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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

Disneykstew May 3rd, 2016


Hey malaheart I'm so glad to hear that you are trying to be strong! keep fighting and one day it will over finallywink

Malapropp May 4th, 2016

Thank you @Disneykstew. Actually I felt quite allright allready in the same evening. It was just a short lapse into sadness, but I must admit depression is so old companion of mine that the thought of living totally without it feels strange but more probable than impossible nowadays. By the way your picture is super cute!

Disneykstew May 4th, 2016


Aww, Thank you much malaheart I'm so glad to hear that! Hope you stay happy foreverwink

derailments May 3rd, 2016

I just feel so empty and alone. Nothing I do is helping. I just want to sleep and not have to worry about anything.

Disneykstew May 3rd, 2016


Sorry to hear that derailmentsheart I understand your situation.smiley Have you tried the self-help guide of 7 cups on depression?laugh If you did, that's awesomewink If you didn't, please think of it.

SenpaiXD May 4th, 2016

A little ashamed and disappointed in myself for not doing the best I could have done.

connihol May 4th, 2016

Yesterday turned out to be a terrible day. I was doing well then I had to let ex boyfriend know I would be getting my clothes etc at his place next week. He blew. He knew I was planning that day. A narcissist, gaslighting man. We were together nine years, emotional abuse was so there. I am not innocent, as my depression and bipolar weren't always nice, but he may have helped with that happening. He made it sound like we were separated as friends. He is trying to be the controlling jerk as usual. Why am I surprised. That is okay, I hold the titles to his boats in my name cuz of his past due child support for a 12 year old boy he has never met. He also knows I am picking up the internet router and satellite receiver as I have been paying those even after leaving in January. I will use those titles as my ticket to get my property. Then I am off to Mexico for 15 days.

generousowl1717 May 4th, 2016

I don`t feel depressed but i do sometimes in my episodes of my mind feeling like it`s going to overwhelm with all my thoughts kill myself.

May 5th, 2016

I feel like I'm on the edge , things have calmed down a bit in my life but its too late

Elena1998 May 16th, 2016

@peachSailboat2974 Hi there, I'm sorry to hear that, but it's never too late.. What are thouse few months or even years related to an eternity? Don't give up! We're with you heart

Sati May 10th, 2016

I feel numb and just so tired. I'm tired of bills, stressing over others health and relationships, working for money that I never see. I'm tired of living the life I live. I don't feel free.

IMJENN May 10th, 2016

I am highly depressed and disappointed because I thought today was going to be a good day. I cannot seem to find happiness or motivation in anything.

heatherh11 May 21st, 2016


I know today is really tough, especially when hapiness and motivation are all gone, but please keep going. Even if the good days don't come soon, you're important and good and we want you to keep going.

With love,


Andrew12345 May 10th, 2016

Its been a long day. Too many fake smiles and forced laughs. Friends and family dont know how i really am. They will never know the real me no matter how hard they try to get to me. That chance for them was taken away long ago.

run10 May 10th, 2016

yeah I feel really depressed today too. school's just getting very stressful and that always triggers me

MerciIsScreaming May 10th, 2016

Today I feel super lonely, exhausted, and utterly meh.

griffin84 May 16th, 2016

@MerciIsScreaming i feel a mess ive let everyone down

Gingee May 14th, 2016

I imagine its how space would feel if it were a person

2ez2c May 14th, 2016

I woke up really early feeling motivated and ready to work and be productive. I was productive for 2 hours feeling great about progress. Next thing I know I am exhausted, weak, absolutely no energy. I tried napping but was unsuccessful. Tried energy drinks and eating still nothing. My body feels so heavy with racing thoughts. I try a meditation and very relaxing bath or should have been but nope didn't help. I really need to get myself motivated. I want to but everything in me is saying lay down, stay in bed, nobody appreciates or values you anyway. Feel restricted like my body is weighed down and not wanting to let me out of bed or around others. Tired of trying to appear OK at work because I am in management and then home to bed not wanting to deal or be around anyone. Just tired of it all. 😔


Pinner7277 May 14th, 2016

I'm new here. Today I feel pretty lonely, worthless and unloved. I have been doing a lot of reading, listening and resurce to try to get better.

creativeCamp2095 May 14th, 2016

My back/hip/side hurts, I'm sad, I'm tired, I don't want to do anything but I need to and can't motivate myself to. I'm not important to anyonw. I hate myself so much... what a worthless piece of crap. Lowkey wishing I hadn't even woken up this morning.

undercoverwanted May 14th, 2016

I woke up tired and stressed.......for a while I cried a bit..then I started playing with watercolor paints so I feel more so ok.

LovePom May 14th, 2016

I could say that I'm feeling pretty average right now, but there's a lot that's being unsaid.

poisontongue May 15th, 2016

Why am I alive? I have to make these decisions, and I don't know what to do with my life or how to make it worth it, and there's so little chance of success and I'm so alone and bored of it all and I don't even want to keep going...

heatherh11 May 21st, 2016


You are good! I know you feel worthless right now but I want to affirm you and tell you that even though depression is super hard to deal with, you can make it.

PeacefulLife2 May 16th, 2016

I want to kill that evil person spreading chaos everywhere.

Elena1998 May 16th, 2016

Idk, I am felling kinda empty and numb.. I hate this state, because it's hard to get out of it.. I wish I could just stop existing, and yet, I do want to get better, but for now I'm just too tired. Well anyway, I know that someday it'll be better, so I should work so I could reward myself when I'm over this

MerciIsScreaming May 17th, 2016

I surprisingly feel pretty good today

I hope everyone is having a good day :)

Spice2016 May 17th, 2016

I had my depression flashbacks this morning. But eventually I stayed positive and made it through the day... I still believe I will be alright with time

danikamarie May 18th, 2016

i tried killing myself last night, i just need someone

nosuchthingasbasic May 21st, 2016

@danikamarie please promise me you won't, I had the same thoughts yesterday and I know its really really bad right now but i still believe things will change somehow. I love you and I know you will be all right if you just hang in there just a little bit longer

Jojohn1 May 19th, 2016

Hi all

exuberantWatermelon5299 May 19th, 2016

hey, newbie here on 7cups. never even thought about depression being a thing for me until very recently. sometimes i just enter a period of unhappiness where i can't get anything done, and i just want to do nothing at all, not even the things i love. in fact, what are the things i love? i have no idea anymore, but i do know things i used to enjoy seem to have faded. i went online to search up more about depression, but i know nothing beats an actual person's opinion. anyone here has depression and can let me know more about your experience and preferably has learnt how to not let it get the better of you and basically has learnt to handle it better? i think i need to be clear once and for all if i maybe have depression and what i can do about it. thank you all so much for your time :)

creativeCamp2095 May 20th, 2016

Kinda low =/

Missy130 May 20th, 2016

Feeling pretty bad today :-(

gloomybear17 May 21st, 2016

I feel so depressed and it makes me feel sick cold sweat, bloated, nausea, cant sleep low blood pressure, weak.. I want to stop this i want to go back to the real me..i cant forgive myself for the biggest mistake that i made.. 😭😭😭😭

mehuman May 21st, 2016

I want to die. And I can't talk to anyone because I'll be just a bother and half of the people don't care about that. I just want to be normal

heatherh11 May 21st, 2016


heatherh11 May 21st, 2016


heatherh11 May 21st, 2016


I know that life is really hard right now, but please keep holding on. If you need help,call a suicide hotline or chat with someone here. We care about you and want you a live. You are a good human being even if you feel awful right now. Feel free to message me if you want to get some things out.