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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

HJamesAsh August 14th, 2015

I feel abandoned I feel fake and I feel like I want the world to know how much It actually hurts to force a smile on my face every day and how hard it is to get uo

Celaeno August 14th, 2015

I'm sorry you feel lonely. Because of the depression, I know how hard it is to struggle on a daily basis. Sometimes it seems no one can really comprehend our experiences.

I'm glad you reached out. Sending good thoughts!

HJamesAsh August 14th, 2015

You are an awesome human being!

Celaeno August 14th, 2015

I think we all are :)

HJamesAsh August 14th, 2015

I agree with that statement. we are all awesome!!!!!

indigoTree1101 August 14th, 2015

Beyond depressed. My grandmother disowned me and now I am living in her house but no one will talk to me. I am being kicked out. I have 2 months. My boyfriend is here and so is my father. But my grandmother was my best friend. Now I lost her. I want to move in with my father, in which I am in 2 months. But within that time, I don't know if I should move in with my boyfriend's family until my father settles in his new home or just stay home?

HJamesAsh August 14th, 2015

Just stay strong, you are amazing, and never forget that :)

Jessica797 August 14th, 2015

Only three months ago I felt the happiest I'd ever felt in a very long time, and now I wish I was back there before all this emotional baggage was thrown down upon me. So much has happened since then, so much change all for the wrong reasons... So much grief, loss, pain, pain inflicted by a person that should have sympathised me instead of making me think the worse. A professional who has put more worry on top of everything else. In the back of my mind I feel I ought not to worry, that things will even out on their own, but the seed of doubt is a very destructive force. I will just be grateful when this horrible year goes.

Renmau59 August 14th, 2015

I feel ignored, bullied and dissapointed. I feel my life don't have sense :(

Antisocialbutterfly August 14th, 2015

I feel very very tired, the kind of tired sleep won't fix. And very alone. And I don't want to do anything but lie in bed.

courteousBalloon2167 August 14th, 2015

Like no one understands ...

AeroRoze3 August 14th, 2015

A little good and bad today

Happinessandworldpeaceplehz August 15th, 2015

I had a breakdown last night, I cried and cried for hours. I felt like the worst person in the world, I always feel like that lately. I feel like I don't deserve the life that I have, my family, my friends they're all amazing people and I'm a mess.

Celaeno August 15th, 2015

I'm sorry to hear that. How are you feeling now?

ionlywant2bespecial August 15th, 2015


Rallende12 August 15th, 2015

Apathetic and cold. I feel disconnected and alone...but I know that I'm the one who's pushing people it's just hard....

Celaeno August 15th, 2015

Imagine to be sailing on the sea and everything goes smoothly. Water is peaceful, and there's even a gentle breeze. But at some point you've noticed that the storm is coming over. You can see on the horizon these dark clouds, their masses slowly heading towards you, like a hungry beast. You know it will hit you, there's no escape. The only thing left to do is to just keep hanging on and wait for the inevitable.

That's how I feel.

EdmondDantes August 15th, 2015

Very eloquent way of describing depression. Fine one moment and triggered the next.

Celaeno August 16th, 2015

Thank you, @EdmondDantes

Celaeno August 16th, 2015

Unsteady and unfinished.

AeroRoze3 August 16th, 2015

I feel calm. Doesn't sound like much but it's an improvement for me.

sensibleWillow8302 August 17th, 2015


ellemorgan127 August 17th, 2015

like giving up

skeletonprince August 17th, 2015

Irritated, moody, unappreciated. But hopefully I'll feel better when my girlfriend gets here

braveMelon7408 August 17th, 2015

Worried, irrational, isolated, and like I'm wasting my time and my life because I'm not doing enough. I'm just very tired.

virtualrh August 17th, 2015

I feel like a mistake, like I will never belong in society.

remnantshadow August 30th, 2015

I'm sorry you feel like you will never belong in society. It's a strong feeling to not feel like you belong and I just wanted to tell you that no matter how much you believe you don't belong and even if you think you never will, it's ok. ... You don't have to belong and conform to society. You can shine instead. Be yourself. Don't care what anyone thinks about it. None of us really feel like we belong in society anyways and it's much more important to feel that we can accept ourselves than to be accepted by society. To feel that we are enough and that no one can change that. And if that isn't enough, you're always welcome here. You are not a mistake. *hugs*

wittyCurrent1455 August 17th, 2015

I feel hopeless and broken and like I mentally and emotionally cannot do this or anything anymore. It's gotten so hard to do things without tears in my eyes

iCallMyCarSandra525 August 17th, 2015

I just want to reach out to you and let you know God is here for you. Maybe you don't believe, and that's fine, but try sitting alone in nature for half an hour tomorrow. No phone. Just allow yourself to feel whatever you feel without judging yourself. Then breathe and observe the life around you. One day at a time.

