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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

impartialComputer9780 January 16th, 2016

Everything hurts, I'm not okay and I will not be okay. I don't want to meet other people, I don't want him to move on. I'm sad, very sad, I don't want to live or exist.

lovingPine3496 January 18th, 2016

I always feel so alone..

yes I have friends..yes I have a way to talk to them..but outside of school...its way tougher.

All my online friends are slowly dispersing..and its killing me.

I just...I don't know how to hold a proper conversation..I have no clue just is.

I feel so empty when there's no school..I'm not surrounded by people who will give me some attention..

Outside of that I'm forced alone with my thoughts. And it makes me crawl back to those people who..hurt me..abused me..or just plain disrespect me..but I that point its my only choice..and usually when I try to talk to them...its too late..they hate me..


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politeCup86 January 19th, 2016


Hey Dax, you are never alone lovely! i understand that feelings get so overwhelming sometimes but just try to balance these negative feelings with some positives ...

and please don't be sorry for expressing how you feel, your feelings are all valid and true, please don't be harsh on your self, you seem a very kind and nice person heart

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laurazfs1984 January 18th, 2016

I feel like hurting myself so bad like before.. I'm sick and tired of my life and I want it to stop..

1 reply
politeCup86 January 19th, 2016


i hear your pain, but remember that you only deserve love and happiness, and you can always have a bad day but your presence is precious heart

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caribouu January 18th, 2016

Most days my head is filled with fog that I have to wander through to make thoughts, but with my concussion the fog is gone except now...its just empty. Sometimes thoughts come but are very distorted. I'm not sure if I prefer this blackness or the fog, and I'm secretly scared that if I like the blackness I may do something stupid to get another concussion.

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politeCup86 January 19th, 2016

@caribouu I understand the image you are talking about, i'd like to share with your a quote i like:

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. ~Thomas A. Edison


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energeticSpring4866 January 18th, 2016

Today, I feel stressed about finals and really lonely. I also feel really attacked by my family members as usual.

1 reply
Pam January 18th, 2016

@energeticSpring4866 Hi, I really can understand how you are feeling. I'm here for you please message me anytime. I encourage you to look at this

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LovePom January 18th, 2016

I get "help" and I become happy. Once I'm happy more people get mad at me and everyone starts to get after me for some reason. So I go back to being sad and keep my mouth shut. Everyone criticizes me even more. It's just a cycle now. I honestly don't know why people like to hurt my feelings and make me feel bad about myself. I guess that's their cycle...

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politeCup86 January 19th, 2016


I read your words, and I can imagine what its like for you. I can imagine how hard it must be, but lovely please always remember that you deserve to be happy and you deserve to design your own cycle heart

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imaginativeRaspberries3579 January 18th, 2016

I usually feeling very bad about everything I do or say because it never feels right. But I actually feel very good today thanx to better friend and some exercise and meditation

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politeCup86 January 19th, 2016


I'm very glad to hear that, these are some of the greatest mood boosts wink

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unassumingTree9729 January 18th, 2016

I feel low today.

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politeCup86 January 19th, 2016


Will a HUG makes you feel a little better smiley

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Outsider33 January 18th, 2016

I feel like a failure. It seems like everyone is better at everything than me. I really don't think I'm good at anything and I feel like I have nothing to offer the world or myself. I wish I could find a career that doesn't make me feel incompetent. I wish I could find a way to stop hating myself..

1 reply
politeCup86 January 19th, 2016


I understand your pain and I empathize with you, just remember When one door closes another door opens, you are much stronger than what you think you are heart

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Blackberry98x January 18th, 2016

I feel like I will never feel happy in my life.

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King711 January 19th, 2016

What bugs you

politeCup86 January 19th, 2016

@Blackberry98x Youre not alone in this! i'm glad you are reaching out here on 7cups

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