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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

coffeepleas3 June 28th, 2015

I feel like dying today...I have a blade under my pillow and I'm debating whether to cut or not..I hate today..

Momsjeanrob June 28th, 2015

Are u ok

FandomsBandoms June 28th, 2015

Don't do it, it won't solve anything. I'm three months clean and I feel great.Don't give up. [social media removed by moderator]

Momsjeanrob June 28th, 2015

Are u ok

Momsjeanrob June 28th, 2015

U can tell me

Momsjeanrob June 28th, 2015

I will help u

Andrea50 June 28th, 2015

I'm shaking

jose96 June 28th, 2015

today i feel positivethat things will change! (and they have to, or else...)

kay001 June 28th, 2015

Today I felt like my whole life fell apart in a few seconds. Thanks to the support I've found here, I'm not feeling so down anymore

honestTown8777 June 29th, 2015

This place is great :) Happy you're enjoying it

turquoiseOwl542 June 28th, 2015

today I feel like there's no point. I've been suffering with this illness for three and a half years and have parents who try to understand but don't and end up saying things that make it worse, even after I constantly tell them that it doesn't help. therapy doesn't help me anymore either. it's as if my mind has given up. I am meant to be up in five hours for work and that's another thing that adds to my depression - my job. I hate it so much. I don't know if I should just quit and be done with it but right now all I can do is cry and wish for an end to this.

annasjulans June 29th, 2015

Today i feel nothing. My sister saw me cutting myself today, she started crying and said that i need to stop i feel so embarrassed. I'm sitting in my room and i'm gonna cut myself again

honestTown8777 June 29th, 2015

Please please don't. Your hurting yourself and that hurts others. You can get past this with some coping mechanisms and therapy, even look up some online

honestTown8777 June 29th, 2015

Really fucking angry

spoofyghost June 29th, 2015

My chest has felt heavy since I woke up

TheStrange June 29th, 2015

Part of me is pleased that I finally took some control of my life. A bigger part is terrified of what is next. I reached out for help today knowing it will be so tough, maybe too tough for me.

honestTown8777 June 29th, 2015

It's a huge step so well done! I was so scared too but you can a take it at your own pace

TheStrange June 29th, 2015

Thanks. I've got a telephone appointment tomorrow afternoon. I've been so anxious all eve. So many thoughts running through my head. It's hard to cope.

Andrea50 June 29th, 2015

I feel really lonely and lost. A blade temps me. My depressing feelings keep taking me over.

exuberantCranberry527 June 29th, 2015

No one knows me or wants to know me why should I bother carrying on. People either ignore me or get extremely angry with me for no reason. My mum and dad never even loved me. I was a dirty secret in my mums family until my nandied. I never even realised I was abused till I was in my 40 s what hope is there for me to ever have a normal, happy, fulfilled life?

honestTown8777 June 29th, 2015

It sounds like you have alot you need to talk about, firstly, I'm so, so so sorry that you've been through so much. Have you considered seeing a doctor? It's a little scary at first but they work wonders. I think you're very self depreciating, you sound like a very strong person. You've come here looking for help and support and that's a huge step!

exuberantCranberry527 June 29th, 2015

I need to die, I don't deserve to be here

exuberantCranberry527 June 29th, 2015

As I expected, no one cares. I'm over with this

honestTown8777 June 29th, 2015

Hiya, I'm shelly and I do. Tell me what's going on? What caused you to feel this way? Remember we're a community here and all help each other

Momsjeanrob July 9th, 2015

Is every thing ok

Momsjeanrob July 9th, 2015

You ok

exuberantCranberry527 June 29th, 2015

I live in hell, if I go to hell for this it cannot be worse.

honestTown8777 June 29th, 2015

If things can't get worse they'll surely get better xx

Momsjeanrob July 9th, 2015

Shut is rong

Momsjeanrob July 9th, 2015

Tell me I will help you

jesslewis June 29th, 2015

I don't feel anything. I'm numb.

exuberantCranberry527 June 29th, 2015

I was numb, dead inside

jesslewis June 29th, 2015

I don't feel anything anymore. there's no point in being here because I don't feel anything.

exuberantCranberry527 June 29th, 2015

Feeling numb is ok, you don't feel the pain.

jesslewis June 29th, 2015

but I cut to try and feel pain and I never do

exuberantCranberry527 June 29th, 2015

You won't yet, this is the minds defence mechanism. It doesn't want you to feel more pain than you can cope with yet. It doesn't last forever. Just know your mind is protecting you until it is safe to let you feel the pain

EmeraldLynn July 9th, 2015

What caused you to numb the pain? Is it easier to cope?

exuberantCranberry527 June 29th, 2015

You could get better. I've been in and out of this my whole life, I've lost hope. Ifs impossible

honestTown8777 June 29th, 2015

I've been there. I'd like to strongly recommend you go to your doc and tell him about this numbness, in Ireland the doctor then gives you a referral to a psychologist who can help you figure out why you feel this way. In the mean time try reconnecting with friends and family

Momsjeanrob July 9th, 2015

Tell me what is wour problem and I will try me best to help with it