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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

Centaurii December 8th, 2015

@poisontongue I think I feel lonely but I've yet to feel that lonely. I'm not really afraid of being alone but to me it is the most sad feeling. I hope you feel better soon. My heart goes out to you.

poisontongue December 11th, 2015

@Centaurii The worst part is not being able to do anything about it...

Centaurii December 12th, 2015

@poisontongue does talking on here help?

poisontongue December 12th, 2015

@Centaurii I guess so. I don't really know. It's such a fleeting and rare interaction, and then it's back to... whatever my existence can be called.

boldBlake91 December 7th, 2015

I feel alright. A little depressed though.

Monarda December 8th, 2015

@boldBlake91 I'm glad you feel okay! That's amazing! Enjoy it while it lasts to its fullest. I know I sound cliche but try to keep the feeling of not feeling depressed in your mind. It can help bunches <3

batman4485 December 8th, 2015

I feel down and sad and out of touch.... I also feel like I'm just lazy and that I'm not as bad off as other people.... I hate feeling like this. It's lie a cycle that just gets darker. I have a good support group. I have really good friends. I am in teh process of (today actually) going to try and get some counseling. I know I should be seeing a shrink and be on medication. I stopped taking meds and seeing my doc when my insurnace ran out a few years back. I know that things aren't as bad as they seem but that doesn't change the fact that sometimes it doesn't matter. I wish that I could stop feeling like I'm making this all up and that I could be okay if I really tried... It's frustrating to be mostly okay for a few weeks and then slowly start to go down hill. I feel like I'm getting closer to the Darkness and I don't want to go back there. I have a job now (and even though I don't get many hours it's something) I just don't want the darkness to take over I'm tired of feeling like I turn my life over to my depression. I have lost jobs and homes and a lot of my life when I have gotten really depressed. I hope that's not something that will happen again. But I will continue to fight, as much as I can. Remember to take care of yourself, you matter even when you don't feel like you do.

intjazz December 8th, 2015

Not actually terrible. I don't know how to turn away from this road I'm going down though

Centaurii December 8th, 2015

I feel neglected and I don't know why. My s.o. is great and does everything for me... so why do I feel so lonely inside? I think some of it is because he's not a generally mindful person. He's very hyperactive actually and smokes a lot and I just feel alone in the relationship. It's like... i know that he loves me in a way like i have all of the evidence and facts but in my heart i don't feel loved by him. I'm passing out on the couch right now because being physically alone feels so much more free than being emotionally alone and right next to somebody. I know that ultimately I'm the only one responsible for my emotional state and so i have a hard time blaming others for my unhappiness, even if I'm justified in doing so... i just don't know how to fairly determine if I'm unhappy because of him or myself and what do I do? This is probably the wrong section for this but I just typed up the whole thing on my phone and am just venting and I struggle with depression, too, so yeah sorry. Just venting.


lovingPine3496 December 8th, 2015

I feel stupid and once again used.

A supposed "friend" of mine all the sudden had morals last night when it comes to being faithful. and it really made me think. I tried to get him to fix this a long time ago, recently as well. But I don't was wrong again..and its making me think of my middle school days.. That was a seriously dark time and very upsetting..

I don't know..I'm sorry about this..

YawningPanda December 8th, 2015

Exhausted. Couldn't sleep. Exhausted from the constant depression looming over me, im tired of trying to get better. maybe i will never become better and it terrefies me

QuietPastelRain December 9th, 2015

A little shakey and anxious but other then that I feel okay.

politeCup86 December 9th, 2015

I feel sad. Extremely sad. I feel blue, Even black. I feel cold. Alone. Neglected, ashamed. I feel unloved. I want to cry but i can't. I want tears. But they dried. I want to scream but i don't blv i have the right. I want to rest. I want to lay down. I want to feel numb. I want to be more sad.

Steppingstones123 December 9th, 2015

Empty, empty and tired and worthless

La18Fee37Verte December 9th, 2015

Dead inside. And tired. Tired before sleep. Tired after sleep.

lovingPine3496 December 10th, 2015

I'm seriously low.. Like I don't know what to do...I nearly cried when my teacher told me I had gotten an answer wrong..this guy I know has been trying to be near me since I "look like I need a friend/hug" but I just..I don't know what to do..its frustrating and upsetting..I haven't felt this bad in so long..I just want to exclude myself from everything..

Saz44 December 10th, 2015

This really helped me...

