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Do you have pets? What are they like?

raspberrywillow02 December 15th, 2018

I personally have two dogs,Mako and Bandit,a cat named Boris,a peacock named Kevin,and a betta fish named Mr Meeseeks.

Mako and Bandit are hyper and goofy,Boris is cuddly and funny,Kevin is dramatic and meticulous,and my fish Mr Meeseeks is reclusive. I love them all!

ThePeacefulOliveTree June 30th, 2019

@raspberrywillow02 Hello! I have a cat called Maya! She is the sweetest thing ever, she is a fluffy ball! She is a little bit lazy but she loves showing her love to us♡

nessc137 December 15th, 2018

@raspberrywillow02 Hello! I have a dog and three cats: Malcolm, Finn, Mochi and Korrin. I love that you named your beta Mr. Meseeks! I used to have a beta named Nostrodamus. What's it like having a peacock?

raspberrywillow02 OP December 17th, 2018

@nessc137 thanks! i love your pets names too! peacocks arent quite the elegant creatures media makes them out to be. in fact,kevin is a HUGE dork! he honks quite a lot,he eats dog food as well as bugs (scorpions and spiders are among his favorites) and he's very melodramatic. he often sleeps on the trunk of one of our oak trees. i cant speak for the entire species obviously,but ive heard from other owners that their peacocks act almost exactly the same,so all in all theyre a very goofy yet unique pet to have

1willowwisp December 15th, 2018

hi! I have 2 dogs, Annie and Trouble, a cat, Dude, 3 mice I refer to as my minions, Hershey, Jinx and Peekachu and a tank full of guppies. Plus some chickens and a horse, Dunnee. It get's a little crazy here sometimes! But I wouldn't want it any other way

AntenorA December 18th, 2018

Many. One of them is my avatar.

sk8erboi December 18th, 2018

i have a dog but i havent seen her in a month because shes at my moms and im not allowed there:(

lazyKatz June 5th, 2019

I have two cats Hector and Dylan brothers that I fostered from birth.

aiko123 June 5th, 2019

I have a Bombay cat named Shadow and a Great Dane (full blooded) named Jaxson. Jaxson is goofy and sweet. He wouldn't hurt a fly and is often misjudged by strangers because of his immense size. Shadow is reclusive and mean. He is occasionally very sweet. He is the way he is, because my little cousin often would hit him. But now he is recently doing better. He opened up to my best friend recently. So he is doing better than when we got him. But Shadow and Jaxson are my best friends. And yes, I know that they are animals, but I still love 'em.

0Astrid0 June 30th, 2019

I have one dog and she's a shih tzu pomeranian mix! Her name's Mina and she's cute and fluffy, she sleeps tons, and rolls around into the cutest positions while doing the said action. During the summer she lays on hard, cold floors with her head on the vent and in the winter she'll snuggle up to you. I love her so much and she comforts me a lot!

stressBear June 30th, 2019

I have two cats, Desti and Ticia. Desti is a Bombay mix, very vocal and affectionate; she likes to sit on my lap -- or my keyboard. Ticia is a tortie, a bit shy; she sits on my wife's lap during the day (she gets treats there) and next to me when I go to bed. They're both wonderful therapy critters.

2Legit2quitT October 20th, 2019

I have two cats... and they are both pigs -_- lol

grampsiscool October 27th, 2019

I have one cat, His name is Truck. He's a pretty silly cat, constantly playing, meowing, etc. Everyday I come home he makes me feel a bit better no matter how my day was going, he puts a smile on my face. And so does this conversation honestly.

MercuryStardust October 27th, 2019

I have a dog who is a "Heinz 57" variety of mutt. I'm not quite sure what he's made of, but he's the best ball of fluff. He was a stray puppy and followed me home from work one day. He loves to snuggle and gets very jealous when I'm doing things other than petting him.

