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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

SecretsOfTheUniverse October 9th, 2015

I felt like this earlier today... Listen all I can see it, you are stronger. We both are than this depression!

wut661 October 10th, 2015

Today I feel motivated, like I am actually moving forward.

Monarda October 13th, 2015

@wut661 That's amazing! I hope you feel the same today as you did a few days ago. Congratulations on your mood boost, seeing that you felt like that made me smile. Keep on fighting <3

wut661 October 13th, 2015

@Monarda Thank you! I do still feel motivated and I am feeling quite good today! It is slow progress, but after many years I feel like I am finally doing something to get myself better :)

Monarda October 13th, 2015

@wut661 That's amazing! I hope you can see progress!

flyingpenguin October 11th, 2015

Today has been a weird day. Some time I feel really horrible and just want to not live anymore. Sometimes I feel energized and that I can take on the world. Overall I just feel sad.

Monarda October 13th, 2015

@flyingpenguin You seem confused on what you feel, and it's kind of hard to explain it, right? I understand how you feel though. You'll get better, even if it takes years. No matter how long it takes, you can recover.

If you ever feel sad, there's an amazing thing called the dawn room, the link is right there:

It's helped me a ton when I feel sad. I highly recommend it. Good luck in the future!

flyingpenguin October 15th, 2015

@Monarda Thank you for that, that really helped me a lot.

mjiyn2010 October 11th, 2015

I feel accomplished today. Today for the first time in a couple of days, I got up and actually did some things that I really needed to get done. I wasn't having the best day, and it was a challenge, but I gave myself lots of time to relax between each task and was able to make things happen.

Monarda October 13th, 2015

@mjiyn2010 Yay! :D Super happy for you!

lovingPine3496 October 11th, 2015

I feel like the garbage I am. I feel terrible. Haven't consumed anything but a homemade smoothie..a piece of cake and a sandwich. And its currently 1827..I've basically eaten nothing. I don't think I've had any water. I was feeling a bit better after I woke up the second time this morning..I had a dream about my boyfriend.. And it made me smile. I had another so-called "friend" leave me today. He's the 4th. But I just blsme myself. I blame myself for everything. To cope with not actually bleeding I usually will just let fake blood or red food coloring drip on me. It really makes me feel better. I've just been listening to ssd music for the past few hours. I've only left my room if my mom called me. I don't wanna sleep tonight but I probably should with the way I'm feeling. I just need a 3 week long hug. My boyfriend and I aren't there of my code friends who gave the best hugs graduated. And my other friend isn't feeling great..but he gives like bro hugs. I'm just...not ok all.

littleBeach4103 October 12th, 2015

I woke up this morning crying and didn't want to get out of bed.felt angry and annoyed with my partner told him to go.then started to calm down felt happier my mood is constantly up and down.he said he's not giving me sympathy and feeling sorry for me I don't want that from anyone I just want help!

anchoredwithhope October 15th, 2015

@littleBeach4103 I probably wouldn't be much of help, but I just wanted to share a hug with you. You're not alone, okay?

easyWater4109 October 12th, 2015

Once again I'm talking myself into being healthy and positive because I feel so much anxiety and burden. I'm more aware of my triggers. At least I'm learning.

Monarda October 13th, 2015

@easyWater4109 it's amazing that you're so self-aware, I admire that. Identifying triggers is a huge step forward. I'm proud of you

Chiaroscuro1 October 13th, 2015

I feel like my thoughts about what I really want to do are becoming clearer and clearer.

AliceTheEscapist October 13th, 2015

My body feels like I've cried, but it was 24 hours since I did. I've been awake for 8 hours and done almost nothing, yet I feel like it's been a long day of work.

Darkvampire October 13th, 2015

I'm sleepy, tired, I can't even walk, my head is hurting and turning, I just want to sleep and cry

CosmicFeelings October 13th, 2015

Today I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I was sad and angry at the world for waking me up. I've been wanting this week to end ever since it began. I'm slowly getting sick and my friends are treating me like I deserve to be quarantined. I don't like it and I've told them that, it's just triggering me. I don't want to be alone, I don't think I can. It's rainy and gross which makes things even worse.

Can it be Friday yet? I just need my four day weekend.

outughspace October 13th, 2015

I went back to school today. I talked to some people in my class that I hadn't really had a conversation with before and it was actually super uplifting. I think I need to put more effort into making conversation, because even though it seems like a big task to me sometimes, it's worth it in the end.

discreetAcres6234 October 13th, 2015

I feel invisible

TheDepressedVirgin October 13th, 2015

What is life? Why live? There is no reason to want to live.