Mermaidatheart December 10th, 2015

So hard to go on with life after you made a horrible decision and your just go be live in regret forever

RPG December 10th, 2015

I feel stuck... It's been over 8 months since the person I called my best friend hurt me, and I still feel hurt and sad and betrayed. I've become distant from most of my friends, who still hang out with him, and often feel very alone. I've started going to therapy, and have found new hobbies, but those only help in the moment. When I have even the briefest moment to stop and think, I still think back to everything that happened. I think about it less now a days, but I still think about it. I wonder why this happened, how I could have been so blind, what could have been... I wish I could just rewind time, that I could go back to the time before things fell to pieces. That was the happiest time of my life, and I don't feel like I've ever been truly happy since... Worst of all, I feel like this will never change. I feel like I'll be stuck in this state of apathy for the rest of my life. It worries me that my own happiness seems to have been so dependent on the people around me, although, perhaps that's just because I'm a people person. Regardless, I don't want to feel like this forever. I want to be happy again, like I was before, but I don't know how to be happy now... And that makes me sad.

Sadsoul6291 December 11th, 2015

I feel the same way too

lovingPine3496 December 11th, 2015

I don't feel like even faking a smile at this point. I just want to sleep forever!!

Dragonbeauty December 11th, 2015

I feel like my life has hit the rock bottom and if I do not change things, I will literally die. But change seems so scary and overwhelming...

Indigofrog65 December 11th, 2015

Dragon, you're right change is scary. You are stronger than you think. There is blue sky behind the dark clouds! laugh

Dragonbeauty December 11th, 2015

I feel like my life has hit the rock bottom and if I do not change things, I will literally die. But change seems so scary and overwhelming...

lovingPine3496 December 11th, 2015

My "dad" visited us a couple days ago..

I don't consider him anything to me because I've never had a loving relationship with him.

So..he came and he asked the same always...and I barely talk to him because he isn't interested. He thinks we're only after his money.

Uhm.....if I wanted money...I'm gonna make my own freaking money. I don't need some deadbeats chump change.

My mom was just talking to me about what she said on the phone for him...and he had the audacity to blame me for saying that he only comes to talk to my older brother. He'd blame everyone but him and my sister. It just makes me feel great that he can just abandon me and blame me for not wanting to have anything to do with him after nearly 10 years.

But of every situation I find myself in ...I somehow always end up the bad guy.

I'm fighting back tears..this isn't fair. I already beat myself up over things I can't control...and people always...ALWAYS find a way to make me hate myself even more. I know I need serious help...but some people.. My family...think mental disorders are only for "white people" which is ignorant and incorrect. My therapist... That my mom dragged me to..diagnosed me with having major depression...but oh..there's nothing wrong with me.

I'm sorry about this.

Zarabi December 12th, 2015

like no one really cares...

ShushCrush December 12th, 2015

Like I'm a disappointment to everyone

Chiaroscuro1 December 12th, 2015

I was feeling okay, even though I woke up earlier than usual. But then I came into contact with someone extremely rigid and angry and now I feel infected. I feel angry and down. But I'm hoping it won't last. I'll do some special things for myself. Find some positive input.

ScreamingForSanity December 12th, 2015

I actually feel really shitty. Yesterday night a listener on here messaged me.. He always made me feel better, and is hands down the best listener I've found in here (for me personally). He wouldn't sugarcoat things, he told me what he thought, he ranted to me, he told me about himself, and he always listened to me, but not just surface level. He actually made me feel like he cared about what I think and felt. Well yesterday I found out he won't be on here anymore, because of things financially his family is going through. I never got to tell him bye or how much I appreciate him, and now I probably never will. I hate myself so much. I should've told him every time he made me feel less crazy "thank you for listening and helping me feel less horrible" but I didn't. I always regret wasted opportunity, but I done fucked up. It's got to be the first times someone's stopped talking to me that wanted to continue talking, but couldn't, because of things beyond their control. God, I feel sick.

CharlieGreene December 12th, 2015

irritated, frustrated, annoyed, etc. I think I have an eating disorder and it's taking over my life. I literally feel incapable of eating (or at least without throwing it up). I've been chewing food but not swallowing it but even that makes me feel guilty. I've been on the scale about 5 times in one day. I want to eat but I don't feel like I can. I don't think after I hit my goal weight, I could eat either.

lovingPine3496 December 13th, 2015

I feel a little better.. Not much though...

