What little things in life make it worth living?
For me,
It's hot chocolate on cold days
Or songs that make you dance;
Sunsets that kiss the world with fire
And put you in a trance
It's snuggling inside a blanket,
becoming a human burrito;
Or passing someone on the street
And exchanging quick hello's
Lovely people of 7 Cups,
those are some of mine;
It's appreciating these things, one by one,
that make life truly shine
Having true friends, being able to be myself, singing and dancing around with friends, having a caring family, being outside.
But I think the one that gets me through life, is my best friend.
Having such a close friend is wonderful indeed :)
Yes. I am very blessed
- Seeing babies
- Knowing that there still be goodness in this world no matter what
puppy snuggles', cat snuggles, writing, coffee, ice cream, chocolate and friends and benedict cumberbatch
My silly dog, my kitty, blankets fresh out of the dryer, hiking the mountains on a nice day, the colors of fall, smiles from kids, and a nice warm bed on a cold day, to name a few💕
Seeing hidden positivity and love come through the cracks of things that you never thought had any to offer.
That friend that reaches out ..out of the blue when you need it most and distracts you from your worries and just makes you laugh. Sometimes Looking out my window at the mountains , trees and birds. My loved ones ...realizing how much they need me even though i dont feel like i am giving them enough.
Eating chocolate, watching a favorite TV show I've seen a million times (Teen Wolf) but I just love it so much, birds singing, cats, knowing that I own pieces of the Teen Wolf set and a shirt Dylan O'Brien wore in an official auction. Not everyone can say that and it might be the closest to my idols I'll ever get, but it's definitely something. Then, it's thinking about my memories. I've made a list of all my favorite childhood memories I still smile about and envisioning them feels like I'm home again after going missing for years or something.
Bacon Sandwiches
Angry cockatoo videos. Google it, its worth it!
Being able to share the good times and the bad with someone that really cares