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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

TheGlassDreamer January 24th, 2015

My depression has been terrible today. I feel so worthless. Yeah, I know I'm not, but I can't control the feeling and the sadness the plagues my mind. :(

MyFiniteInfinity January 24th, 2015

I feel okay. I'm not as bad as I used to be but I'm not as good as I would like to be. I'm getting there. Alongside depression I'm dealing with recovering from self harm as well. It's been two weeks since I last cut. I'm quite proud. Depression-wise, I think I'm feeling better than I have in a while. I'm feeling pretty positive that I can overcome this.

thequietone97 January 27th, 2015

I wish my peers could understand how I feel all the time. They're always telling me to "just smile" or "try not to think about it" yet they don't understand how difficult it is when you have depression. I feel like I'm coping with it better this week, though.

thequietone97 January 27th, 2015

I wish my peers could understand how I feel all the time. They're always telling me to "just smile" or "try not to think about it" yet they don't understand how difficult it is when you have depression. I feel like I'm coping with it better this week, though.

calkelly January 27th, 2015

Feeling a bit comes and goes like the wind......

Sophia1999 January 28th, 2015

I feel like there is nothing good about me

annemoore January 28th, 2015

I mostly start out my days alright and I get the feeling that it will be a good day and wonder why have I been feeling so awful in such an amazing world when them just suddenly it feels like life was drained out of me so slowly and yet all at once, it is exhausting and devastating. I feel like my body and life itself is a burden.

reliableMango71 January 28th, 2015

I feel sad, angry and alone!

ElasticHeart138 January 28th, 2015

Every day is a struggle. Trying to be positive, even though I don't feel I.

SurfboardsAndSheetMusic January 28th, 2015

i feel like there is no point to living and i just want to end it

ElasticHeart138 January 28th, 2015

It is worth living. We'll get through this. We all will. Stay strong.

Ath3na January 28th, 2015

I pretend everything is okay, but on the inside I feel like if I didn't exist everything would be much better. Sometimes I don't even know the cause of my depression anymore. I just stay up all night and think about how worthless I feel.

OoParisBeautyoO January 30th, 2015

I feel really hopeless, and sad. I feel stressed, and lost. I'm so depressed, that I'm out of tears to cry out anymore.

calkelly January 30th, 2015

Tonight I am feeling peaceful........almost a feeling of contentment..... hope it lasts into tomorrow........

thexusualxspot February 1st, 2015

I feel completelydisconnected. Like I don't want to be here anymore but I have to be. I don't know if I have a purpose, but I guess I have to keep trying.

Sunfeather72700 February 1st, 2015

I feel like I want to go to sleep and never wake yp

lovingheart101 February 1st, 2015

Sometimes, death seems like the only way to relieve pain forever, but suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Things do get better.

Cybele114 February 1st, 2015

I feel terrible today. I've suffered with anxiety most of my life, but depression is new to me and I'm not fit to handle it. Found this app and hoping I can learn some coping skills in here.

tallShade5419 February 1st, 2015

normal.. not much worried abtanything

regenliebe February 1st, 2015

I'm sad and confused. I think I'm going to be crazy. The day was okay, but i felt undergroundedhurt and now it comes in waves over me.

StayStrong012 February 2nd, 2015

At the same time I feel sad, worried, angry and than nothing at all. I just want to sleep without being bothered.

BlueWhovian February 2nd, 2015

Lonely, worried, feeling like a failure. There's no help out there with anything I'm dealing with.

Falloutkaren16 February 2nd, 2015

I feel like nobody cares and that I could just disappear and nobody would notice or care

iAmleah February 2nd, 2015

I feel empty. Right down to my soul. Like I'm floating through all these emotions and I'm not touching any of them. No matter how hard I try I can never quite reach one. I can never quite feel. But no. That's not exactly true. I feel pain, when I try to feel. When I allow myself to feel. Its only pain. A dull ache in my chest over my heart. And it hurts to breathe. Like my lungs might collapse into my chest at any moment. I'm in pain.

akenziemay February 2nd, 2015

I feel trapped inside of myself. I'm on the verge of tears every fucking day. my medicine doesn't work and I don't know what to do. I don't know how to be happy. I forgot what it's like to be happy

kindAcai4159 February 2nd, 2015

I've been the best of friends with the "kids of the corner". We're all broken somehow, but I feel like I can't tell anyone anything. I am the one that's strong, but for the last two years, I've broken down in my room, and still put on a mask in the morning. I feel they'd be alienated to find this out

lunaticfringe25 February 2nd, 2015

I feel like a terrible person that isnt worth anything

optimisticMelon7373 February 2nd, 2015

I feel like a reject. Today is just not my day. Bullies and parents. I just don't know what to do anymore.

StayStrong012 February 3rd, 2015

Stay Strong, if you need anyone to talk to I'm here.

TiffaniRose February 2nd, 2015

A waste of space...

MiMianxiety51 February 2nd, 2015

I feel like im misunderstood no one understands me.

Tortoise February 3rd, 2015

I think someone might have stolen my legs

JillsMannequin February 3rd, 2015

I keep being told that I think too much and I'm just over thinking and that's what's causing the problem and I'm hearing that from people here too! How am I supposed to just stop feeling like I shouldn't even exist and how am I supposed to stop feeling like I'm not even a real person who should be in the lives of other people? And how am I supposed to not think about! How do you get out of bed go see people living their lives and just keep fighting, I can't not fight for a day because if I stop then everyone will know and they'll judge because oh look her life is great and she has everything and her job is good and yet she's complaining! I'm not complaining! I'm in pain and I'm tired of fighting....

Rehamelarusy February 3rd, 2015

I feel like a person who needs to end his life because of the pane I'm feeling

StayStrong012 February 3rd, 2015

You are worth it. Keep staying strong.

shannondx3 February 3rd, 2015

I'm alright. Called a counselor to get in contact about possibly seeing her this week, and ended up calling back and canceling 15 minutes later. Couldn't deal with it.

philosophicalStrawberries1483 February 3rd, 2015

Like I'm drowning but I'm not sure I want to try and swim...

sarah399 February 3rd, 2015

Well yesterday I tried to kill myself ... Today I had a fight, failed test, bunked off, went home had argument , found out mums dying , and made myself throw up then cut myself and tried to jump off a huge wall took bunch of pills and now I'm here in my room looking in the mirror wondering how I am such a fuck up ... And hating myself more and more every second...

NicoleShola February 3rd, 2015

I feel like I am choking on emptiness

impartialWillow2629 February 5th, 2015

I hope it passe for you and I totally understandcryingits exactly how I feel Thank you for the words to express iy