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Weekly Prompt #34: What is one difficult life situation you are facing right now?

ASilentObserver April 5th

Hello all, I hope you are all being easy on yourself this week.

Last week we discussed: Have you ever stopped to ponder the complexities of your own mind? Thank you to all who participated and shared their thoughts and questions for discussion. They were thought-provoking questions and thoughts. I hope you all did too. If you didn't share yours, please share them here and I look forward to reading and discussing them with you

This week's prompt: What is one difficult life situation you are facing right now?

Life throws curveballs, and sometimes we all get caught in the rain. What's one difficult situation you're currently navigating? This could be anything from feeling overwhelmed at work to dealing with a personal challenge or a big decision that looms on the horizon. So, I invite you to pause for a moment and share with us. Let us get started on this journey of self-discovery together, supporting and empowering each other along the way. 

Note: I invite all to help me with creating these weekly prompt discussions so that we all can come together and discuss something related to depression every week. If you any interested in helping me out, please share your interest through this form and  I will reach out to you to guide and support you in creating the next discussion. 



What is one difficult life situation you are facing right now?

I am currently about to go to court for my 1st DUI. That's no fun and then my roommate who's a guy and my ex (mind you we have a lease together) has moved in a girl since March 19th. This is forcing me to move out and my lease is up on Sept 1st. I'm not excited about the move but I know it will be good for me. I can have a new lease on life and a fresh start. Well...that's what I'm telling myself anyway...we shall see.

chyni April 5th


sorry to hear about your situation. i can’t imagine what you must be feeling. however, like you said this could be a great opportunity for a fresh start. when one door closes, another opens.

some might see it on the negative side, being forced to move and start over, i’m glad that you’re viewing this as something positive. 💖 wishing the best for you, with your DUI, moving and life in general 

Tinywhisper11 April 5th

@reservedTangerine9348 good luck in court ❤ and yes a new place, a new chapter of your life, it does sound exciting ❤❤

ASilentObserver OP April 6th

@reservedTangerine9348 Thank you for sharing tangerine with us. I get it you have a lot going on right now with your court case and moving out. These are both difficult things to deal with alone. How are you feeling about everything?

chyni April 5th


omg, thank you for this discussion obs.

a difficult life situation i’m currently navigating right now, is dealing with health issues. mentally and physically. 

couple years ago, i was diagnosed with mdd, major depressive disorder or some people may know it as severe/clinical depression. i was on so many different meds for it, trying to see which works best for me until eventually i had a bad experience and decided, that was it for me. i’d be lying if i said that it wasn’t hard, it’s very hard having to deal with all the raw emotions with nothing to suppress them. 

it’s especially hard when i have this one person in my life now that doesn’t seem to understand or bother to remember that i have severe depression and it affects me everyday even if i’m smiling. and i have to deal with that person everyday. it doesn’t help that i also struggle with obsessive thoughts and compulsions. it’s all just too much for me. 

the mental struggles and battles i have to deal with everyday, people who see me smiling would wonder how i’m even still smiling.  

nevertheless, i try to do what i have to do, to better myself, and stay positive. 

Tinywhisper11 April 5th

@chyni your an inspiration to us all ❤❤ I don't think I'd cope without meds. Hugs you tightly ❤❤ your doing great ❤❤

chyni April 5th


thank you so much lola, that’s so refreshing to hear. i appreciate you 💖 i always try my very best to be there for others, especially because i know what it’s like to not feel heard, supported. or understood. 

Tinywhisper11 April 6th

@chyni huggggs you tightly ❤ I love you ❤

ASilentObserver OP April 6th

@chyni Thank you for sharing and being with us, Chyni. Also, thank you for your support and comforting & encouraging words to us. Your support means a lot. 

I am sorry to hear about the challenges you're facing with your mental health. It takes courage to open up about such personal struggles. Dealing with raw emotions and lack of support can be difficult. . Is there anything specific you've found helpful in managing your symptoms so far?
Tinywhisper11 April 5th

@ASilentObserver my life struggle atm, well I've got a unknown virus which I've had to sets of bloods taken recently followed  closely by a chest x-ray and some other tests. I'm a on antibiotics and then a course of steroids for 6 weeks 😟 hopefully the results will all come back fine. I know there's a lot of viruses going around right now. But because of my disabilities, and all the operations, I have little to no immun e system, I'm always sick with something😟 I can handle the constant chronic pain, and most illnesses without complaining to much😏 but coughing, with a broken spine hurrrrttttts soooo badd😭😭😭😭😭

but don't worry I'm doing ok ❤😁

ImpudentIncognito April 5th

@Tinywhisper11 That bites! Sorry that you're dealing with illnesses, it's definitely unpleasant to deal with. Hope you get plenty of rest and that you recover soon.🫂 Also, don't forget to treat yourself! Maybe eat some yummy ice cream🍨 while reading a good book or watching a fun movie! 💖

