I'm new and I'm not sure how to title
Hello, I am not really sure how to open one of these so I hope that is okay.
I have had this feeling for around three years now. It can only be described as when it has just rained and the air feels heavy. I know this may not be a completely substantial metaphor for what I am describing but it is hard and I am trying. It is like I can no longer do all of the things that everyone else can. I am unable to sleep for longer than around an hour anymore, some of my friends have pointed out the dark marks that have been forming under my eyes which I had tried to hide with some form of concealer. They do not seem to understand that I do not mean to be irritable or cold when they talk to me but it is like I can no longer control it. I am always stuck with this feeling that just never seems to want to go away and it is getting really tiring and slightly annoying.
I understand that I am not exactly a expressive person but for once it would be nice for people to take the hint rather than me be forced into having a long conversation about the subject with them.
This may not be relevant at all and may be completely wasting your time but I am starting to find this whole situation annoying because I just want to be like my friends but all of my energy is pretty much sucked out of me the second I have to socialise normally or even just smile at my parents.
@communicativeTortoise3895 Hello, and welcome! It's completely okay to open up and share your feelings here. What you've described is a challenging experience, and you've done a great job expressing it.
Feeling like you can't do the things that others can and being constantly weighed down by this heavy feeling is tough. It's important to remember that you're not alone, and there are people who want to listen and understand what you're going through.
It's okay not to be expressive all the time, and it's okay to want people to understand without having to explain everything in a long conversation. If you find that this feeling is interfering with your daily life and well-being, it might be helpful to talk to a psychologist who can provide support and guidance.
You're not wasting anyone's time here. Sharing your feelings is an important step, and it's great to seek help and understanding. We're here to listen and support you 😊