tayiscray7 August 17th, 2015

I feel like crying. I'm sad. I'm frustrated. I'm angry. But most of all I'm confused. Confused as to why it always works out this way.

iCallMyCarSandra525 August 17th, 2015

I completely relate to this, but have a hard time admitting it. I appreciate your post. Thank you.

iCallMyCarSandra525 August 17th, 2015

I feel stuck.

navyTriangle8827 August 17th, 2015

A sort of emptiness like nothing is real or really matters but at the same time like I'm full of emotion that's going to make me explode. An indifference to what happens to me or to anybody else.

orangeDay6463 August 22nd, 2015

that's exactly how i feel.

kellicisreal August 17th, 2015

im really struggling with my gender identity so that sucks. im not super sad today so thats good.

adventurousMaple8149 August 17th, 2015

Like i want to give up, I've been going through a lot over the past several years and i think its finally catching up to me, i used to suffer with bad depression and was on medication for a year for another issue but at the moment since 2011 I've been having problems with my spine and legs I'm in incredible amounts of pain all the time and over the years i get flare ups where the pain increases and i can't move and end up in hospital for a week or so but after every incident it never goes back to how it was before, i started using one crutch to aid my walking and then two crutches, then a wheelchair and now i'm completely bed bound i feel like i have nothing left I'm only 21 and i can't leave the house at all

Celaeno August 17th, 2015

@adventurousMaple8149, you shared your story with us, full of sorrow and anguish. I feel sad and pity - not you - but the life order you had been force into. Struggling through all of your waking hours with your own body seems unfair. And still, you are doing it.

I am amazed by how much you endure. You are a superhero who fights day after day, with such amounts of pain I have a hard time to imagine. You have every right to feel tired and discouraged, and I just want to tell you that you are doing such a great job. You are brave and strong beyond your years and I am so proud of you.

I want to collect your sufferings in cups and give it to the sea, so your pain would be washed away, but I can't. So instead I am writing these words to you to say: you're an incredible person. No matter what will come, nobody can take it from you. You have your strength and courage and fierceness until the end of time.

Sending you hugs and lovely thoughts!

adventurousMaple8149 August 18th, 2015

you can never know how your words have touched me and i thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking time out of your day to try and pick up my spirits, im just struggling so much with it all, i don't know how to feel or how to be 'normal' anymore i have had to give up so much i had my dream cake business, i was doing every kind of sport you can imagine, i was at university almost getting my degree and now all of that's gone... i just feel so alone and isolated... i used to feel so strong and have a great positive attitude when it all began but im struggling to believe in any of that anymore

Celaeno August 18th, 2015

@adventurousMaple8149, whatever you are feeling right now, that is valid. All emotions are correct. We like to label them "worse" and "better" or "normal", but we are complicated beings, so we experience various shades of emotions all the time, and sometimes there is just a turmoil of confusion. And that's okay.

If you feel isolated, please reach out to us. This community is full of compassionated people who will listen to your pain. Either on 1-on-1 chat, chat rooms, or forums, we will hold you up when you feel like slipping. And there is a lot of souls in here, who struggles with you and also want to be heard. If you feel up to it, you can try talking to them and quietly listening. Maybe it will ease your demons for a little while.

You don't have to feel strong, to be invincible. I don't know what's in your future. Sometimes our dreams won't ever come true and sometimes our future reality is better than our dreams. Nobody knows it and I accept it. I am often surprised in workings of Life, and I personally don't believe in fate or gods. But often I just feel tired of waiting for the better existence and try to make it for myself. One step at a time, I'm forging my future by making choices. I choose to focus on this day only. I choose to focus on my health and eat that breakfast. I choose to reach out. I choose to cry. I choose to be and fight. And sometimes that's enough. And sometimes it's not, sometimes we are all just people, miles away from each other, looking at the screens and saying: I hear you. I care. It's hard.

You don't have to feel strong, you are strong. Take a good care of yourself. All the best heart

yourewonderless August 17th, 2015

I feel like I'm never going to be happy.

im scared I will always feel this way

I feel scared, I feel broken

I can't really explain how I feel