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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

Melloncollie1985 April 8th, 2016


Its not fun. We'll get thru it tho!

Loiscavill April 8th, 2016

@Melloncollie1985 I'm not really sure how I feel surprise.

Melloncollie1985 April 8th, 2016


Is it that numb feeling?

BendyZebra129 April 7th, 2016

Extremely depressed. The person I was told to call for help with housing called me back and dismissed me telling me to find a homeless shelter.

April 7th, 2016

I tried ,I really did, I talked to family and friends ,I even searched for professional help but I really found no helping hand. Right now I'm really writing this from a bad place, many things put me here,I tried to fight against them but I feel I've failed but I need to be able to say I've tried everything to myself before stuff

Kenziebehrle April 7th, 2016

I think I have anger management problems. Today I just wanted to choke my teacher and the only way I could calm down was if I pretended that I was actually choking her. I was just thinking in my head that I was taking the breaths out of her mouth. It kinda relaxed me. Another thing that happened today was this kid was sitting in my set at lunch today. And I just flipped out and screamed at him. I just wanted to shoot him in the head

Sara808 April 7th, 2016

I'm feeling melancholy. I feel the need to cry for a few hours. I just feel like it'd be a better world and everyone would be happier if I wasn't here.

Zenjen9 April 7th, 2016

Overwhelmed. Confused. Afraid. Sad.

Lindajw April 8th, 2016

I have battled through a very deep depression and have come out stronger, however, I still feel that it still has its claws in me and can pull me back at any time. I struggle daily with energy, motivation, and purpose. I feel my life is about just surviving each day.

Lolalandia April 9th, 2016

@Lindajw wao i feel the exactly same way

lifesucksK14 April 8th, 2016

Been feeling like I can't do anything today. My thoughts are going in directions they shouldn't, I've been really struggling lately.

abbyml22 April 8th, 2016

Definitely feel hopeless. Don't know who I am anymore.

feedhorses April 8th, 2016

I feel like if I was diagnosed with cancer tomorrow I'd welcome it and not treat it

Thebritishgentleman April 8th, 2016

as a listener I feel happy that I can help other but never feel as if I'm good enough as a person

justpearson April 10th, 2016

@Thebritishgentleman.....that's because you're not good enuf DUH!!!!!! YOURE THE BESTEST

Tabby1212 April 8th, 2016

Anxious for the day to be over. Nothing is "wrong", I just want to be at home with my dog.

justpearson April 10th, 2016

@Tabby1212. Nothing like a furbaby kiss!! It's the best smile maker!

SelinIndigo April 9th, 2016

I feel stressed because I have a lot to learn and assignments to do for a class I'm repeating, but I have no motivation to do anything. I'm scared I fail again.

justpearson April 10th, 2016

@SelinIndigou are fucking awesome and you will ace this !! Come on !!!!you already know u are the shiznitz!!!!

Mae1995 April 9th, 2016

I feel suck and tried of trying to smile i feel suicidal have for years hurting myself is the only way to be happy and even then sometimes that doesnt work i feel God has left me like everyone else im hopeless i feel so much it would be annoying to all of u im 21 have been dealing with this my whole life my doctors think i have breast cancer i have been praying to God for it to be true so i dont have to take my own life

MrSolitude April 9th, 2016

@Mae1995 I feel very sorry for you. Its sad to see people suffering likes this. I want to tell you that you are not alone. God still loves you. He/She will never just stopping loving you. Suicide is not the answer. I know that whatever depression you have, there is a cure for it. Love is the cure. Another cure for you is family. The love of friends and family is a greater cure. Don't listen to doctors who don't know what's wrong with you! When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back. Get mad! " I DON'T WANT YOUR DAMN LEMONS! WHAT THE HELL AM I SUSPPOSED TO DO WITH THESE!?". DEMAND TO SEE LIFE'S MANAGER. MAKE LIFE RUE THE DAY IT THOUGHT IT COULD GIVE YOU LEMONS! Remember now that if you want to know what really makes you happy is love. Not pain. I hope this reply was helpful and motivating . (Also sorry for the part with the all caps if that was irrelevant)

pluckyTree9287 April 12th, 2016


I'm so sorry to hear that. I pray that you don't have cancer and that you will survive this. God is ALWAYS with you . He said it himself he will never forsake you. Everything that is happening to you is to better yourself or someone else, Gid never makes a mistake and God never forgets hs. Everything has a purpose. You may not understand it now but trust that God is here for you always. Life is hard especially for people like us but we have to continue to have faith and trust in God that he will bring us through this darkness and one day we will be rewarded for our suffering, rather it be here on earth or in Heaven. Keep the faith and stay strong!