Tinywhisper11 April 6th

@ImpudentIncognito can you be my doctor???? That's the best advice I've gotten😁 eats lots of icecream ❤ thanks sweetie ❤

chyni April 5th


oh my sweet lola, my heart goes out to you 💖 i know that you’re very strong and you can and will overcome this in no time 🫂 so far you’re doing an excellent job. you got this 💖💖

Tinywhisper11 April 6th

@chyni hugggs you ❤ don't worry I'll be fine 😁


@Tinywhisper11 Praying for your speedy recovery. Do the doctors know what viruses are floating around? I've had a cough for like 5 months and it just won't go away ugh!

Tinywhisper11 April 6th

@reservedTangerine9348 there's so many going going around. Tis flu season I suppose. But a cough for 5 months😟 that's really bad, have you spoken to the doctor??


@Tinywhisper11 They say it's going around and that you have to just let it run it's course. Dry coughs are the worst.

Tinywhisper11 April 11th

@reservedTangerine9348 dont worry we will both be much better soon ❤❤

tearstruck April 5th
@Tinywhisper11 Oh noo :(:( hope you feel a bit better quickly<3<3<3 I can relate to always being sick with something, I tend to wear a mask a lot to reduce that though :) at least you're going into warmer weather so less flus hopefully :') <3 take care of yourself lola!! sending you hugs <3
Tinywhisper11 April 6th

@tearstruck thanks sweetie ❤ and yep it's been warm weather all week. Can't wait to get outside in the mornings to watch the sunrise ❤❤

tearstruck April 6th

@Tinywhisper11 ❤️❤️❤️

ASilentObserver OP April 6th

@Tinywhisper11 Thank you for opening up and sharing with us Tiny. Also, Appreciate your support and empowerment to us. It means a lot. Your presence make this community better. Thank you for being with us. 

I am sorry you are experiencing a challenging time with health issues right now. Dealing with chronic conditions and frequent illnesses can really take a toll. The uncertainty of it all must be difficult to cope with too. How are you feeling about the prospect of more tests and medical interventions?

Tinywhisper11 April 6th

@ASilentObserver no need to worry ❤ I get sick all the time. I'll be  fine 😁 and thanks obs ❤❤I love you ❤

JollyRacher April 7th


I hope everything turns out alright Tiny. *Gives big hug!*


Tinywhisper11 April 7th

@JollyRacher awwww I'll be ok ❤


ASilentObserver OP April 6th

@ALeXaNdEr0712 Alex, good to see you and thank you for being with us and opening up. I know it is challenging for you that none of us probably can never imagine but I am glad you shared.  I am sorry to hear you feel this way. It can be really tough to carry such heavy feelings. Would you like to talk more about what makes you feel this way?

WharfRat April 6th

What is one difficult life situation you are facing right now?

I've been feeling really bad lately in my mind and I don't know how to describe it.  I've felt like I've just been spinning my wheels for awhile (in my mental health progress).

I have a new primary care provider and urologist, so I thought my physical health issues might be dealt with.  They're somewhat well-meaning, but it seems that they can't do anything for me, either, so my physical health problems will continue to be there, too.

ASilentObserver OP April 6th

@WharfRat Hi Wharf, good to see you. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. It sounds like you've been dealing with challenges on both fronts - physical health issues and mental health struggles. Feeling stuck in your progress must bring frustration. How has this experience impacted you emotionally?

WharfRat April 7th


It's depressing me.  I find it hard to concentrate on anything and get anything done.  I've been spending too much on Amazon.

alysianna April 6th

What is one difficult life situation you are facing right now?

my grief. my grandma died last Monday night but foud out last tuesday and when i sleep at night i get dreams about her like her being menchond o last night i dremt we were somewhere as a family and i was the oly oe who could see her ghost. i have just desided to lissin to how do i say goodbye on repeate ad just cry it dse nothing yet everything.she was like a 2nd mom she knows me better then anyone even my parents as i told her stuff i did not tell them only person who knows even close to as mutch is my  BF. i miss my grandma so much

ASilentObserver OP April 6th

@alysianna I am sorry to hear about your loss, Aly :( . Sending hugs, if okay 

Losing someone we love can bring up strong emotions. It feels like your grandmother was very important to you, and her death has left you with difficult feelings to process. Dreams after a loss can be especially vivid and challenging to cope with. Please know it is okay to take time to grieve and find ways to express your emotions. Repeating goodbyes and allowing yourself to cry can be a healthy way to process your feelings. Is there anything else you'd like to share with us? We are all here with you in this. You are not alone. 

