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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

braincheese January 8th, 2016

Today I feel surprisingly lonely, considering how many people I've been around today.

My fiancé has been so busy with work that we haven't spoken much this week. Today we got to talk for an hour and it was wonderful, but then he had to go to sleep because he has a super early day tomorrow so I'm alone again.

The semester starts on Monday, and because last semester was so hard, I'm worried that I won't do well.

All of of this has just made me rather sad.

Cadence January 8th, 2016


With depression, some days absolutely feel like this; no matter how many people we're around, it still feels as though we're the only people around. It's an unsettling feeling to say the least. It can be even harder if your spouse is unavailable, too. Admitting this takes strength and humility.

Not all days are going to be good, but not all days are going to be bad, either. Just remember this, okay? And never be afraid to reach out on the bad days. Making it through them just makes life more worthwhile; eventually the clouds will give way and the sun will come once more.

You're lovely and valued, and I'm sure you're going to do great this next semester, especially if they're different classes. Things like that vary from one semester to the next. I'm sending all my love and good vibes your way; you're amazing. <3

TeaConnoisseur7 January 8th, 2016

Most days I feel like I have no power in my own life. Winter Quarter just started on Tuesday & I could only make it to a full day of classes once this week. I'm so ready to move into my apartment with me boyfriend because he helps me forget what makes me sad, even if he can be a trigger sometimes. Dorm life is great, but having depression mixed with anxiety doesn't make for a great combination when you constantly have to be around people at your low points. Things are getting harder, but at least I have some things to look forward to.

Cadence January 8th, 2016

@TeaConnoisseur7, you are so strong and amazing, you don't even know.

Sometimes it takes all of the effort in the world to get up and go to a full day of classes. That is something you should be super proud of! (I know I'm proud of you!)

Depression and anxiety are super hard while in college; it's my hope that you'll feel a bit better when you move in with your significant other.

There's hope laced in nearly every sentence you gave. I adore that. Please keep me updated, and know that you're strong, and that I'm proud of you, and that you're going to make it <3

impartialComputer9780 January 9th, 2016

Absolutely miserable. I haven't slept properly in over a week. My body hurts and I have no appetite. I'm always anxious and stressed out and worried. I hate it

Cadence January 9th, 2016


That sounds really exhausting. Has something been weighing in on your mind recently? Make sure to take some time for yourself, to heal, to focus on you. You're lovely; please reach out if you need anything.

jenniferlobsinger77 January 9th, 2016

I am having a hard time emoshnolly. am working on getting a new IHSS worker. right now my mom is my IHSS worker. am also working with agentseys to get me moved out i have specail needs on top of my depression and angziuty. my mom has not been geting jobs done that i need done. and i am the boss when it comes to IHSS. this all started with her when i told her i wanted to move her to part time cause of her health. she thinks am trying to take money from her. at that time i wasnt but now i am cuse shes tilking to me very meanly. and tilking meanly about my specail needs. i fill like she is treating me like a peace of trash

Cadence January 9th, 2016


It's good that you're going to be under new care; whether or not it's for health reasons (regarding your mother), it's still important that you be treated importantly and with respect, because you absolutely deserve it. Keep strong, and keep us updated!

Theuglyduck January 9th, 2016

I feel a shadow of loneliness since my closest friend has been hospitalized I worry about them and I wish I could visit or something but I don't know what hospital

Cadence January 9th, 2016


I absolutely understand this one; it can be so hard to see your friend struggling, but not know how you can help. If your friend is local, you could try calling different hospitals in the area. If your friend is somewhere else, the most you can do is send good feelings to them. It's very, very hard, but you're really strong for holding together.

Keep us updated on your friend, and don't forget to do self care, alright? I'm sending all of my love your way.

energeticSpring4866 January 9th, 2016

Today, i feel really down and lonely. i am mourning my old life and regretting all of the things that i took for granted. i had friends and i had happiness. now, because i have pushed them away and because we are at a new school, i am all alone. i was looking at a picture of me and my best friend last night and i fell asleep almost in tears. they have all moved on and they have new friends. good for them, but i cannot connect with anyone anymore.

Cadence January 11th, 2016


It can be really hard to move to a new place, especially if you don't know anyone. Thing is, even if you have moved, have you moved on from them? I'm sure you still have a place in their hearts; it's never truly too late to go back and try to talk with them once more.

I do understand that feeling of loneliness and isolation, though; I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I'm glad you're here. Feel free to reach out to someone if it becomes too much. Keep strong, little flower.

lovingPine3496 January 10th, 2016

Not really sure how I feel... But I nearly cried yesterday when someone told me to smile... So... these past months have been so confusing for me and I'm suffering.. I just want it to end!

Cadence January 11th, 2016


Ah, I understand that completely; it's like, you didn't even realize you were sat there with a frown or unhappy expression; it's when someone points it out that it's like... "Damn, I guess there's something wrong."

What has been happening these past few months?

You are not alone, sweet pea. We're glad you're here.

