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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

KDKAT September 3rd, 2015

I feel somewhat okay, but slightly anxious and overwhelmed as well.

littleSail156 September 3rd, 2015

I'm not sure if it's depression..but I feel emotionally tired. Maybe it's because of the current situation I am in but I feel like leaving class so I can go home and take a sleeping pill so I can stop thinking. I just want to sleep and stay under my covers, close all the current, and turn off all the lights. I feel that's the only way I can stop overthinking everything...I just want to sleep all day.

sarahmac1983 September 3rd, 2015

Emotionally drained

BrokenButBreathing September 3rd, 2015

I just feel really'm swimming in a fishbowl and a glass wall separates me from society. They can't hear my screams, they only see me swimming. It's like my options are to drown or to continue like this. I don't know x

Recapitulation September 3rd, 2015

Today... Huge pit in my stomach and I don't want to get out of bed.

creativeMelon1653 September 3rd, 2015

Fat because I still haven't lost any inches on my waist, trapped in a craphole town and torn. I feel like I'm trying to go one way, but my family keeps pulling me to a way I *know* I won't be happy in, that keeps me in the town I hate.

AWillow92 September 3rd, 2015

I feel alone. Its been 8 years since i moved here and i haven't made a single friend. Im lost, scared of everything, scared to talk, scared of what people think of me, jow i look. I can't cope. Im so ashamed.

I want to go to university. Im so scared, people talk to me and I'm so nervous the words wont come out. Feel like im trapped in a deep dark hole. I feel like driving as fast as i can and crashing into a wall.

TonyBotzZz September 4th, 2015

What helps me a lot is when I'm scared or nervous about doing something I always think of the worst case scenario and work from there. For me when I'm taking on a task at work and I'm worried about doing it. I'm just don't want to mess up whatever I'm doing. I just try and put the brakes on in my head and just trace out what I'm actually doing or going to do. And if I make a mistake I just think who cares. I'll learn from it. Or before I get to that point I'll just stop and ask for help. Some things besides work I'll put off or just break down into sections. Basically I try not to overwhelm myself. And honestly it doesn't work all the the time. It does work a lot though and that to me is a huge relief. I hope this helps a little bit.

bri3638 September 3rd, 2015

I feel numb and i've been crying all day uncontrollably..

limegreenCar9781 September 4th, 2015

It's like you are spinning in darkness slowly and have no control.

Simplewords September 4th, 2015

Like a a thirsty person in a pool of water all my friends left my school and I'm surrounded by people yet I'm terrified to drink.

limegreenCar9781 September 4th, 2015

Uhh hi... My day was... Different. You know?? My friend almost killed himself last night and I don't know what happened. I get to school and everybody seemed... Unreal... It seemed like people actually saw me today. It didn't matter what group they were in... They saw me... But then I got dumped with the stress and homework and having to carry everyone's problems on me... My friends depend on me and they all want to be around me and some get mad when I can't get to them. It's hard to do that all the time. Then I haven't done any work this week.... And due dates and everything. Then we were talking about world problems... And how Isis burned people alive and the details given by my teacher.... I couldn't sit still... I remember how it used to be... Nothing like how today is.... Nothing...

liligrace September 5th, 2015

I cannot imagine how hard it would be to have everyone counting on you. And also to be listening to the teacher talking about the people in so much intense pain. I hope your friend gets the help he deserves and needs. I hope you can get some irl support. Because you sure do deserve that

LoneWolfAshes96 September 4th, 2015

Well, I had a dream last that makes me too scared to sleep again. It wasn't an ordinary was a flashback the manifested itself into a dream. It was at my moms funeral...and I was staring down at her corpse...continuous thoughts racing through my head like "this is the last time I will ever see her. She doesn't even look like herself." I broke down crying and then the dream quickly transitioned to someone bringing a puppy to me. He was white and brown. At first I thought was a husky, but it turned out to be a wolf pup. She said to me "this is your son" and the pup actually talked to me and called me mom. I remember his name too...Ender. He could turn back and forth between human and a werewolf. Then today, I found out that the person trying to break into my house last night was my brother in law...I am scared that my fiance is not okay, on top of missing my mom, and the whole "wolf son" thing.

