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I never knew

Tinywhisper11 January 4th

Tw) just in case, imagine hearing a bird for the first time but not knowing what a bird is or where that sound is coming from. Hearing the bowling wind and pouring rain. But not understanding what they are. The bangs of fireworks but you can't see the colours and you don't what a firework is. The same with thunder and lightening. It's all actually really really scary. 18 years later, able to see and learn and experience theese things knowing what they are. It's strange I'm 23 now and not so scared of the things I didn't know back then. It's another stormy day here. It just got me thinking back, to the past😥 thinking is not good for my brain

sadcat13 January 4th

@Tinywhisper11 *hugs you and offers you and apple 🍎 I'm so sorry you went through this. It's ok to feel the way you do. It shouldn't have ever happened to you. We are here for you 💜

Tinywhisper11 OP January 4th

@sadcat13 a red apple 😳 cautiously takes it! Nom nom 😋 ok I don't think it was poisonous😛 thanks kitty ❤ I love you ❤

sadcat13 January 4th

@Tinywhisper11 it's a very good one from the market. They are delicious 😊

amiableBlackberry92 January 5th



Your doing great on your path in this life despite all your challenges from the past.....Just know your loved by so many here, keep looking forward and creating art. . 🎨🖌️

You have a lot of 💕 love and kindness in you to share.  Keep being awesome and those scary thought will pass . 

Best always

ABB 💜🤗

Tinywhisper11 OP January 6th

@amiableBlackberry92 🙂🤗 ok ❤ I'll try my best always ❤❤ gives you a giant tiny hug ❤

GoingInCircles365 January 6th


As you experience the world you never knew existed, I hope you have plenty of opportunities and feel comfortable enough to:

🤓 ask lots of questions

🌈 gaze in wonder at all the beauty in nature

🌤️feel the gentle summer breeze and warm raindrops on your face (but you'll have to wait for summer for that one)

🎨express yourself with your art

🌻explore the world around you with curiosity and fascination

💜make friends with the people you meet here and in person

💛 learn to trust 

🐰 feel safe

🐴 and learn everything you can about everything that interests you

Tinywhisper11 OP January 6th

@GoingInCircles365 I do all of those😁 the world is indeed a beautiful and magical place ❤❤ gives you a giant tiny hug ❤ thanks sweetie ❤

rebeccastgo January 6th

It sounds like you've been through a challenging journey of understanding and processing sensory experiences. Discovering and comprehending these sensations for the first time without context or understanding can indeed be overwhelming and frightening. You've shown incredible resilience in adapting and learning, and your ability to process these experiences is commendable. Remember, it's okay to seek support or take breaks when needed to care for your mental well-being.

Tinywhisper11 OP January 6th

@rebeccastgo ❤❤ thankyou ❤❤ that was very sweet of you to say ❤

rebeccastgo January 7th

@Tinywhisper11 You're welcome. If you need to talk, feel free to message me anytime!

Tinywhisper11 OP January 7th

@rebeccastgo ok thankyou ❤❤

sabriemotions January 15th

Tiny, I was scrolling through communities and I just read about your history. 
I just see you commenting and sending positive words to everyone, even after the *** that you had to went through so many years. I wanted to tell you that I really admire you, your willing to live is really incredible.
I think we would be really good friends but probably we live like in opposite sides of the world! hahaha. But this community can help to stay in touch, obviously if you want to. 
I hope the weather gets better there, i get scared of thunders and loud noises too :(

Big hugs and wishing you a really good week!

sabriemotions January 15th

@sabriemotions btw i'm sabrizappa but i changed my username!!

Tinywhisper11 OP January 16th

@sabriemotions aww thanks sweetie ❤ I'd love to be friends ❤ and yes I knew it was you, your baby boy in  the pfp ❤❤thanks for your kind words, hugs you tightly ❤

AvyIsKing January 17th


Oh Lola, your story is so heartbreaking to me. Honestly you deserve so much better. I know there are scary things in life, trust me storms make me hide in tiny corners. Did you know we have a thing called thundersnow?? It's so scary. But there are also flowers and bunnies. I know storms bring you back to the past lovely, but we are here for you. We can be scared together. Stay in the present lovely ❤❤❤ as hard as that is, you have to try. I love you so much. Sending you the biggest most protective hugs 

