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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

Nagisa August 15th, 2016

@Tigerose that's great to hear ^_^

aquaLychee7095 July 18th, 2016

I wake up okay, but once my day gets started everything goes downhill. I lose interest in daily activities and just stay indoors. I know I shouldn't do that, I want to feel better but when I go out, I feel like I annoy the people around me by how I'm always so blue and negative.

bestVase7265 July 22nd, 2016

You don't make other people's days for them. Most of them actually feel better when you get out there and let them know you are in need.@aquaLychee7095

Nagisa August 15th, 2016

@aquaLychee7095 it's okay to not always be okay. Just hang in there the bad days will pass

RunningWater July 22nd, 2016

What's the point of living if you dont feel alive?

hashtagV July 22nd, 2016

@RunningWater The possibility that you might feel alive tomorrow.

bestVase7265 July 22nd, 2016

Absolutely. Tomorrow opens up the possibility of healing just a little more and feeling a little more alive again.@hashtagV

RunningWater July 27th, 2016


That doesn't answer my question

limeSky1438 July 28th, 2016

@RunningWater well, even when you are not feeling alive, you are still breathing, aren't you? Isn't that the point? That you are alive? I dont know what made you feel this way but yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, ok? So as long as you are breathing dont give up, start with the small stuff, do your errands, search for the piece that is missing from your life. That could be anything! Get a hobby. we all go through something, but there is always somebody who has gone through worse but still has the willpower to overcome it. That is the truth. Hope you feel better. And feel free to talk cuz i also need it. And remember time heals everything. All you need is patience.

Yor July 23rd, 2016

Scared of what I might do to myself, isolated from everyone I used to have a connection with, and unmotivated to do anything

July 24th, 2016

I need help, can't keep living like this, alone, with no hope for the future and no reason to live. I've tried to push forward but it's too much now.

StarlightDays July 25th, 2016

I feel empty. Like there's no sadness anymore. Like I don't feel anything other than angry. I'm angry at everything and everyone. I'm even angrier that people don't realize that I'm not trying to be this way. I don't know how to explain to them and they wouldn't listen to it in the first place. I feel like today all they care about is pushing my problems under the carpet and forgetting about it until it's too big of a problem to hide.

peachy2015 July 25th, 2016

Calmer than I was yesterday

Nagisa August 15th, 2016

@peachy2015 that's good :) well done

AeroRoze3 July 25th, 2016

i feel hopeful that I will actually enjoy my day off

NothingGold July 26th, 2016

Feeling low, all the time. Sometimes lower than others, but even on good days, things only get so good, and then they stop. I feel like I have to keep up an image that everything is okay, but it really isn't.

South1071cc July 26th, 2016

I feel that I'm being used by my family and friend which makes me feel even more alone.

powerfulMaple1852 July 28th, 2016

like I want to vomit.

I feel shaky

I want to cry.

I want to scream.

I feel like telling him to go f@#% himself.

I just wanted to be loved.

Daninickel July 29th, 2016

@powerfulMaple1852 Sounds familiar. Slap in some family drama and u got me. I just want the pain to be over.

Cranberryjoy August 2nd, 2016

@powerfulMaple1852 I know it feels this way right now I've been through the same thing. Some days are better than others so I'm always here to talk if you need someone. :)

munchkinlove94 July 29th, 2016

I feel like i wanna cut off this disgusting fat off of myself...

I feel like i wanna break up with my fiancé because all he cares about is his OWN feelings what HE is dealing with...

Does anybody ever even stop to wondering how i am feeling? How am i dealing with all the stress of being there for someone with panic disorder with agoraphobia + my pregnancy + giving birth + taking care of a baby on my own with nobody to even tell me what to do and how to do it + postpartum depression + gaining weight + trying to get thru every single fucking day without just drinking a bunch of pills and just ending everything...just shut it off....just stop crying....

ADwhat July 29th, 2016

I feel like running away. Then I feel like a terrible person for wanting to walk out on my baby, dogs, and husband.

I feel like I need a drink. I try not to because when I start drinking I keep drinking and it becomes a daily activity.

I feel like a failure because I'm so bad at coping with life.

TaylorTheLemonSlayer August 2nd, 2016

I'm feeling slightly pissed off today, and a lot of different mixture of emotions...