Suiren September 4th, 2015

I got into a huge fight with my brother earlier today and I've been feeling slightly suicidal since, and even considered cutting again. I'm so horrible.

ikaitm September 4th, 2015

incredibly disgusted within myself Tuesday night I binged horribly and purged then Wednesday did so well and did not put any calories into my body , did so good all day today until I got home and binged once again I feel incredibly guilty I want to cry

liligrace September 5th, 2015

I am so sorry. I have an ED. I know how hard it is. I binge. I do not purge though. But I have starved lots. So I know the pain of it. I know the pain. I know the pain of thinking I have to be thin in order to be okay. And I know the pain of not being able to see how thin I am. I know the pain of needing to eat and eat and eat. I know the pain of feeling I am worthless unless I look okay. I am sorry for anyone who knows this pain. Because it is excruciating. Sending safe hugs for you

liligrace September 5th, 2015

I am in even more pain today than yesterday. I actually called someone and asked her to send some healing in my direction. I am feeling huge pain. Seems to be getting worse as the days progress. Yesterday I went for a healing thing. But that just brought up more to deal with. so alone. Just so very alone.

impartialTree3773 September 6th, 2015

I feel as though I will shatter any minute now, and no one will truly care.

RaspberryKitten September 6th, 2015

I care <3

MyChemicalRomanceSavesMe September 6th, 2015

I feel horrible. I'm being ignored as usual.

Lao01 September 6th, 2015

There is no possible word that describes how I feel. But until I find a word that comes close I guess I'll use the word "empty" I am empty.

emotionalTalker6098 September 6th, 2015

Don't worry. Its the same here

RaspberryKitten September 6th, 2015

Today I feel stressed. I feel tired. I just want to sleep. Is all this pain really worth it? I want to be successful but I hate myself because I feel so ugly and bad at everything. But I also feel numb. I feel broken. I feel alone. I have no friends and I feel like I will never be happy. I'm struggling to have hope.

sleepytides September 6th, 2015

I feel insecure and anxious

inventiveCamp6825 September 6th, 2015

Feeling isolated...again.

DoesntLaughAtTheRightTimes September 6th, 2015

I feel alone. I feel like none of my friends really care and that I'm just something for when they're bored. I feel like I am hopeless and pathetic. And that I'll be alone forever. And that everyone will leave.

Breezeblock September 6th, 2015

I feel frightened.

I feel alone.

I feel like a liability and unworthy investment of energy to those around me.

EdmondDantes September 6th, 2015

For once I feel okay. It's my birthday today and my friends showed how much they care about me when I feel so alone. That will change tomorrow but today is okay so far.

poisontongue September 6th, 2015

Like I really don't want to have to go on. Please don't make me...

Valkyria September 6th, 2015

I feel like I'm walking on a long rope above a stormy sea. And I don't know how to swim

pluckyTree9287 September 6th, 2015

I feel over whelmed . I feel like everyone has put me on this high expectation that I simply cannot reach . I feel like I'm drowning and everyone is watching expecting me to be able to get myself together on my own while having to do everything they give me and reach all these expectations that they have . If i can't help myself then I fail. I die . But if I keep staying in this position I will want to die . I have no other options . Either I fail for myself or I fail for everyone else .

keepcalmandbreathe September 6th, 2015

I know exactly what you're feeling but we'll get through this together.

pluckyTree9287 September 7th, 2015


liligrace September 6th, 2015

depressed, scared, alone, sad....

bluexrabbit September 6th, 2015

I feel like a waste of space

I feel so old and I haven't accomplished anything

keepcalmandbreathe September 6th, 2015

I feel lonely.

I feel scared.

I feel numb.

easyWater4109 September 6th, 2015

I have too many secrets.

Im lonely but I like being alone which confuses me.

I feel like I was born in the wrong world or time period.

I never feel like I belong anywhere.

liligrace September 7th, 2015

The world is changing. You are not alone in the way you feel. Just hold on a while. Because the world will change. Sorry you are feeling this way.

bubbleField822 September 6th, 2015

I feel worthless. Sad. I don't exactly understand how I got to this point. I hate myself for even feeling this way, but I can't help it. My husband thinks I'm stupid and just want attention. I'm tired of feeling this way.