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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

dariarossito January 29th, 2016

I'd like to write that everything is fine, because I try, but I still feel unhappy, unwanted, unimportant,useless and weak.

straightforwardSummer7272 January 30th, 2016

@dariarossito Yeah it can be tough we all feel that way

liawby January 29th, 2016

I'm okay I guess. Not necessarly bad but not good either

Jade92 January 29th, 2016

This is my first post, so here goes: things are okay. They were really bad yesterday (one of my worst in a while), but I got up today, ate breakfast, and went to work. It was hard--really hard--but I feel better.

Jade92 January 29th, 2016

This is what I learned today. Anyway, so I'll keep going.

CaringJoy February 3rd, 2016

@Jade92 I can totally relate from one depression survivor to another we're all on this journey together... Keep persevering!

amiableJackfruit9586 January 30th, 2016

I feel everything goes wrong, idk what's to do to make it right. This sucks😫

straightforwardSummer7272 January 30th, 2016

I feel terrible. I have an urge to cut that I almost gave into last night and am battling right now. Everything sucks.

LovePom January 30th, 2016

I remember posting about how much I wanted to hit that stage of:" I've gone through so much to the point I'm just empty."

...Well, I finally got to it in a way. Everything's sort of expected now and I just wait for the bad times to finally take place in my day. Of course, I can see how much worse I've gotten, but I don't see a point n fighting it anymore.

Openarms5 January 31st, 2016


I know how unbearable things can seem and no one deserves to feel defeated! I hope that you are able to rise back up again and become the person you need to be in this time you feel that you can't be them. I wish you the very best and I most certainly hope things start looking up soon! ❤️

QuietPastelRain January 30th, 2016

I feel sick in a physical way, I might be coming down with the flu.

Openarms5 January 31st, 2016


oh no! The flu is the worst! I hope that you are able to recover soon! In the meantime I wish you plenty of rest, nourishment and hydration! ❤️ stay resilient!

QuietPastelRain January 31st, 2016


Thank you! Love the icon btw, I could go for some coffee~

noelle15 February 3rd, 2016

@QuietPastelRain feel better💕

Case2736 January 31st, 2016

Worthless. Like I can't do anything right. Scared

Belka4072 January 31st, 2016

Confused and upset that my friend is upset with me for being upset. Doesn't make much sense to me either...:p

February 1st, 2016

no matter where I go during the day I still have to deal with this person, my dad, I'm just so tired of always activity acting angry and hard around him, if I do this he breaks me down emotionally, I really need a hug

Cheshire94 February 4th, 2016

Hugs I've been there

sadcupoftea February 2nd, 2016

I feel like I have been making backwards progress lately

Cheshire94 February 4th, 2016

You'll get there. Just know you're not alone. I know it seems like it but you're not. Just keep telling yourself one more day everyday.

Laura72 February 2nd, 2016

Betrayed & defeated, my smile needs super glue today.

ivoryEyes7591 February 2nd, 2016

I feel worthless, alone, sad And don't know what to do today. i feel like no one care's if i will gone forever

Cheshire94 February 4th, 2016

You may feel worthless but to someone else you're priceless. All your fellow sufferers care, we have to stick together and support each other and I am here to support you.

DisGuy February 2nd, 2016

Like I'm not wanted and not cared for. frown

Cheshire94 February 4th, 2016

I care, we as a community care. Things will get better. One more day you have to push through, one day is easy compared to a lifetime right? But one more day turns into a month then a year etc etc. You can do it! And remember you need to care for yourself as you are not how you wish to be.

Whimsicalmun February 2nd, 2016


Cheshire94 February 4th, 2016

You are capable of great things! ♡

politePineapple2995 February 2nd, 2016

Today was a bad day...funny to think that just a couple days ago I was determined to turn my life around, and now here I am holding back tears with cuts on my arm and a knot in my stomach. I feel like I'm losing again and I'm sick of losing. I really am.

Cheshire94 February 4th, 2016

You're not losing. You're gaining life lessons and experience. Relapse is a part of recovery. I relapsed (self harm) after FIVE YEARS! A few days is a great goal to set. Start off with the mindset of don't cut today. Then think don't cut today or tomorrow then work your way up. I find drawring on myself is therapeutic. Don't beat yourself up! Set realistic goals. Keep your hands busy. Good luck on your journey. Don't lose hope :)

orangeBeechwood1406 February 2nd, 2016

Love is the source of my sadness. Is that normal?

Lhurt February 2nd, 2016


i feel the same way. What can we do to help ourself?

February 2nd, 2016

@Lhurt Stop loving, maybe? At least that's what I did...

orangeBeechwood1406 February 3rd, 2016

@Lhurt Sometimes I just feel numb because of love. Everyone's looking for their happy ending I'm just looking for someone that won't hurt me. But we all know that one way or another someone gets hurt.

February 2nd, 2016

Not grate, but compared to yesterday, today I'm happy as an Easter bunny... my comparisons are grate, too, as you see

UnknownWriter February 2nd, 2016

I have been battling depression for a long time and I believe anxiety has come into play as well. I thought I could battle this alone and in my mind I was winning, but I've seen my motivation diminish, love distance and a feeling of hurt that I can't shake. Creativity only makes it worse

DominoScout February 2nd, 2016

Truthfully, I feel guilty. I feel like I have no right to be depressed. My home life is great - I have a beautiful daughter and a wonderful husband, but the rest of my life is getting to me. I have always battled depression. I have never had friends. I never found my "tribe". The few friendships I have had, I feel like I have had to do all of the work - I do all of the reaching out, all of the effort to maintain contact. At this point, I won't do it more than a few times before I let go. So I have no friends to speak of. My job is socially isolating, and the few people I do interact with during the day only talk to me because they have to. I have been pretty firmly rebuffed more than once. The thing is, I'm not socially impaired or anything; I'm just no good at small talk and chatting. I don't want to talk about what was on TV last night, or the football game last weekend; but I'll talk all day about philosophy and books and music... if I could ever find anyone who cares about those things, and who understands why they're important.

Sorry for offloading. The further downside to having no friends is that I have no one to talk to, and so when I start talking it gets out of hand.

CaringJoy February 3rd, 2016

@DominoScout I can relate because I'm also a wife and mom so it's okay to offload. I can tell it's a difficult time and understand where you're coming from. You're not alone on this journey so from one depression survivor to another we will see the sun shine again...

Cheshire94 February 4th, 2016

I know what you mean. I have an awesome husband and 2 daughters who I love to pieces, even if they do fight all day (toddlers what can you do? *sigh*) I don't have any friends either because like you, I do all the work plus I have no way of meeting anyone since I'm a stay at home mum. So the only adult I really talk to its my husband and occasionally my mother.

salamanderarmy February 3rd, 2016

Flat, empty, alone, and I like I don't matter to anyone, really, even thought I count them as friends. I feel like could disappear and people would notice the loss and just move right along in their lives because nothing about me matters to them.

CaringJoy February 3rd, 2016

@salamanderarmy I know the feeling from one depression survivor to another you're not alone on this journey. We all have daily struggles and keep pressing forward.