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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

faithsullivan March 6th, 2015

Life in itself is a daily battle. dealing with depression adds extra's we all can do without. Iam a positive person....When i give my mind over to positive thing's like soft gentle music, inspiration movies, helping other's feel good about themselves helps me fell better about me. Battling depression is not easy. Depression is a battle in the mind due to some hellish experience in life. Their are so many thing's-people telling us who we should be, how we should act, speak, and look...What i am learning is just be myself, accept myself for all that i am and all that i am not. Their are no perfect people in this world, nor will their ever be. We all are flawed and imperfect. As i encourage myself i encourage other's just like me,who feel left out, lonely, worthless, unloved, and unwanted...You are needed, You are wanted, You have special gift's and talent's that only you have. You are worthy of Love and you give the best Love. Focus more on the thing's you are and less on the thing's you are not. Love your self, nobody can Love You better than You.heart

bluegirl0717 March 6th, 2015

Doesn't look like things are going to get any better

Bexicle March 6th, 2015

Something I found useful was writing about my moods and keeping a record of how I felt on a daily basis. I found that it was useful to look back on and reflect on my state of mind. I wonder if this link would be useful to you? Mood Diary

I am sending some positive thoughts your way.

HKprincess911 March 6th, 2015

Today feels better than yesterday. I hope that this adjustment in my medication will keep up. I can actually get out of bed with no problem, it actually amazes me. Now to just try and incorporate more positive things.

Roadie March 6th, 2015


That's great news! Keep that positive thinking going :)

HKprincess911 March 6th, 2015

Thank you!

emotionalStrings7991 March 6th, 2015

oh I don't know: fat, depressed, ashamed, unaccomplished, FAT,UGLY, SUICIDAL, USELESS, A BURDEN, WORTHLESS, NO SENSE IN DIRECTION, WORTHLESS. ANYTHING ELSE???

lonleyme March 6th, 2015

Do you want to talk?

emotionalStrings7991 March 6th, 2015

sure. i guess so

Forea March 6th, 2015

I feel like I'm longing for something today but nothing satisfies.

nicePlum7058 March 6th, 2015

like i want dont have feelings or a heart to dont have to love her anymore

emotionalPeach92 March 8th, 2015

Sounds like a cliche, but time really is a healer. One day the heart you have will love another and they will love you right back. It is super hard right now but things do get better!

LovePom March 8th, 2015

I feel like something snapped. I feel so strange. Like alot of thingsI can't explain mixed together,but the only feeling I can recognize is sadness.

eminadep1835 March 8th, 2015

Could you describe how your depressions feel like ? I hav the feeling that something dark und ugly wraps around my heart and my mind and i start freezing and shaking. It feels like there's a shadow inside of me and it doesn't allow me to feel happiness and live. It's exhausting and I'm hurting myself...

chrisjlat March 8th, 2015

The depression symptoms that I feel are tiring and sad. My eyes feel droopy like I need to sleep, but I can't sleep. I have lost the fight that I had to live life better. I used to not be afraid of anything, and things didn't bother me so much, but now they bother me more. I am getting help through therapy that over time has helped me.

chrisjlat March 8th, 2015

The depression symptoms that I feel are tiring and sad. My eyes feel droopy like I need to sleep, but I can't sleep. I have lost the fight that I had to live life better. I used to not be afraid of anything, and things didn't bother me so much, but now they bother me more. I am getting help through therapy that over time has helped me.

Spring830 March 8th, 2015

I feel like I am drowning. Everyone is watching and laughing but no one will help me. My body hurts and I feel numb inside. I feel like I can't breath around anyone. When I'm by myself I can breath just a little bit but not very much. I feel like everyone is yellow and happy and I'm black and hurt. I have lost everything and I'm only 14. What more can hurt?I would say my heart is broken but it was never full to start with.

chrisjlat March 8th, 2015

Don't give up. You have so much life ahead of you. Be careful how you live your life, and find out what makes you happy and go towards that.
There are people who will rescue you from the pool of despair. Reach out and find people who will help you. Do this now while you are young so you can have a happy life now. It is your job and responsibility to take care of this for yourself. Others can and will help you, but you have to reach out to them.

unicornwithafirehorn March 8th, 2015

I feel angry and pissed off but I don't feel lonely. Just sort of calmly sad and angry at the same time. A little bit positive.