Tinywhisper11 OP January 17th

@AvyIsKing hugs you back ❤❤ thanks sweetie ❤ I love you ❤

iloveyouxx January 20th

@Tinywhisper11 hi again lovely human :>🩷 I can imagine it being really scary >: I don’t think it’s strange that you’re not scared anymore :0 you’ve grown so much and learned a lot and remember- you’re stronger than graphene😁😛 I haven’t had storm where I am for a while :0 mhm thinking can have a positive and negative impact tho ! think about how far you’ve come, the amazing person you’ve grown to be :> everything you’ve learnt, everyone you’ve made feel better 😁❤️ everyone you’ve made laugh / smile :) I’m so sorry about what you’ve had to go through in the past ): but I’m also so happy it’s in the past and so so sooo proud of you and the vvv amazing person you are now :> 

also I just found out about this but did you know there are different types of thunderstorms ? 😂 “towering cumulus” “mature stage” “dissipating stage” idk why I find it so funny 😂😂

I’ve also noticed that every time I reply to one of your old forum posts everyone else starts replying :0 since by replying I make it show on the more recent posts in the community section :3 you’re welcome hehe ;3 /j 

* sending tight warm hugss* I love youuu sooo muchh 🩷🦑 ( the octopus felt fitting 😁❤️) 

Tinywhisper11 OP January 20th

@iloveyouxx haha! Those storms have such unfortunate names😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I just realised we are both really immature😂😂😂😂 peacock😁 yes go through all my posts and leave messages, so everyone can give me  lots of hugs😁 I like hugs ❤❤ I still haven't looked up what graphene is yet🤔🤔🤔 I love you iloveyou ❤❤

iloveyouxx January 20th

@Tinywhisper11 mhm very unfortunate😭😂😂😂 hehe it’s ok tho I like being immature 😁😂 btw don’t you agree that this emoji is so underrated⇒🐛 come on I can’t be the only one😭😭😂 I like hugs too :0❤️ hold on I’m gonna send all the hugs cause why not hehe😁 * comforting hugs*  * safe hugs* * warm hugs* * tight hugs* * 🧠🧠🧠🧠* yeah I’ll put more when I remember 😁 I love you more🩷 and you can call me nadia hehe :3 or give me a nickname- I like nicknames :0 from now on I’m calling you- bobo2 😁 because I already nicknamed someone bobo😂 but from now on you’re bobo2 : D ( until I can think of something better ) *sending more hugs* ❤️

Tinywhisper11 OP January 20th

@iloveyouxx Nadia is a pretty name ❤ but I'm crap with names so I may have to call you yogi bear 😁 and personally I think this sign is underrated & look it's like someone's dragging his buttocks across the floor & & & look at him to & & & & 😂😂😂😂😂

iloveyouxx January 20th

@Tinywhisper11 😂😂😂 wth😂😂😂😂 hehe I like yogi bear 😁 look at this turtle sipping apple juice :0 🧃🐢 * cheers for turtle * 🧃🐢 want one ? 🧃😁


I like that emoji⇒🦛 : P


Tinywhisper11 OP January 20th

@iloveyouxx 😂😂😂😂😂😂 I think your brain might need to be tested at some point😂😂😂😂😂😂😂❤

iloveyouxx January 20th

@Tinywhisper11 hey ! 😂😂😂😂😂 that’s meannn 😂 it’s a nice emoji ! 🦛🦛🦛🦛🦛🦛🦛🦛🦛🦛🦛 you’re the one that went⇒ & & & & & 😂 your brain might need to be tested too 😂😂


Tinywhisper11 OP January 20th

@iloveyouxx my brain has been tested 😞results were wierd, I got a positive on my IQ test, but my covid test came back as 63. Confusing ya?

iloveyouxx January 20th

@iloveyouxx yes- you are actually 😭 explain please lol :’3

Tinywhisper11 OP January 21st

@iloveyouxx so basically I'm thick😁 but I prefer the term brainalogically challenged😎

PatienceImpatiens January 20th

Just hugs ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

Tinywhisper11 OP January 20th

@PatienceImpatiens hugs pat ❤❤❤ I love you ❤ cute pfp btw ❤