Gizmosmom1313 October 27th, 2019

I have 5 cats and a dog currently. One is my own that I've raised since I met him last year named Gizmo, he is very affectionate but mainly playful. Due to what we had to deal with as he grew up, he doesnt exactly know how to play properly, but he tries. We have had 2 kitties since I was a kid, colours is a calico and she is extremely affectionate, she could lick ones face for hours if you let her, she also hates Gizmo. Then zuzu is a playful black on black tabby who is slowly seeing his age. He always ends up hiding in the weirdest spots and always leaves his tongue out. Cas is 6 months older than Giz and she is a orange Tom cat who is so very shy, yet so affectionate. She purrs so loud, you can hear her across the room. Then Huckleberry, we got her at the SPCA at the age of 9 which makes her about 11 now so she is our oldest. She is a calico that dont take no crap. Originally she hated people and clawed us each up quite a bit. Now she is a beautiful affectionate soul who tries to steal food. Then we have mom's 3 year old shug, he is a spoiled prince with attachment issues. He refuses to pee if it's raining, and he always demands whatever you're eating, even if it's in your mouth.

RawiyaIshana November 7th, 2019

Ooh, yes! I have two cats and a bunny. Had two bunnies, but the male died in Mach of old age. He was almost twice the average age though, so I'm mostly glad he had a long and good life and died peacefully (far as we can tell, he just fell asleep and didn't wake up again. I am selfishly glad it was my sister who found him though.)

The older cat is currently fourteen! White with black patches, she is kind of grumpy, but supper fluffy and cuddly! She is also a grudging sweetheart. Whenever she notices I had a hard day she climbs up on my bed in the evening and lays down next to my head on the pillow, softly purring, until I fall asleep, before moving to my lower back/knees whre she knows I won't move as much in my sleep. If I wake up before my alarm rings, she comes back up again! She is also unusually large, measuring from head to tip of the tail a meter and going almost to my knees (I am slightly above average height.)

The younger cat is... we don't ctually know, we got her from an animal shelter, but I'm guessing about seven or eight? It's in her vet file like this, so... she's striped, mostly brown and grey, and average size, but she is an outdoor cat more than indoors(both cats can leave the house at any time and come back in whenever they want). She also brings mice, both alive and not, at least three times a month and occasionally in summer even unlucky birds(which she is lightly scolded for). She is cuddly as well, but unless you're sitting or laying on the couch won't come to you directly, only meow until you come to her thinking she brought another living animal in.

The bunny, female, is a white one of French breed (forgot the name) we rescued from an illegal breeder before reporting the woman, since she planned to kill her at four weeks old because she wasn't showing the markings(Joke's on her, she was a bit of a late bloomer, but they are definitely there). She was very wild while her partner was alive, but by now is very affectionte. She is also highly energetic, since she hasn't known small cages since she was tiny enough to lay outstretched in my palm. She can move branches more than ten times her weight!

Her partner was a black alaska bunny also rescued from the shelter and died with seven years and five months. Average lifespan is four to five years. He was a sweetheart you could probably have put in a doll's dress and he would have let you, but the most I did was cut his fur when we got him since it was clotted together due to the neglect of his previous owner - he was entirely relaxed and calmly nibbled at a bit of salad during this. His death set back what little progress I made, but since I owned him since he was about six months old, that is probably understandable.

MayaorMay13 March 10th, 2020

I used to have a dog who died a few months ago due to old age, he was 15. I loved him with all my heart and he will forever live on in my memory.

I currently have two guinea pigs. One is named Tottie, he is brown and white mix, and the other is named Loki, he is a black and white mix. Tottie is rambunxious and he loves to run around, making me chase after him and often climb under my bed to get to him. He also loves to give you kisses if you hold your hand out to him. I named Loki perfectly because he truly is the god of mischief. He sometimes likes to jump out of his cage in the middle of the night and I have to do a scavenger hunt in order to find him. He is a really good cuddler though and will sleep curled up against your stomach. he is honestly the most calming pet I have ever owned. I love both of my guinea pigs a lot, and they really help me in calming down when I get panic attacks.

LittleWaterbear March 27th, 2020

@MayaorMay13 thats really nice.

Vix94 March 27th, 2020

I have a cat names Neko. He is independent but also a love bug. He's not very playful, prefers to play alone. He used to have two brothers from other mothers but I left my bf at the time so now he's my only boy.
My parents and sister have two dogs, Luke and Leia, and the dogs look nothing like eachother though they are from the same litter. Both very sweet, Leia is very submissive and Luke loves to "talk" to you. He will growl and bark but just to have a conversation.
I love them all.

ColleNicholas March 27th, 2020

I have a dog named QB. He's currently 9 years old and loves playing, eating and getting his face wiped. He always puts a smile on my face no matter how sad I am.