chrisjlat March 8th, 2015

I am glad that you aren't lonely and that you are positive. I wish that you weren't sad and angry. Still this means that you have fight in you, and you can use that to take care of yourself. Life is tough, so having a fighting spirit is important.

chrisjlat March 8th, 2015

I am incredibly lonely and discouraged. I have come to the point of little hope. I want God to take care of this or take me home.

willingVase6033 March 8th, 2015

I've defiantly been there, I've had moments where I begged God to end my pain and take me way. I prayed that if he truly loves me like how everyone says then he would end my pain. So your not the only one who feels this way.

brokendownbitch March 8th, 2015

Don't kill yourself, there is no god. If you killed yourself. You'd be emptier than you are now

Jazminejazzz March 8th, 2015

God doesn't want us to take our own life away. He thought about us before we were even born & he has a plan for all of us. Negative thoughts really take the best from us & it's hard for us to focus back on track & get back on the road. You are truly special and have made a difference to someone's life. Stay strong & stop the negative thinking! 💞💖

galacticLight March 8th, 2015

I feel ashamed

I'm lonely

I'm so unbelievably sad

I can't breathe right sometimes

My chest hurts

My head hurts

My head is full of crap

I'm so scared

I'm furious

I don't want to be angry

I don't want to lose control again

I don't want to be violent

I had to pinch myself back to reality just now

I desperately need someone to talk to

I feel I'm going insane

Please help me


allieekat March 8th, 2015

I feel tired. I feel like I can't breath. I feel like I'm stuck underwater and can't move and my head is going to explode.

Jos March 8th, 2015

I understand how you feel. In a lot of situations I feel like this..but hang in there. No one can breath for you, and it's the hardest part but, you'll grasp that air and breath it. Take control of your day. Take it day by day. You can do it!

Andross March 8th, 2015

Today I'm feeling pretty hopeless and overwhelmed. I don't feel like I have the energy to do anything. I'm just plain sad and I want to give up.

Journalentries March 8th, 2015

I feel worthless and overwhelmed. I feel like I'm just breaking the same piece of glass over and over until there's nothing left to break of it.

Jos March 8th, 2015

I feel like I'll never get rid of guilt over small things. I feel like I never do enough, or try enough. It makes me feel like I'm a horrible person and it's sort of disappointing because from afar I see myself as a caring loving individual, but up close it feels like there's no hope for me

willingVase6033 March 8th, 2015

I'll be honest the feeling of utter sadness and depression is horrible that I can't really put it into words. But in my opinion what is worst is when I don't feel nothing at all. Just empty.

brokendownbitch March 8th, 2015

I feel like throwing myself off a building to be perfectly honest. I can't stand to look in the mirror without crying. I have no one and I never will have anyone. I am alone. Forever

brokendownbitch March 8th, 2015

I feel like death. That's where my life is going and all I want to do is die. I get sick looking in the mirror. I honestly don't think I have ever had people in my life that were the for me.

tbanks35 March 8th, 2015

Feeling the hot tears poor down my isn't a good feeling. Feeling the fullness of the emptiness i have is worse though. It makes me want to drive my blade deep into my wrists. So far I've only cut the surface. But i feel myself going deeper. I hate myself and i hate how people see me. I just can't go on...

tbanks35 March 8th, 2015

Feeling the hot tears poor down my isn't a good feeling. Feeling the fullness of the emptiness i have is worse though. It makes me want to drive my blade deep into my wrists. So far I've only cut the surface. But i feel myself going deeper. I hate myself and i hate how people see me. I just can't go on...

shoshoxxx March 8th, 2015

Hey... Please just remember that you're not alone even though you feel like you do. Idk how to stop you from cutting, but ill tell u how I feel reading ur post. It makes me feel helpless BC I can't do anything to help you :( can you like switch your urge to cut your wrist into other things?

bountifulButterfly80 March 8th, 2015

I am better today. Don't know what's going on, but I feel almost optimistic. I don't trust myself anymore, but I think I should just be happy with the current situation.

lovingMaple3998 March 8th, 2015

i don't understand why i have to give in just because they don't let me be me? because they don't let me do what i want to. because they don't let me be who i want to. its so depressing.

shoshoxxx March 8th, 2015

Girl trust me when I say I know how you feel. I have the same issue rn with my parents and it's just so frustrating. They don't get it. They don't understand that what they want and what we need is different

WhateverMyNameIS March 8th, 2015

Empty (?)