Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?
My heart is really empty, I try so hard to make things better and people love putting me down all the time, sometimes I forget what I do and all that, what do I do to fix this, everyone hates me, I need some help
Want to die
What's going on? Why is this posted so many times on different posts? Are you alright?
And to OP, while I can't offer advice, I can say that I understand. I'm so sorry you feel this bad. I do too. It's scary and overwhelming. *hugs*
Getting up is so hard, it seems pointless. I'm always so tired. How can I convince myself to keep going?
I have the same problem, I wake up depressed every morning
It's going to be my birthday soon, but i always hated when my birthday comes :( i just want to get it over already.
Don't feel that way. Another year older is an amazing accomplishment, which means that you yourself are amazing
I have been fighting with my husband on and off for a couple weeks now. :( I'm feeling lonely as well as pathetic. I make myself sick.
My husband and I are having marital issues as well. He left yesterday and I know the lonliness you're talking about. It's a terrible feeling. We all deserve better.
Want to die
Worthless disappointed in myself for relapsing :(
I hate myself. I hate the fact I am so shy with everyone, I went out last night with a friend and we met in with new people. I felt so awkward and some of them were saying"why are you so quiet". I hate when anyone asks me this, it make me feel like a freak. Or like I can't function in normal society, what made it wors is the fact my "friend" said why can't I be normal. I let everyone walk on me lik a doormat, I'm sick of it
I just feel like nothing, I don't know just, empty, hollow, numb nothing
I feel an inherent tiredness that cannot be simply cured by sleep.