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No hope for me

Trauma is burning me. Mom's drinking and having three free days when she can drink all day. At my accommodation my trauma eats me alive. Im graduating and i have to get a job but i have to pick a city and both options are bad. It's hard to take care of myself and the household with my depression. Leave alone work and pay rent. Otherwise i have to bear mom and a city without friends and therapy. I'm so tired. Everyone else is progressing with life and i just suffer 24/7

Tinywhisper11 May 26th

@intellectualGrapefruit6085 😥 I'm sorry about your mum, it's hard to be out there on your own😞 but you can do this, go out there and take the city by storm ❤ it may be scary right now, but you can do this. Life has a funny way of turning out just fine ❤ gives you a giant tiny hug, good luck sweetie ❤ right here for you ❤

Hug. I'm so terribly afraid of returning to that city, accommodation and all. Traveling, food, being on my own. I can't manage

Tinywhisper11 May 30th

@intellectualGrapefruit6085 I'm sorry sweetie, it is scary, very scary. And we are never taught in life, how to prepare for doing life all by ourselves. It's not easy. Have you thought about what you want to do?

Cnguyen1 May 30th


yeah.. it’s a scam. 😖😖

So true. They just expect us to adult

Cnguyen1 May 29th


hi Tiny!!

Tinywhisper11 May 30th

@SunLionheart hi lion ❤ gives you a giant tiny hug ❤

Cnguyen1 May 30th


*gives shy hug 🫂

Cnguyen1 May 31st


Man, leaving work for home sounds grand. Sorry to hear about all of that. I wanted to create this post by spending some time on it for Tiny, but I feel like it’s about working on my shame as well.. I know it’s been consistent. Sounds like a lot of work and a lot of burden to feel all of that and have to witness your mom like that, on top of work, so I feel you with your traumas. ❤️💔

** TW: Depression, shame  Hope you can find the right support that you need in support groups and whatnot!  

I like to read forum posts sometimes, especially when it gets late out at night  sometimes it might feel even dangerous out  you might feel that, too, to anyone reading this post.. 

I listen to a lot of Christian music these days, while in depression. I don’t know if you need a friend, but I feel even blocked from meeting friends, since it’s late and night and every time I’m outside, I’m always eating as well. So all is to say that I get the addiction part. It might even feel like life class, even. I know in middle school we talked about subjects that I care about, and I like that they left in the drugs part. I think it was the movie Homeless to Harvard. Theres also the Cuckoo’s Nest one that’s the one that’s also a book that my psychology teacher had us watch in high school, which still impacts me til this day. But I like that those movies get to show you a little taste of what the world can look like. Disability as well, in Gattaca. 

There are supportive groups here as well on 7 Cups. There’s a sort of openness of your post which I love; thanks for sharing as well. 💕🥰🥰

Cnguyen1 May 31st


thank you tiny

Tinywhisper11 May 31st

@SunLionheart ❤❤❤