Alone2myself January 10th, 2016

Tired, annoyed and unwanted

Cadence January 11th, 2016


Thank you for being so honest and up front with how you're feeling. These can be three of the hardest things to endure. Would you like to talk about any of these things?

Dukadukes January 10th, 2016

My baby woke up in the middle of the night crying and I cried with her

Cadence January 11th, 2016


Sometimes we need a good cry in the middle of the night. I'm proud of you for letting all of that out; sometimes it's easier in the presence of a loved one, even if they don't quite understand just yet.

Blueberree January 10th, 2016

I felt great. All day but a joke I took to seriously made me cry....

Cadence January 11th, 2016


I'm glad you had a great day! Sometimes something as simple as a joke can be a massive trigger, especially if it's about an insecurity or something you're particularly sensitive about. There's nothing wrong with being upset; I'm just sorry that it ended happening on your day that you were feeling great.

You're amazing, and more beautiful days are coming your way, I'm sure of it.

Blueberree January 19th, 2016

@Cadence thank you for your words it helped (:

Theuglyduck January 11th, 2016

Still feeling lonely I haven't figured out which hospital my friend is in yet should I ask family members?

Cadence January 11th, 2016


If you are comfortable with doing so, you could absolutely try. I'm hoping for a speedy recovery on your friend's part, as it can be so draining for all parties involved. Sending all my love your way, and remember to keep us updated, lovely.

generousPenny4828 January 11th, 2016

I am feeling alone and I am afraid that this sadness never goes away, I don't know What to do...I am losing myself

Cadence January 11th, 2016


Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer to this; depression is consuming, it's powerful, it likes to take control and leave the person it's affecting feeling down, low, worried, upset.

Just always remember, that you have depression. Depression does not have you. It may change the way you look at things, but down to your core, you are still fundamentally you, and you are wonderful. You're in a great place; feel free to be yourself, and reach out if you're feeling lonely (I find that group support is especially good for this).

We love you, little flower. Keep us updated.

Theuglyduck January 11th, 2016

Just got some news about my friend he should be home in a few days if all goes well and he takes the meds he is given and does what the doctor tells him. I hope he does I really want him home

Cadence January 12th, 2016


That's fantastic news! I'm really glad to hear that, honestly. I hope he ends up taking his meds and being careful to listen to what the doctor says. How are you feeling right now? Does everything feel a little bit lighter? :D

tbirecovery2013 January 11th, 2016

I am feeling a mix of thing my brain is showing growth is the recovery but seizure can sometimes cause issues. Meds have been changed so far so good but have to continue to watch sodium levels...on going battle...fiance seems diff idk if it is work and fatigue or me idk...

Cadence January 12th, 2016


It's amazing that you're recovering, I'm sending all of my love and good feelings your way. Sometimes people who are close to us can feel different depending on how we're feeling. Have you tried talking to him about this, or do you think it would be better suited to wait and see if it clears up on its own?

Allisonoseguera January 12th, 2016

Incredibly lonely, insecure, in need for the feeling of certainty and not fear

Cadence January 12th, 2016


Depression can really make us feel like this; sometimes, it tricks us into thinking there's danger ahead, even when there's no proof of this. I'm sorry that it's having this effect on you.

Today, if you have some time, perhaps write down some lovely things; things that are certain and static, that you're proud of. I find that keeping a gratitude journal can remind me that there are some things that are just never changing, and that could absolutely bring about some good feelings, decreasing uncertainty.

Regardless, keep us updated, okay? You're so very important, and we love you here.

impartialComputer9780 January 12th, 2016

Not too terrible, better than most days I suppose. But I have a feeling that will change by tomorrow

Cadence January 13th, 2016


Not every day is good, but there is good in every day. Even if tomorrow is not as fantastic as this one is (which, I'm really glad it was!!), there will still be good. I hope tomorrow is just as fantastic; you deserve it.

Theuglyduck January 12th, 2016

I went to a class today and almost thought I saw my friend but it turned out to be someone else I cant wait till he gets home

Cadence January 13th, 2016


Based on what you said, he may be home soon. c: It's hard now, but in a few days, it'll feel a lot less hard, you know? I'm glad you went to class, and I hope things feel easier for you soon

impartialComputer9780 January 13th, 2016

Better than most days, I've been trying to keep busy to occupy myself and it's helping me sleep better and not worry about being upset or lonely

Cadence January 14th, 2016


I'm glad that it went well for you! You deserve lovely things <3

Morgan1226 January 13th, 2016

Today I feel more anxious about something that happened yesterday with a guy I have feelings for (it was a good thing) but I just feel anxious like I'm not doing something right. It might be because I'm home and alone finally and not preoccupied with something else. Liking him makes my stomach tighten and twist like someone's punching it, but this is with anyone I have feelings for.frown

intelligentCucumber4797 January 13th, 2016

I am feeling overwhelmed.

Theuglyduck January 14th, 2016

Today I am unsure of what exactly it is I feel. I just know that I don't feel okay. I want him home.