artsypal April 9th, 2016

I'm actually having constant migraines, which are getting worse as the days go by. It just feels like my brain is too small for my cranium and now it is compressing really hard. I'm also over-sensitive to the point where I cry for any little thing. I'm just really stressful, overall.

pehelytanc April 9th, 2016

i feel like i'm barely living. i've been sleeping for 11 hours but i'm still tired. i have problems in my relationship that doesn't seem to be solved now and i can't help them and i also feel like i suck as a listener.

Jeanofarc April 9th, 2016

I woke up at 130pm and im still exhausted.

shrnvlsc April 10th, 2016

No matter how much I sleep in the end Im always just so damn tired, like I havent slept at all. The battle to keep hope alive for better days to come seems like a never ending battle, and Im just so tired of feeling the way I do. Each night I go to sleep, I hope that the next day does not come, that I done wake.

April 10th, 2016

Very sad lately need some friends I'm Samantha :(

TheGaurdiansShadow April 10th, 2016

I am restless and can't sleep.. I feel like everything is slowly drifting away. I wish I didn't have to sleep and I was able to be with my best friend.

pluckyTree9287 April 11th, 2016

I feel stupid. I feel lost. I relapsed again Aril 1st, before then it was December 13th I feel like an idiot. Bc of my actions my boyfriend self harmed and I will never forgive myself . I feel like a waste of space time and oxygen. I feel like a waste of skin even! I feel worthless and it's gets harder and harder to get out of bed everyday And it gets harder and harder to fight this..

imaginativeSugar8029 April 11th, 2016


This is how I actually feel today, too. It's been years since I had the type of breakdown I had this weekend: obnoxious, loud, and very public. I'm embarrassed and even worseoff because I know I hurt people I care about. It's hard to move today. I feel like a waste of space and a nut job and just the worst. I thought I was past these things, which makes it worse.

pluckyTree9287 April 12th, 2016


same but my friends and boyfriend helped me realize that with depression your never going to get completely over it bc it is an addiction or atleast your brain treats it like one. So we will relapse at some times not bc we are weak but because we are not perfect . We are only human and we mess up just like any other human, just differently

Mae1995 April 13th, 2016


I have more break downs then I can remember I feel the same way everyday I get so bad I almost commit suicide in front of my mom everytime u are not alone

Mae1995 April 13th, 2016


I feel the same way I have relapsed a lot more then I even know it helps I know it's bad but it helps me that's why I do it I bite myself and cut myself on the left wrist all u r feeling is what I'm feeling u r NOT ALONE

DreamHope April 11th, 2016

I don't even know what I'm doing right now with my life. I feel so unimportant and stupid. Depression and anxiety hit a new level starting from last week when I either felt like an emotionless robot or a walking corpse whose soul had died within its body long ago or simply too scared about everything to the point where I just want to lock myself up in my room to escape from the drama my brain is creating. It doesn't help that now I've got head-splitting headaches to add to the equation. The thoughts of perfectionism is crawling all over the place as well.

Sometimes I just wish I can freaking die to escape the chaos of my brain.

Tabby1212 April 11th, 2016

Today was a decent day. I didn't feel completely worthless.

Shalebug April 12th, 2016

Like the pit of a cherry

mindofmine April 12th, 2016

I felt okay today. I usually start to feel better when it begins to be summer. It won't last. :(

Kiadri April 12th, 2016

Hi! I feel a bit better today. I read a book by a fellow author and have come up with a possible short story idea to write to enter into a competition.

Hugs to you all today.

Tabby1212 April 12th, 2016

Very emotional and snappy today. It doesn't help that my coworkers keep asking what's wrong. Uhm, I don't want to be here, that's what's wrong.

troh88 April 12th, 2016

I feel better today than I did yesterday. So far I've only had one little crying spell that didn't last long. I cried for 75% of the day yesterday so I still have a headache and feel tired from that. But a little more energy and will to do things than yesterday. I feel a little more loving to myself than usual which I am happy about. I want to be happy and healthy for my baby (I'm 4 months pregnant & have prenatal depression/mood disorder) I constantly worry my mental health will hurt my unborn baby. But worrying is not going to help. Trying to be mindful and take each day one step at a time and be more loving towards myself. So far no anger today. Wish me luck!