alysianna April 7th


thanks. and all thse disscusstions help me already and i have only done a few

basicscreenname123 April 7th

@ASilentObserver im just recently figuring out that im trans and im afraid of whats going to happen in the future bc of my extremly homophobic family :(

ASilentObserver OP April 8th

@basicscreenname123 I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing difficult feelings around your identity. It takes courage to explore and understand yourself, and it can be especially challenging when there is fear of rejection from those close to you. What are some of your biggest concerns about how your family might react?

basicscreenname123 April 21st

@basicscreenname123 im afraid they are going to punish me and not let me see or text my friends bc most of them are lgbt+ in some way, they might take me to, like, counciling or something. they are under the impression that they are helping, but really all of these things hurt me much more than they could ever help me. and its very painful to think about all of the conversations they would have with me, about how wrong i am.

fluien April 7th

keeping up my academic performance while working a lot to ensure life expenses.

my parents are retired and can't work anymore because of health issues, otherwise i know they'd support me. yet it feels weird to accept money for them when you're in your mid-twenties.

i have loved my studies ever since i started, studying literature changed my perspective on life and everything. i want to pursue an academic career and hopefully become an influential teacher one day.

we were evicted last year. and i had to stay in the city for university while my parents moved into a cheaper place, but i'm glad they are happy there.

i know i'd move out soon, but having it forced felt so out of place. on top of that, moving is very expensive, so i had to start working right away to support myself and them.

it's my last semester now, i'm trying to find online work so i can balance my time better between studies and work.

i do love what i do, starting teaching was a good start for my goals. but having struggled with extreme anxiety and panic attacks over the summer and finding myself burnout without having time to cope wasn't a great mix.

i started to feel depressed. and having flashbacks and nightmares and difficulty to move, get things done.

trying to recover now. learning to ask for help. learning to open up and share.

it's funny how after all the anxiety, and anxiety is worrying about things that are out of your control, happened so many things that i could control only a little. looking at it in a different way, i sometimes feel like it's been an experience to lead me one step further on the healing path.

i'm not giving up. i'm just getting some rest, and i'll come back stronger.

ASilentObserver OP April 8th

@fluien Thank you for being here with us and sharing fluein. that sounds like you have been through quite a challenging journey with anxiety, eviction, and financial stress. It takes courage to share your experiences and show resilience. What feelings arise for you as you reflect on this journey? Please know you have all of us here to listen to and support you. You are not alone in this. 

fluien April 8th

It was hopelessness, burnout and paralysis for a while. I'm trying to get back on track, make arrangements so I save some time for self-care. Right now it's more self-compassion. One of the things I'm focusing on is letting go of perfectionism. Overall, the journey never ends, right? :)

Thank you for your kind words. Happy to be here 💙

NotAllHere713 April 7th


My current life issue doesn't seem as important as some other's, but here it goes. I have been having problems with my husband, one of which is his eating habits. Recently, he has been degrading me for not offering him food/ feeding him. Some background. He is an alcoholic. He drinks from the time he wakes up to when he goes to bed (4am- 9pm). He goes in to the office 2-3x a week. The rest of the time he works from home. My schedule fluctuates. I make him breakfast and lunch to take to work. He doesn't always eat the food. For years we ate at 8-9pm. Last fall he wanted food to be done by 7:30pm. When I make food on the days he works, he says he is not hungry. On the days he is home, if the food is ready by 7:35 pm. he says it too late to eat (He uses this as an excuse when he doesn't want to eat what I cooked, which is almost all the time). He has been asking for me to cook him different food that what me and the kids eat. He also refuses to eat leftovers. If I am not feeling well, the kids know to fend for themselves. But my husband gets rude and demanding when I don't offer him food on the days he is home. He said he makes up excuses for me when I have a stomach ache or migraines. Then he complains he has been sitting (drinking and smoking) since 4am starving because I didn't offer him anything, even if I have been busy all day. He claims he doesn't know what there is in the fridge to eat. (He goes in the fridge 10x for wine. He also drinks rum). He has also been picky about what he wants to eat. I have to make 2 meals- one for him and one for me and the kids. Then he doesn't eat all the food I make him, he doesn't clean up, and he doesn't want to eat the leftovers. I try to make dishes he likes on occasion even though the rest of us don't like the same thing, but then he doesn't eat. I know the alcohol has turned his brain to mush and probably destroyed his taste buds also. Before, he used to cook or at least get up and heat up food if he was hungry. Now he just sits there- messing with the computer, in his own world, drinking and smoking. 

ASilentObserver OP April 8th

@NotAllHere713 I hear you are experiencing frustration with your husband's eating habits and the way he treats you, notall. It is difficult to feel like you're constantly trying to meet his needs, but he's not reciprocating. would you share more about how this has made you feel?