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What little things in life make it worth living?

RhapsodyonSilence February 5th, 2018

For me,

It's hot chocolate on cold days

Or songs that make you dance;

Sunsets that kiss the world with fire

And put you in a trance

It's snuggling inside a blanket,

becoming a human burrito;

Or passing someone on the street

And exchanging quick hello's

Lovely people of 7 Cups,

those are some of mine;

It's appreciating these things, one by one,

that make life truly shine

Prideftm2018 August 24th, 2019

My nephews are my reason to love without having then I wouldn't be here

imaginativeJar4481 August 25th, 2019

My son. He makes me remember that where I am at in life is where I am suppose to do and lets me know in his eyes I am the best mother and best person ever. Thats all that matters to me.

stressBear August 29th, 2019


Our cats are wonderful creatures (and they know it!).

exuberantMaple397 August 29th, 2019

My family and my dogs

reliableLime4615 August 29th, 2019

The hope of making everyone else happy despite my own inner turmoil.

Kyla219 September 4th, 2019

My friends - who have been with me through everything. Also, cookies are a great reason to live too! <3 Wishing all of you a great day! <3

MynameisGin September 5th, 2019

haven't found it yet.

turtlenie September 7th, 2019

my cats, little sister, and friends on discord!

LadyInSilence September 7th, 2019

when u buy something for ur sibling and it makes them happy

when u appreciate someone and say thank you

when u feel appreciated and existing

solessa September 7th, 2019

Seeing my fiance sleeping peacefully next to me when I wake up first

Tinyredlight September 7th, 2019

Tail wags from my dogs and my cat on my lap, always gives me something to cling to on the bad days.

Kyla219 September 7th, 2019

All my friends on 7cups, who make my life so much better. Thanks guys! You all mean a lot to me 💖

RayFix September 7th, 2019

My betta fish who wiggles at me as soon as I wake up, my dog who stretches and sticks his tongue out at the same time, the family of stray cats that greet me in the morning, looking up at the sky and realizing how fluffy the clouds look today, seeing my family smile, the moment you make eye contact with a stranger and realize you're both going through shit, the music and art someone has created to express themselves... I could add so much more, but I'll stop for now... x)

lycan9826 September 7th, 2019

My cats, a cup of hot tea or cocoa, a day at any amusement/theme park or arcade, my friends, any sunset, seeing anyone genuinely happy, feeling alive on a roller coaster, a big bowl of ice cream, laughing with friends, laughing period, playing games like Pokemon and Rocket League, road trips, realizing you're not hated despite your anxiety and depression claiming you are, being at the beach, in a forest or at a national park.

bubblyWaterfall76 September 8th, 2019

Making someone smile

chyni September 8th, 2019

I think, just knowing that you're loved.

Mooncat650 September 12th, 2019

Long hugs, good food, my sister, good books, and beautiful days. :)

Bimergirl September 16th, 2019

My cat, snake and tarantulas.

samalander September 17th, 2019

Decorating the house for Halloween a few weeks early.

courageousKermit6066 September 18th, 2019

My best friend makes it worth it.

softParadise20 September 18th, 2019

making someone smile or helping them out when they truely need it

ice cream

carefulCup1049 September 18th, 2019

The giggles of ypur daughter coming out of the water...

The smooth snoring of your wife near your snoring dog...

A hand on you when you don't expect any...

A sand castle...

Mooncat650 September 19th, 2019

@carefulCup1049 I've always felt that a snoring dog (or cat) is one of the homiest sounds in the world. :)

turtlenie September 18th, 2019

Nature smiley

carefulCup1049 September 18th, 2019


bunnyssong September 19th, 2019

My friends, family, significant other <3

Coffee :)


Knowing I can do something for others

Zulegirl September 19th, 2019

Music..If i died I would miss out on a lot of new albums

juniperandlamplight1 September 22nd, 2019

My cat! When he jumps up on my bed and falls asleep next to me 💜

greenSpring309 September 25th, 2019

@juniperandlamplight1, that is awesome!

juniperandlamplight1 September 25th, 2019

@greenSpring309 yeahh he's my baby, I honestly don't think I'd still be here without him

stressBear September 25th, 2019

@juniperandlamplight1 My cat does that too! It's adorable.

We have excellent cats.

placidBlackberry1063 September 22nd, 2019

Riding my motor scooter.

brightPlane3692 September 22nd, 2019

(When Im older) having a family. I see this family all the time when I close my eyes or ask myself what I want out of a family. It makes me happy, they make me happy. If I have to go through all this pain to be able to see them, Ill just keep on going through it because my heart is telling me it is worth it.

mbkh98 September 24th, 2019

Sweet animals and long weekend visits from someone whose company I have been missing...

CinnabarMoth September 24th, 2019

Seeing the moon and stars on a clear night. The smell of freshly baked bread. How happy my gran was to see me today. When my dog gets really excited at my arrival and the cuddles he gives me. The comfort of knowing I have a loving family. Plants. Autumnal leaves. Fresh dew. The smell of fresh mint and basil. The sound of bird song and the waves on the shore. The feel of a warm genuine hug. Seeing a smile on someone you love.

brightPlane3692 September 24th, 2019


greenSpring309 September 25th, 2019

Rereading a compliment, something that I did that was more than I thought I could accomplish, a nice validating thing someone said about me to me, which reminded me that there are people who do see me and that I am not as worthless as some people would make me out to be.

IcyWinter September 25th, 2019

Loving everyone and every moment of your life, with your whole heart, believe me it's possible, even though life is very cruel. heart

lycan9826 September 25th, 2019

An awesome ride on Twisted Colossus, or Tatsu, or Ghostrider, or HangTime or some other awesome rollercoaster.

A cup of hot tea or cocoa

A good time or night with awesome friends

One on one time with a friend

Watching a good show on TV with a cat on your lap

A delicious pizza

A sunset

LadyInSilence September 25th, 2019

The little things that makes it worth living in life