My workplace had phoned me up, notifying my changes of times the very last minute, which kind of set me off since it had suddenly been thrown in my face.

another thing; around two weeks ago, my boyfriend had broken up with me the second time. Yes, this was the second time he did this to me. Of course, I felt devastated, but not as much as very first time.

The saddest thing that had occurred to me was the fact that we were extremely close friends beforehand, and that we shared different interests. I did offered a re-newed friendship to him, but he refused as he was experiencing overwhelming guilt of breaking up with me, I guess. Now that friendship is forever lost...

bubblyunicorn August 3rd, 2016

hello everyone.. :) just wanted to say hi .... ok freee hugs to all <3 :d

Sati August 5th, 2016

Sick and tired but can't sleep. Exhausted and lazy because I skipped the gym tonight. Fat and worthless. I just want to disappear but I know that would cause worry. I'm just so done with life. I'm tired of others expectations for and of me.

TaylorTheLemonSlayer August 7th, 2016

@Sati I hear ya. :(

Sati August 9th, 2016

@TaylorTheLemonSlayer I know it gets better because it has but it's like not knowing how to swim and having a floaty that only works 27.8% of the time.

norahdavex August 5th, 2016

I was a little sad and confused today but I am starting to feel like there may be hope.indecision

Daydreamer1996 August 7th, 2016

I feel like dying. Not dying actually but just not existing anymore. I don't want to hurt everyone around me, and I'm too scared to ever put myself through the pain of dying and finding out what's out there in the unknown, but I can't do this anymore. I feel trapped. Doing this is like banging my head against a wall. I've felt this ugly feeling that is my depression for as long as I can remember and nothing works. Therapy hasn't helped. Medications haven't helped. I feel like I was born broken and there's no fixing me. I feel sick and horrible like every cell in my body is vomiting.

Also hi I'm sorry I'm new here and that's a hell of a way to make an appearance I apologize

starryNarwhal63 August 7th, 2016


Hey, welcome to 7 cups, it's good to have you here and don't apologize for your feeling that's what we're all here for. You have the support of the community and listeners and we're all in this together :)

HappyLittleRainCloud August 7th, 2016

I feel numb to the core, like there's a weight going from my chest to my throat, inhibiting me from breathing properly. I feel weak, aching, heavy. Everything hurts and simple activities seem so hard for me to do. I feel invisible, or that I should be, because I don't want anyone to see me or deal with me and my dumb ol issues.

CrimsonBunny7777 August 8th, 2016

I feel unnecessary and unwanted. I spent the day at work, didn't speak with any of my co-workers. Kept checking my phone for texts or notifications, nothing. Came home to my empty house, and watched tv until I moved to my bed. It's been a lonely day today.

justanaveragegirl August 9th, 2016

I want to lie in bed and pretend the world doesn't exist.

I want to self harm until the point where I feel numb.

I want to throw away my medications.

I want to run and dive off of a cliff.

I'm not doing any of those things, I'm out living my life and trying to feel positive.

I'm going to beat this.

I'm going to feel okay again.

I'm trying so hard every second of everyday.

I'm going to keep trying.

To to everyone else reading this, keep trying, keep getting better.

Healingneedstime August 17th, 2016


Counting The seconds and hours i can understand this feeling. But as yolu i believes it will pass so i dont give up hoping.

Big big hug.🙌

lotusflow3r August 10th, 2016

Today I don't feel so good, kinda feel down in the dumps. Ive been quite good recently. Anyone else feel like they don't have any motivation to do anything?

Aford August 15th, 2016

@lotusflow3r I am in the same exact boat, these ups and downs never seem to end, I'm in that "funk" today too, your not alone!

Healingneedstime August 17th, 2016


U are not alone same as u.

Big big hug 🙌

Ameema12 August 15th, 2016

I am not feeling well my boyfriend last night fight alot and he is still angry I feel so lonely I have no interest in me I have complex for me I don't love myself

Idemesangel August 17th, 2016


So sorry hearthat, we are fools

4668 August 15th, 2016

I don't feel like getting out of bed. The things that I have to do today overwhelm me. I can't believe I have to shower again, I just did it yesterday. I don't want to eat and I just want to sleep. I wish so hard for something that could help me when I feel like this but nothing ever helps