LittleWaterbear March 27th, 2020

@raspberrywillow02 i dont have pets because im afraid ill end up neglecting them somehow.....but if i did have a pet it would be a egyptian mau 🐱. They are pretty cute..........and when i wacth them in videos they always tend to make me smile.

ifeelemptyandalone March 27th, 2020

i have a yorkie named paisley and shes vert energetic i love her with all my heart

Vix94 March 28th, 2020

@ifeelemptyandalone Yorkies are precious!

quietAvocado5442 March 28th, 2020

I have two puppies. 10 year old puppies. And they need to be walked more often and both need a bath!!! I love them dearly.

Goldcherry2113 April 10th, 2020

I have a cat named Bear. She's almost two and completely black. She very playful, sassy, loves any kind of food, funny, loves to cuddle. She is the love of my life and I would do anything for her.

powerfulPear2565 April 10th, 2020

I have three cats named Fifi, Rudolph and Rarity. Fifi is a little fluffy princess that hates people unless she wants something, Rudolph is a problem child and Rarity is my little stalker who loves attention. I live with my family so I also have living with me my mum's dog, my dad's dog, my brother's cat Bandit and my other brother's four cat's.

notefornote April 10th, 2020

I have a cat named pussca because no one wanted to call her azriel.

And she is old and loud and always knows when you are awake.

And a cat named Persephone who is named after a goddess and enjoys killing snakes

also chickens and a rooster.

But they are more for eggs then pets really.


barncat April 11th, 2020

Yes- I do have a barncat- named Sophie, she was a housecat who now loves living at the barn with my horses. She looks like a maine coon cat except smaller. Still gets catfood and wants a litterbox. Also have Thomas at our home- big orange and white cat. Rules the house. My most special animals are pasture pets most of the time- herd is back up to three. Three geldings- boy horses- Flash (Midnight's THunder Shower) 18yo TWH, Gus (I'm ARmed and Bulletproof) - my husband's new horse and now the love of my life. Gus is a 14yo gorgeous reddish chestnut color with the fluffiest mane and tail- has 6 world grand champions in his tennessee walker lineage. Owner didnt tell us that- he is a goof and a love bug. And a very good trail horse. Last addition was supposed to be my children's lesson horse- Duke (Score King) 18yo thoroughbred from Oregon. He is very self confident and just took me for a walk- my 3rd ride on him. In equestrian lingo- he has more go than whoa. What did I expect from a former racehorse!!

independentCurrent4558 April 13th, 2020

I have one dog. She loves a ton of attention and is mostly very sweet. She however gets grumpy extremely quickly (short temper).

sociableAcai232 April 16th, 2020

Hello :)

I have a 14 year old cat named Tia. She has always been there for me and I have no idea what I would do without her. She still loves to chase dust around the floor and climb around house.

LexIris April 16th, 2020

I have a pet fish. It's a guppy but I dont know which kind of guppy. I haven't named her yet. She's chill and just does what a fish does. At some point, she gave birth to like 4 or 5 baby fishes but she ate them all before the next morning. I'm not sure why but it was sad

intuitiveAna4586 April 16th, 2020

I have a brown female rabbit who is 1 year old and she has such a nasty attitude but i love her, her name is Tambora .

mak636 April 17th, 2020

My oldest pet is a turtle. He's not really mine, he actually belongs to my brother technically but he's pretty much a family pet. He's quite greedy when it comes to eating and he's very friendly but tends to keep to himself. On the other hand my dog (jack russel terrier) is the most hyper thing ever. He's so sweet to everyone and loves to give kisses unless you get on his bad side. I love him to death and he's actually hurt right now and on bed rest but he'll be okay in a little less than a month.

wolfgalaxy April 17th, 2020

I have a 2 year old dog named Lulu Belle. She is a rescue. She loves to wear clothes and chase lizards in our backyard (sometimes she even catches them!)

AwenaNight April 24th, 2020

I have 2 black cats. Kitten, the 4 year old male is a long haired polydactl and has thumbs on his front paws. Panther is a year old short hair amputee. He broke his leg at the growth plate when he was 6 months old and it had to be amputated

Astroly25 April 24th, 2020

I have a bootiful cat