Hasunohana October 13th, 2015

It's hard emotionally and mentally to hear such bad hurts deep inside. Feels like my heart is being sat on. Things around me are becoming dark, I feel so much pain I can't understand why this hurts so much. I hate hurts!!! I can't stand it anymore...Could someone pls make it go away. I can't deal with things!! I wanna just disappear!!!!

RaspberryKitten October 14th, 2015

I hate myself. I don't want to deal with this anymore. I'm always anxious and I can't smile and I just want to crawl in a hole and sleep. And when I wake up, I want it all to be better.

TheDepressedVirgin October 14th, 2015

I feel exactly like you.

RaspberryKitten October 14th, 2015

@TheDepressedVirgin I'm sorry you feel this way.. It really sucks. I'm in a partial hospitalization and I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm worried that when I'm discharged I'll still be held back by my depression and anxiety. I'm worried that the medication won't do what I want it to do :( *hugs*

TheDepressedVirgin October 14th, 2015

Thanks. :) *hugs*

I've been admitted twice myself. I am still struggling, exactly like you are worrying yourself.

But I believe it will be better for you. If you decide you want to get better and work on it, even a second at a time, you will get there. I promise. Remember who you really are without this disease. It is exactly like a disease or illness which can be cured, or at least be managed to such a point that you can become stable and flourishing again with your sparkly personality.

Do you have support? Family maybe. Having support makes a world of difference.

RaspberryKitten October 14th, 2015

@TheDepressedVirgin I'm trying to get better, I really am. But I feel like all my efforts are for nothing. I don't remember who I was before my depression. I don't remember what happiness feels like.

I would like to actually be able to get out of bed and have the energy and motivation to do what I want. I'd like to be able to do things without my anxiety holding me back. I'd like to have an easy time falling asleep. I want to know what it feels like to love yourself and enjoy life. I want to have fun and be the person I've always wanted to be.

I feel so broken. If I'm not anxious or sad, I'm numb and I feel unreal.

TheDepressedVirgin October 14th, 2015

It's great that you are trying to get better at least. You're one step ahead of me.

You have no idea how accurately you are describing me with how you are describing yourself. It's like we are the same person.

My medication has changed so much and each time it feels like nothing changes at all. As if I might as well not be taking them. That much of a non-effect. It's frustrating. Something has to help, right? There has to be something which will lift us out of the dark and into the light to actually have the will and power to be able to start to get better.

I as well have no idea who I am or who I am supposed to be or who I was before all of this. I can't even remember a time where I was not like this. This is me as far as I'm concerned. It's all I know and have known for my entire life. If I don't feel like this, I don't know who I am. To just feel nothing and emptiness.

My daily struggles are the same as yours as well. Why bother getting out of bed? What's the point, right? There's no reason for me to get out of bed if I don't want or can bring myself to do anything. Even something I think I might enjoy. It's easier just staying here in my little comfort zone.

Or I just sit in my bottomless pit with no way out. Not even bothering. Why? What reason is there? What awaits me when I'm out of the pit?

I also have trouble sleeping, or getting to sleep. Sometimes I can't at all. I've gone days without any sleep. There is medication for it, but I don't like the side effects.

So, at least you know you are not alone and that someone is going through almost exactly as you do.

That's the great thing about this place. We get to open up and talk about it with people in similar situations.

If only there was a better way than this to communicate.

RaspberryKitten October 14th, 2015


It's crazy how much we can relate!

Part of me wants to die but the rest of me knows that there's hope and I need to keep pushing. Part of me wants to just sleep for a really long time but there's no time for that. The world is moving so fast and I seem to be stuck.

I have slacked so much and sometimes I find myself thinking whats the point if Ive already screwed myself up? But I know I can fix things... and I know I need help. I stopped getting excited about things because they never worked out the way I wanted them to. Now I feel like I cant get excited. I feel so numb and broken. I feel tired.

The only reason I keep going is because I know that, one day, it will be better and, somehow, I wont feel this way anymore. But when will this day come? What if it never comes?

I'm so sad… I'm so tired… I hate the intrusive thoughts, I hate the anxiety. I hate feeling like I can't go one anymore.

Its weird, sometimes I am so anxious and sad, and other times - I just feel numb and tired. Sometimes I have racing thoughts but other times my brain is a mess but its so empty.

