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Being Optimistic (Self Esteem Challenge)

CheeryMango August 11th, 2021

Hello everyone!

Welcome to Day 8 of our Self-Esteem Icebreakers in celebration of the 30 Day Self-Esteem Challenge across the community.

Today's theme is "Being Optimistic".

Are you an optimistic person?

Click HERE to look out for more Self Esteem Challenge Icebreakers
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crimsonChestnut5482 August 12th, 2021


I do my best to be optimistic. Lots of times it works. It hasn't always worked very well in the past, but just today I made a breakthrough that, I am confident, will help be more of an optimist. I do think it is the very small, overlooked, every day miracles that I might concetrate on more. That idea makes me happy and confident, which I suppose is another way of saying 'optimistic'!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 13th, 2021

Love this ! Any step big or small does count ~ any progress small or huge is still progress ! Keep going ❤ @crimsonChestnut5482

HeartstoHeaven August 12th, 2021

A good laugh and patience. Being Optimistic!! heart

Clio9876 August 12th, 2021

I found this hilarious! "Always be grateful", but how do I do that? "Always see the beauty", I wish I could. "Only focus on what you can control", but I can't!, "love fearlessly", too scary. 🤣 Clearly I have optimism challenges. But I shall be optimistic in the fact that being able to comprehend your challenges is the first step in solving them.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 13th, 2021
To best answer this question, I feel it is not a "Yes or No " kind, but rather ~ what makes you feel drawn towards the optimist side in you ! I do believe in being optimistic and to spread optimism around as much as possible , but things shouldn't always have to be in all or nothing terms ~ You can be sad and still manage to smile if something makes you , you can be angry and still appreciate the one who is trying to support you , you can breakdown and yet stay hopeful for a break through , because the glass may be half or it may be full, the point however is ~ the glass is refillable as many times you'd want it to be ! I like to be cautious optimistic with a hint of staying hopeful , come what may The sun will rise again , and we can definitely try and shine again ! 🌻❤
YellowRose27 August 15th, 2021

Love this! Couldn't agree more and couldn't have put it out better.💛

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 15th, 2021

Aw thankyou ,Rosee ! So very glad to hear thattt🤗💛🌹 @YellowRose27

August 13th, 2021


What do you want from me if I am optimistic or not? We are all just made up names on a screen. Don't kid yourself, or anyone else, that this matters one bit. This is part of a job here, that has been laid out to be done. If I am to act optimistic and devote to helping others, that is what is wanted on here. If I act not optimistic, it is met with sympathy, understanding, upset people behind screen names, and crap like that. Thte whole point and fact of this is that none of any of this matters one bit. It is all part of a mechanism that is working to grow and achieve what it is after, in the big scheme of it all. Things all over here are purposely presented which are meant to make people with screen names on this site believe and go along with the whole purpose of what people up top are working to achieve. We, at the bottom levels, are presented with things that are supposed to lead us into believing what they want for their purposes, step by step. My ideas on this can also be sanctioned, as if that will even bother me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

janewayalpha1 August 13th, 2021
I think at my core, I am mostly optimistic about certain things. But I think over the years of experiencing many forms of adveristy, it's made me a bit pestimistic than I would care to admit. It hurts me to think that way, but I would be a fool to not acknowledge the way I truly feel. I do however try not to let any negativity influence the majority of my decision making.
YellowRose27 August 15th, 2021

I think being an optimist is such a grey area. We all have that side in us though. And can work towards improving that trait, but being aware and able to feel all that a situation puts us in is important too, than just being cheerful whatever the situation is. I guess it's all about a healthy balance.💛

Rebekahwriter13 August 17th, 2021

I try to be an optimtistic person. I try to see the world in a more positive light. . .
However my mind is constantly fighting. . . anxiety, worry, depression, fear, doubt.
I try to do what my therapist told me and counter my feelings and thoughts. . .
I just trying to focus on a moment/day at a time.

greenYard2803 August 20th, 2021

@CheeryMango No

AriadneLove August 21st, 2021

I am sanguine, so optimism is quite naturally in me. I see opportunities every step and I try to accept what is happening without fighting with the past, but to see what can I do now. I try to balance my optimism with a rational approach to decisions😋 because the pure optimistic view has it's traps too.

xandia August 21st, 2021

I used to be optimistic. But that was before the pandemic. I tend to be pessimistic now. I struggle to regain the optimism I once had. Seeing what I see everyday makes me pessimistic.It can be so hard to regain what I once had. Time away does help bring back how I once viewed the world. In a good light. I don't believe a person is stricly an optimist or a pessimist. We are a mix of the two. You can't have all light threads in your tapestry. You need to have the contrasting dark threads to make the picture come alive. That's my view of optimism/pessimism.

lyricalAngel70 August 21st, 2021


Yes, I am an optimist. No matter how difficult a situation gets I like to be positive about it. I have a mindset to look at the brighter side of life even in the worse of situations.

lyricalAngel70 August 21st, 2021


Yes, I am an optimist. No matter how difficult a situation gets I like to be positive about it. I have a mindset to look at the brighter side of life even in the worse of situations.

lyricalAngel70 August 21st, 2021


Yes, I am an optimist. No matter how difficult a situation gets I like to be positive about it. I have a mindset to look at the brighter side of life even in the worse of situations.

rosebeinghappy18 August 22nd, 2021


Are you an optimistic person?

No, with ADHD, I am a terribly pessimistic person. The obsessive thoughts in me are dangerously troublesome. Moreover, if I miss my meds, the fear in me cripples and I feel more of a negative person.

positivePumpkin22 August 25th, 2021


Yes I am an optimistic person. I try my best to look at the bright side and I understand that life isn't always easy and that's okay.

August 27th, 2021

I wasnt very optimistic, but now, yes, I started to build a good relationship with optimism. We are here now and some things are going better than yesterday. So maybe tomorrow is better than today.

GoldenRuleJG August 28th, 2021

@CheeryMango I try to be but I'd say I'm more neutral

kiwifruit99 August 30th, 2021

Not really, but I've been trying to focus more on positivity lately. So far, it's gotten me better (or at least more exciting) results.

friendlyOasis2367 September 3rd, 2021
Are you an optimistic person?

Not really. It's hard for me to remain optimistic, but I'll keep trying.