Daisiesinmayescape December 13th, 2015

Hey, everyone. I'm new here, and I've struggled with depression since I was about 11, and I am now 22. Lately My Depression has completely taken over. Today is the first day in 4 days that I stayed out of the house. 3 days prior I couldn't even get myself out of my bed. So, I guess today I'm doing ok, but today was one of my better days.

Jamaicanluv05 December 13th, 2015

I feel worthless, ugly, embarrassed, and hopeless I just want to give up!!

secretLion5280 December 13th, 2015

Awe don't ever give up, it not in you to let something else win when you have the opportunity to beat it. You are foremost a very beautiful person. I know how you feel, but you got this!😀🙌

secretLion5280 December 13th, 2015

I hate depression with a passion. It sucks and makes me feel like somebody else when I should BE Myself. I shall overcome anything thats headed my way. Help or not. 😏

lovingPine3496 December 13th, 2015

I have a headache...but I won't allow myself to get Advil. I no longer trust myself to just take 2. I cannot deal with what's going on right now. Finals week starts tomorrow..and I have 3 finals tomorrow.. Ugh..

neatBeechwood3210 December 13th, 2015

Confused, zero attention span

lelemeno December 13th, 2015

Numb, scared

lovingPine3496 December 13th, 2015

I feel like crying...

I watched an emotional movie....

The friendship bracelet my best friend made me...I snagged it on something today and I am seriously upset about it. She made it for me..and I love her like no other..I've known her for 10 just hurts me..I gotta fix it..

I just..I dunno...I'm just extremely emotional right now..I don't know what's going on.

JupiterRising December 14th, 2015

I actually wrote to the group you suggested since it's so much. This is what I wrote if you are interested.... I don't know where to turn. And my depression is circumstantial more than anything, so I don't know how much talking can turn my life around for the better, but someone I talked to suggested I contact this group. I am better written than verbal so I hope someone might take the time to read this. I guess it is best explained in a blog I recently wrote:

Mom, can I go play with my new friend?! I asked zealously.

Whats this new friends name? she inquired,

Buttface, I told her.

I suppose it didnt occur to me, not having yet been exposed to some of the harsher realities of being here, that the boy was, in fact, calling me buttface.

Similarly, I remember the excitement of somebody giving me their phone number for the first time. For the longest time, I kneeled backwards on a kitchen chair tracing my fingers over the brick wall as the phone rang and rang and rang and rang…and rang. I imagined she must have lived in a REALLY big house, or even a castle, and must have been running down several flights of stairs to answer that phone.

Last summer, I fell in love with a girl who still has that beautiful quality remaining in her: she approaches the world and people like they will embrace her and love her.

Yesterday, I turned 32.

I spent the morning sobbing in my cold car. Then I cried quietly in the library before my only friend took me to a restaurant and I sucked down beers with a 10% alcohol content to numb the weight in my chest and ramble around the misery of it, as I know it is becoming a burden to her. I spoke earlier of how thankful I was that she was taking me out, how thankful I was of a thoughtful video of a girl had sent me all the way from Germany, how the girl I had fallen for last year had inquired if Id be doing anything.

My mother said, Well Im your mother. So I was there the morning of my birthday while my brother urged her to get up as she was doped up on pills, mumbling and slurring into the back of the couch. Get up and celebrate with her! Its her birthday, he said. She slurred into the couch, Im celebrating. Its an awful sight, really - people who have just given up on life, who cant bring themselves to bathe or get dressed, Who sit in a dark room day in and day out, whose lives revolve around the Kardashians, who cant afford to feed their dog, who wipe their asses with old socks when they shit, who do their dishes a few times with vinegar because their food card will get that, who send their son with a head injury in the parking lot to search for cigarette butts. She wants me there for my phone, for my car, for things that I can not carry when I can not currently carry my own existence.

Meanwhile, the man who raised me from the time I was a baby, told me he loves me no less than his biological child, said he planned to adopt me, said he would put me through college, etc., but took my brother when I was a teenager and left me behind, wished a happy birthday to the bestest daughter ever with several kiss emojis. It's as if he wanted to tell everyone that the idea of the woman in the photo was his daughter. I havent seen or heard from him in fifteen years. It shook me. I told him the catalyst of his actions and he completely ignored me.

My biological father was in prison my whole life. My little brother ended up with his dad out of biology, by older brother ended up with my mother out of dependency and I ended up alone.

