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Non-binary, anxious and a mess

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I need help
Depression Support / by Theuglyduck
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April 5th, 2022
...See more I am very depressed and my ptsd has taken control of my life. I currently don't have insurance and due to my disabilities I can't work so I have no money or means to pay for therapy. I have yet to qualify for benefits and I'm desperate. I want to get help but I have no resources that are accessable to me.
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My chance to start fresh
LGBTQ+ / MOGII Support / by Theuglyduck
Last post
March 23rd, 2022
...See more Im out as a non-binary pansexual person however, My family avoids my they them pronouns and some don't even try to call me by the right name. This often means that when I meet new people and then they end up meeting my family they end up learning of my dead name and I feel like it's even harder especially with cis people to get them to view me as me and not what was assigned to me at birth. I have a partner who lives clear across on the other side of the country. I visit them a lot we've been dating for 2 years and finally found an apartment over there that we can afford. So I'm moving there in 2 months. This gives me an opportunity for a fresh start. The connections and friends I make there won't ever hear of my dead name. They will only ever know me by the name I want them to know me by and the pronouns I want them to know me by. I am aware that people are still going to disrespect those things. But at least they can't use my dead name as a tool to anger me.
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Gender dysphoria?
LGBTQ+ / MOGII Support / by Theuglyduck
Last post
April 3rd, 2022
...See more I have a lot of self hate for conflicting reasons. Sometimes it's because I genuinely hate certain parts of me or my body that don't match how I see myself and my identity and sometimes it's because I ask myself why I can't just do myself a favor and force myself into the binary only to be reminded why when I start to get depressed and hate myself again for the other reason. It's a difficult cycle to break.
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Trauma Support / by Theuglyduck
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May 23rd, 2019
...See more My relationship with my husband started badly it was very toxic. I was coerced into sexual acts and if I refused it he would cry. He would beg for nudes relentlessly and I was afraid he would kill himself if I didn't give in. He was and is the only relationship I've ever had. now that we are married he doesn't act that way any more he does however get very angry and has broken our bedroom door and thrown things in his anger. He also refuses to talk about the things he has done or the things he does currently... He says I make him hate himself when ever I try and I can't talk to anyone else they all think he is an amazing man who takes care of me.
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Lonely and Me
Depression Support / by Theuglyduck
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November 21st, 2018
...See more Lonely is a friend of mine and has been for a long time. We became closer after I got married... My husband works and my disability makes it so I can't drive. This makes it so Lonely and I have a lot of time together. We read, clean and stare at my phone or watch tv. Sometimes Lonely will make me feel sad and I cry even though I try really hard to be happy. Sometimes Lonely will wake me at night and I lose a lot of sleep and I struggle to function the next day. Lonely will be with me when I am with friends and family too and I start to feel out of place..... Lonely is my best friend and no one can replace them because every time I try Lonely gets in the way. Lonely will even follow me on holidays and on especially Christmas. My family doesn't like Lonely and even tho I try to keep Lonely away it makes Lonely try even harder to be there. Lonely won't leave me alone
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Dyspraxia and Possible service dog?
Disability Support / by Theuglyduck
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July 15th, 2018
...See more I know a service dog is not just a pet and isnt something to take lightly..... thats why i need to know if you guys think my reasons are legit. For those of you who don't know Dyspraxia is a developmental coordination disorder. It means my fine and gross motorskills are lacking resulting in me being extremely clumsy and unbalanced. Also tasks that reqiure percise and small movments like writing, doing make up, cooking, tying a shoe, are hard and take a lot longer for me to do. I also am fuzzy brained and extremely forget full on top of that i also have auditory processing disorder and adhd so i get easily disoriented and lost so here are some tasks a service animal can do to help me -Counter-balancing (Providing light pressure while walking ahead to keep the dyspraxic person from wobbling while walking or losing balance going up or down stairs) -Dropped Item retrieval, if you drop something while walking and dont notice it. -Light guide work if the dyspraxic person cant notice obstacles in their path (dog would lead them around the obstacle, or stop before one) -Block from Moving Towards Danger (dog would block the dyspraxic person from walking into busy rode if distracted) -Medication Reminders (need I say more?) -Routine Reminders (Dog will help Dispraxic person keep a routine) -Interrupt Scratching/Skin Picking (dog interrups person when they start to pick skin or pull out hair) is this a bunch of crazy talk or am I being reasonable?
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Feeling lesser than human
Depression Support / by Theuglyduck
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March 31st, 2016
...See more I feel so awful like I am the dirt of the earth, the least important, most usless being there is. I can't even talk to others in a normal way because I feel like I am inferior to them no matter who they are and I am so afraid that if I did some how get close to one of them that they might see me the way I see me. I hate this feeling
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