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Feeling tired willing to beat depression by any means

Imawarrior22 December 12th, 2023

Hi everyone recently I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder around two weeks ago but idk if it’s the right diagnosis because I can get up and brush my teeth shower exercise and go to work. But I do cry a lot feel down and have unaliving thoughts a lot especially around my menstrual cycle. I’m stuck between getting on antidepressants or beating this naturally I honestly just want this to go away have been dealing with it for about 2 months now.

Imawarrior22 OP December 12th, 2023

If anyone has any recommendations/ suggestions tips whatever to help I’m willing to hear them.

December 12th, 2023

@Imawarrior22 Don’t jump right to anti-depressants. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be effective and rapid. 

Imawarrior22 OP December 12th, 2023

Thank you for the advice I’m seeing a therapist weekly. Any other recommendations?

December 12th, 2023

@Imawarrior22 Look for CBT books on depression. 

Gettingbettertoday December 12th, 2023


Work towards management just like if you had lost an arm. You need to figure out how to adjust to being one armed. 

Imawarrior22 OP December 12th, 2023

I’m not giving up on finding my cure. I’ve seen many stories of people online say they have overcome depression and many other disorders.

I appreciate your statement but I refuse to believe that.

Gettingbettertoday December 12th, 2023


Katsuddon December 13th, 2023

Hey, you probably shouldn’t jump straight to medications yet. I think that talking to people you trust would really help you. Talking about your problems is like having a weight lifted off your shoulders and would definitely help.

Themaninblackxxx December 14th, 2023

Ok no one ever listens to me but I will say my thoughts anyway

I think there is far too much focus on "getting better"

People act like depression is some kind of limpet that has stuck itself to you randomly and they try to restore their lives to how it was before and needless to say, they can't get the limpet off their backs

Depression is there for a reason. Maybe you can't see what the reason is but it is there to try and enforce change. The more you resist that change because you are fearful, then the longer-lasting and more entrenched the depression will be

Most of the stuff you read on here and elsewhere which pertains to "help" is at best nonsense and at worst detrimental because most of it is fake, based on distraction and denial

You are depressed for a reason. Start working out what that reason is, what you have to change. It might not be pleasant, you might have to face a lot of difficult truths and decisions. Stop try to "not be depressed" - that NEVER works.

maleehaisnum1 January 16th

@Themaninblackxxx real when i read pro get better speeches and such i get more upset and mad bc why cant i get that?

gustavinia December 15th, 2023

@Imawarrior22 hi, i was also diagnosed with major depression years ago and i survived, i both used medications and therapy. My opinion is that you can cure yourself without meds but it will take longer time. If you have no patience, you can try meds and therapy together. meds doesnt make you happy, dont expect such things, but they help you to pass time fast and makes you unemotional. In my opinion during depression no emotion is better than sad emotions. It will definitely pass i assure you, i know really hard to do but you need to be patient. 

Imawarrior22 OP December 21st, 2023

Hey thank you so much I’m just seeing this but I really appreciate your message it gives me hope.

jf202325 December 25th, 2023

@Imawarrior22 Maybe you should try to get a second opinion from a professional, depression is overdiagnosed nowadays, and one of the reasons is to sell more antidepressants in many cases. Maybe it's not your case, and maybe you need help, but if you are unsure I would search for a second opinion. Good luck!

HidaYasu December 26th, 2023

@Imawarrior22 So you're saying this only started about two months ago? Was there anything in particular that happened around that time?

Also, gonna ask some questions here: how old are you, and how long ago did you hit puberty? Do the depressive episodes happen at a certain time of day/night, or are they at random?

You mentioned these usually get bad around your menstral cycle. It is normal to feel more emotional around this time, but this also indicates it could be a hormonal issue. Many people experience something called "seasonal depression", which literally means they get depression symptoms during winter. Something about longer nights, more time indoors and the like can somehow trigger these episodes, and that WOULD explain why it started up for you a few months ago. You may want to consider going to a doctor and getting either blood tests or other screenings to make sure whatever this is isn't just physical. That's my two cents.

Imawarrior22 OP January 8th

There was nothing in particular that happend around that time it’ just started out of nowhere at first its was like my sleep was affected then all the other symptoms started developing. I’m 22 so I hit puberty around 13 . The episode has been at least every day since October . I’ve already had blood test done its nothing physical

pluckySummer2923 December 28th, 2023

For some people, depression is a choice. Myself for instance. There are things that I am angry about, like blind rage angry, but I do not allow myself to lash out. At the same time, I am not willing to take the necessary steps to address what I am angry about, so I have suppressed and repressed and tamped down everything. I have chosen to be depressed out of other choices I could have made.

After 35 years, I have just recently started seeing a therapist and joined 7cups to work through making a different choice.

Again, I’m not saying this is the case for everyone, but my personal experience. I have been on antidepressants for 20 years because they let me be depressed without having suicidal ideations. Another choice.

Im glad to hear you’re engaged with therapy. Keep at it. Self discovery and self honesty is key, I think.

Imawarrior22 OP January 8th

Sorry for the late response thank you for the comment.

evieats December 30th, 2023


If you can try psilocybin from a SAFE AND TRUSTED INDIVIDUAL OR COMPANY. 

DanDrisco January 10th

Hello, I also have had my bouts of crying lately that are sometimes uncontrollable. It's not easy especially when feeling like you don't know where to look for the answer.

What helps me find peace is reading a book, it's very corny I know, but the feeling of immersing your mind to another perspective will help alleviate staying confined in your own head.

As for recommendations, that I will leave up to you. Create a habit out of something, anything. Three days is all it takes to get hooked on a task even if you are no good at it. Personally, I found a strange love for chemistry after I read a book, and it all started with melting some silver down. From silver to science, it's not easy but the answers you are looking for are closer than you think.

Even taking on a brand new challenge, you can crochet, you can cook, you can even try melting some metal down, my wife took on plants, and while I was furious about the amount of spending and space it created, I learned that she finds peace in there, so I stopped being upset about the things that could be controlled but should not be.

I truly hope that you take these ideas into consideration and don't hesitate to start off with some reading or podcasts, it will come naturally so long as you are paying attention. Control the controllables, if you feel as though you are getting wrapped up into your own mind, take a walk! Sure it's cold outside, but who can control that? Put an extra sweater on, buy a heated vest (definitely a great item for the colder days).

Don't beat yourself up over things that you may potentially just be cooking up in your head out of imagination, apply your imagination to your happiness and you will be better before you know it

GotAnyGrapesss January 12th

@Imawarrior22 D:

HalaStar2 January 30th

@charmingdom so true, can u post this please

helpfulAvocado9437 January 31st

All your symptoms are typically felt duration depression. I've also gone through all those feelings. Yes, in all probability it is MDD. So you need to take antidepressants as advised by your psychiatrist. You can't come out it with self effort. Also, you need to continue the medicines, as long as your psychiatrist wants you to, even if feel well after taking it.

snafusstudent January 31st

@Imawarrior22 Hey i hope im not too late in your search for treatment but potentially look into PMDD. It is a condition that matches a lot of your description and i know doctors can be very lazy when it comes to examining womens health and a lot of throw away drugs are given instead of proper investigation. Definition from the web: PMDD is a severe and dysphoric form of PMS. Symptoms of irritability, emotional hypersensitivity, increased anxiety and food cravings, sleep difficulties, and decreased concentration characterize PMDD as well as depression, particularly atypical depression. Maybe have a look into it on social media as i have heard many stories of people suffering from this whilst being given the wrong treatments as their condition went uninvestigated for a long time. I hope you are okay!