zeraphim March 6th, 2018

Validation, kindness, understanding, compassion. Though, those end up being pretty big things, in terms of their impact.

RhapsodyonSilence OP March 6th, 2018


Les petits ruisseaux font les grandes rivières smiley

'Small streams make big rivers'!

calmOceanJoy March 7th, 2018

@Zeraphim love this!

Jennifer164 March 6th, 2018

@RhapsodyonSilence Music,philosophy,kind people over here and around me,make-up and food makes my life worth living.

generousBirch8576 March 6th, 2018

Whenever I'm doing something I enjoy and I feel right at home and forget about my worries.

RhapsodyonSilence OP March 6th, 2018


Just being in the zone and shutting out the world can be liberating :)

calmOceanJoy March 7th, 2018

@RhapsodyonSilence yes it can! it feels really GREAT sometimes I tell you!