It makes sense, I suppose, that I am, at this point, absolutely ridden with feelings of being defected, flawed, unlovable. It is said that people with those feelings attract abusive relationships. That happened, too. Somehow, though, I went into that relationship bright spirited and happy. I overcame my school years of being bullied brutally - of being called names, of being slapped, of having rocks thrown at me and a desk pushed into my stomach, of a boy wrapping a chain around his fist and punching me in the chest so hard I fell and lost my breath, of being tripped, of being publicly shamed, of lunch hour after lunch hour hiding in the bathroom stalls.

Why dont you stick up for yourself? people would ask me.

I cant. I dont want to hurt anyones feelings, Id say. While my mother says she cant believe it, as I have a scrapper mother who will punch anyone in the face. I overcame that, too - those moments shed punch someone in the face. Including my friends I would have over. The moments she, too, would call me names, beat my ass, drag me by my hair down the hallway, punch on me, tell me she hates me. Watching her drunken rages daily. Watching her bring in boyfriends, hearing her have sex, walking in on her having sex, her sleeping with someone I called my boyfriend at some point, slapping me for crying at 12 when I walked into the living room at night to see my biological cousin banging a 16-year old on the couch. Her stealing my instruments and selling them to support her own habits, her having seizures and laying in my arms soaking my clothing with blood as I scream thinking she is dead. Her trying to kill herself. Her sending me on her drug runs. Her sending me to take my brother to food lines.

Truly not the half of it, but I became a master at talking my way through things, developing a keen proficiency at changing my perspective, changing my mind. I knew she was struggling and trying to survive in whatever way she knew how. I saw that the only way she could hate others is by hating herself. I knew that we did not choose each other.

I got married too young to a man who I loved for his beautiful, kind heart. I got rejected for financial aid for school as a result. I spent several years in a kind of silent meditation, not knowing where it had gone as the sun would shift its shadows along the white barren walls of our empty apartment. I had people telling me I should be teaching. I had people telling me my writing was incredible and made them want a life change. I had people telling me they were sure I would have been a famous artist had I not grown up in the environment I grew up in. I had people asking why I wasnt modeling or acting. I didnt know how to do any of it. I had known I wanted something other than my mothers life since I could remember, but it was never modeled to me. And all I had in the world was my ex-husband, a man who worked a mediocre job from morning until night six days a week for nothing. A man who I ended up coming out to as gay when I was 24.

I went on a travel stint, which proved to be the most amazing time of my life, despite any hardship. People would write to me and tell me they wished they could do it. They would tell me I seemed to live years in a day. They would tell me not to steer course. They would tell me their lives are boring and they admire my audacity. I had people tell me knowing me this way changed their lives and how they see things. I actually had people follow me just to tell me I have an amazing energy. I was unafraid of most things except the structures of society, repetition, the constructs that bind. I was full of joy because I was experiencing a kind of freedom that so many are afraid to dive into and I saw that that was where life was. Not mere existence. I saw beauty in everything and had no problem speaking to others.

It was the fine line where nothing and everything run together. When I had nothing but a savings account and the ability to travel and create truly awesome memories, dip into people's lives and treat them as if I was Daddy Warbucks even though I had a limited savings, I was happiest.

And when I found out I was divorced by default after my then ex-husband had left me married for a year without knowing where he was, I took the steps to finally get into school. I would be the first in my family.

The woman I was in a relationship with for three years mangled me. We chose each other and, for some reason, she chose me to hurt. She chose me to shake, to call names, to accuse, to bring in and lock out, to play wicked mind games and to take every vulnerability I ever had and use them to break my core down and recreate something unrecognizable. She was charming and funny and outgoing and adorable. She was a beloved professor and a great mother and it played out like a psycho thriller because, of course, absolutely nobody would believe me. It seemed as though, when I was thrown off balance and reached out, sometimes unabashedly and in desperate ways because I had never experienced such a thing, it played well into her hands. People began to fall away and I became more isolated. Sure she couldnt tell me she was going to give me a massage and pound up and down my back, laughing hysterically. Sure she couldnt tell me people stare at me weird and get uncomfortable when I point out sweet details in them I thought they would once smile about and beam that nobody notices such things. Sure she didnt take my ability to pick up and travel and my daydreams of passionate love and tell me it was a nasty facade. Sure she didnt take bits of my life, life being married to a man, and show me convincingly that I had done ugly things. Sure she didnt tell me, Youre not conscious of what you do. Sure she didnt dump me and lock me out again and again, only to come around with grad promises and in depth apologies, only to later take them back. Sure she didnt talk behind peoples backs to me and act like their best friend to their faces. Sure she didnt push me to have sex with her when I told her I didnt trust her. Sure she didnt use her children as an excuse to know what was in my bank account. Sure she didnt threaten my life and my education if I talked to anyone. She was the outgoing professor. I was the introverted student starting my life late. It took a long time to realize a starving heart can hallucinate things not there before I finally left. One person had told me they believe me toward the end, and that she was good friends with the person she was in a relationship with before she was with me. But it didn't change the damage and the suffocating questioning of myself.