I don't know what to do anymore. I just don't know.

I'm so happy we talked, I truly hope it gets better for you. I know how draining this can be.

TheDepressedVirgin October 14th, 2015

Thank you for the talk too.

It really helps if you can speak to someone who is going through exactly what you are. Someone you can actually relate to. Not just another doctor or shrink.

Again everything you said is exactly the same for me. I guess I should stop reiterating what you're saying though. Otherwise we'll be here all day.

You're still one step ahead. You feel like you want to get better. You know it will get better one day. That makes a big difference. The biggest difference. That mindset and having the drive. You have achieved more than I have. But then again, maybe I don't want to get better. Sad, right?

Keep going while you have the momentum. It's going to start getting better for you soon.

I'll be rooting for you! Go girl! :)

vincent777 October 14th, 2015

I feel anxiouty s very hard for me to work..

ashley222 October 14th, 2015

I feel like every day for the last week or so I've been feeling a little bit worse. Today I feel numb and empty. It's almost like a hopeless feeling.. And, I feel lots of loneliness. This really bad bout of depression I'm in was triggered by a break up and ever since then I just feel like there's no hope for me, really.

emmiekoala October 14th, 2015

Today I feel good. Ever since I got a job, I've felt less and less depressed. I'm not sure if it's because I have more things to distract me, and I feel productive at work, but I enjoy it. I just got a second job today because I love working so much. I create high goals for myself so I always have something I'm working towards. Those things help me feel less in a depressive ditch, but it's definitely still there. There's days I don't want to go to class or get out of bed and it takes so much effort to fulfil simple, essential obligations... but i keep going and hoping it gets easier with each step I take. It's kind of really strange being a depressed optimist.

mjiyn2010 October 15th, 2015

Today I am frustrated. I feel like I am working so hard just to be able to make it through until I can get back home and get help. But should life really be this hard? Should it really require so much effort just to make it through day to day? I'm just so tired.

Qzar October 15th, 2015

Really, really lonely. Through the years I got used to being depressed, to having, at least once a year, a depressive episode which is usually accompanied by a damn psychosis, to sitting in my room and crying my brain out, and to the fact that it looks like I'm seeing everything through a dark glass, or if the day isn't that bad - through a grey glass. But this feeling of being isolated 24/7, that really hurts. For years I've not allowed people to get close to me, for a reason, which I can't seem to even remember. Also, I have no clue what I'm doing, even now. I don't know why am I writing this...... So pathetic, it's kinda funny. Like a black comedy or something.

easyWater4109 October 15th, 2015


its not pathetic.

i woke up today and it occurred to me that in the past I made somewhat of an effort to disguise my depression, you know by smiling and carrying on like all was ok. Today, I just realized I don't care about hiding it anymore. I don't care if strangers see me sad or whatever because screw them. I care about my family and for that I feel responsible for getting better.

People are strange and I too have created a wall. I'm lonely sometimes, but I'm aware that even in my more social times, I was always really alone.

try not to despair, other people are really not as important as you think, it's about you-it'll always be about you....people are just a distraction. I hope you feel some peace.

Breathlesspotato October 15th, 2015

I feel like I'm running out of options. I can't afford professional help, my situation at home is a train wreck, my finances are a train wreck, and my health is deteriorating.I feel sick of being alive, and it's becoming inctesingly difficult to keep myself from running back to self destructive habits. It hurts.

lavenderFarm4174 October 15th, 2015

The thought of antidepressants is really scaring me :(
finally went to my GP for a chat today and I wish I hadn't. For one, I felt i could barely talk about my feelings properly and they started asking me about alcoholism just because I mentioned I've had a lot of alcohol in the past few weeks - I'm a UNIVERSITY student! The GP I saw as well was really not compassionate. She was stoic and didn't seem to try and understand my feelings. Then she brought up antidepressants and has asked me to fill in a survey and given me an info leanflet. Now I don't want to go back as I don't want to admit to myself that I'm that bad I need meds :'( I just really need some comfort and hugs right now.

quidsquid October 15th, 2015

I'm not even sad right now so much as...numb, I guess, and I'm covering that up by being very upbeat and loud and fake-happy so people around me don't realize how shitty I feel. And my abuser is back in town so I feel unsafe in my dorm and that's stressing me out so I'm trying to just...ignore that and focus on school but it's really hard. And I need to feel loved but the last person who said they loved me without being prompted is dead so that's fucking me up.