It took another relationship with someone who needed a bandaid for her achy heart to chew me up and spit me back out for me to finally crack and see what had been so mangled. All my fears and my sensitivities became heightened. Too much noise and too much contact drained me. In any given place, I could hear ever whisper, every conversation, ever clank and clatter of keys and coins, ever creak, every drawer…everything…and I would freeze. Any conversation with anyone, I had paranoid questions circling through my head - am I saying anything wrong? Are they interpreting something that I am not intending? Are they seeing something in me that grosses them out? What if it was me? What if it was me? What if it was me? Because everything I had once seen as beautiful within me had become ugly.

I was single for over a year, deciding to finish school and write a book. Things happen, however, and I found the sweetest girl and ended up in what I thought to be a near perfect relationship. I graduated with highest honors with a Bachelors degree in English and Creative Writing. I managed to have one of the happiest and best years of my life last year. I have also finished my book. It seems like a flop. Anyway, I could not find a job. No responses, rejection letters, closed doors…they kept (and keep) coming. My friends kept telling me I need a car. I would tell them I need to wait for an income or to see if my book succeeds. However, I fell for Lyft and Uber ads claiming drivers make $1500 a week and, as North Hollywood Toyota told me to fake a letter of employment, I financed a new Prius C. And very soon, despite being $30,000 in debt, found that those ads were nowhere near true. I had once sat in that car for three hours and made under $7. Meanwhile, the girl I fell in love with, who once told everyone (with "wild eyes" as she said her friends had described) that she had found the one and tells me we are from the same stardust, and who I would have given anything for, let me know that I had made her the happiest anyone had, was the best lover she had ever had, had been her best friend, and was the sweetest person she had ever met, that she honors me so much that if she were dying, she'd ask for my presence before her own family, etc.…but she didnt think I was who she would marry and it didnt seem fair to hang on. And I looked at the course of our time together, which was often nothing short of magical, chocked full of the eeriest synchronicities, and began questioning myself more. I wondered about the unsaid, that maybe she was just too kind, and what she saw in me not worth keeping. And I go through this terrible aching for her but knowing how ridiculous it is to ache for someone who doesn't want you and can already look into seeing others. And I figured if I lost her I would just lose anyone. So I decided that I would remain alone. And everything over the course of my life hit me again in one quick sweep.

Now, I am a 32 year old loser. I am terrified of talking to people or meeting anyone because I am utterly humiliated and embarrassed of my life. I have battled for years with intermittent homelessness. I have no place of my own. I have no idea what it is like to have my own bed. I am trying to work up the courage to apply for Masters programs, dont know if I will be able to afford applying and cant seem to secure every letter of recommendation that I need because the world isnt built for highly sensitive introverts. Beyond that, I cant take another door shut or another disappointment. I do not belong in the town I am in, where everyone is interconnected and I cant move without reminders of the trauma. I am drowning in an enormous amount of expenses and have knocked and knocked and knocked and knocked on doors only to have them shut in my face. Nobody will hire me and job listings here could never afford my current expenses and rent. My clothes fit in a duffle bag and are all ragged and several years old. And I will never take handouts. I owe $1500 this week and feel like I am going to lose everything. My days are silent and I have no support system. This, again, creates a horrible questioning of myself because you begin to think that if it's everyone that falls away, the problem is you. So I go through in my mind obsessing about what I've done wrong. Youre so beautiful and intelligent, people will tell me, You should be able to take life by the balls. I have a lot of ideas swirling through my head and know that I could do a lot of awesome things if my "life" (existence) wasn't in survival mode all the time. It's a hard ironic blow when you do things to make your life better only to make it far worse. I am learning fast that nobody cares about your degree or your looks or even your persistence. It is who you know and who youre from. This is existence. Its not life. And I am just so tired.

Thank you for your time if you have gotten this far.

