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DanDrisco profile picture
Has anyone used the therapist on here
Depression Support / by DanDrisco
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November 11th, 2024
...See more Good evening to you all, I am hitting a breaking point, I am losing control of hiding it. I don't trust therapists due to a bad experience, but at this point if I don't find one that I can trust time is going to win. Any and all advice/guidance from anyone that has used a therapist on here is greatly appreciated. Thank you
DanDrisco profile picture
Depression Support / by DanDrisco
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March 2nd, 2024
...See more Life It has been unkind as of late. The drive to do good by others has left me finding no help left for myself. Loved ones are now dying consistently. I preach hope for others, now I'm struggling to find some for myself. It's getting late...
DanDrisco profile picture
A downward spiral
Grief & Loss / by DanDrisco
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March 1st, 2024
...See more Good evening to you all, I have been struggling with grieving for a little over two years now and I feel like it's never going to end. I lost my father in late 2022, and that has been very difficult as I have become still for too long. My birthday was yesterday and I lost my aunt, which has been a more challenging feat as my mom was apologetic the entire day, which I didn't want her to feel that way necessary. I'm growing tapped out of this, and no matter what I do if I try to build or do anything I am always met with a roadblock necessary to even start said project. I can't take this anymore, it's too much and I'm afraid it's only getting worse. Can't sleep, can't eat, can't move. Help, please.
DanDrisco profile picture
The man who could give advice but never take some for himself
Depression Support / by DanDrisco
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February 17th, 2024
...See more Good evening all, Tonight was a very bad night for me, the real me, not this character I use on here. I spent the last two years in silence. I had five loving pets but my significant other was nowhere to be found. I lost my father in 2022, and since that day I have been struggling with the idea of death as it was the first of my immediate family. My wife, who has experienced this about ten years prior, was nowhere to be found. I only wanted her to talk to me about it as she has witnessed me having breakdowns nearly every day since then but chose to put headphones in, while blasting the TV in the background. I have been begging her to talk to me but would only get told how horrible I am. I have submitted to her every request and it wasn't good enough. I wrote her a short story and chose to give it to her as a gift, and asked her not to read it in such a way that she did. It's very tough trying to win someone's heart that doesn't see that we no longer do the things we used to, we don't spend actual time together, and communication is impossible to have over the numerous sound barriers that they have on. I only wanted to make her happy and proud that I regained my passion for writing but somehow ended up making her hate me even more. When I would write stories back during school I would get an a+ while also getting threatened with expulsion for that same story. That was what kept me from writing this entire time and it's only come back to haunt me again. I promised her I would just shut up and go back to staying out of her way, not knowing my story would also be something I should have just burned instead. I made a few copies that I was going to give to friends that sheltered me after she kicked me out last year but now I'm burning them as well. The damage is done and my wife paints me as a monster, I learn too late that I should have just shut up. She was happy when I didn't talk, and making her happy is all that I wanted. And so I will now take advice for myself as to never hurt anyone's feelings again.
DanDrisco profile picture
A poem, from the real me to the real you
Depression Support / by DanDrisco
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February 6th, 2024
...See more Good day to you all, I have began to express my self, as well as my feelings, in writing. Last night one of my shadows showed face to me, so instead of doing my usual cry and wither away into a ball, I chose to write a little poem while crying and withering into a ball 😅 I dedicate this to everyone who struggles from the rising heat of the sun to the lingering cold of the moon. I promise you all one thing, if you learn to forgive and accept your inner self and deny the words and actions of others around you, it will get better in due time. Many have become accustomed to the instant gratification of dopamine from these phones that they forgot what true emotions feel and look like, which is why many of us on here feel so alone. As long as this broken heart of mine that I try to mend pumps, you will never be alone. Never forget that. ❤️‍🔥 Inside lives a God So lonely and bright The light is fading away Soon to lose sight The flame once burning So vibrant and right The cold now approaches Throughout the dark night A kite in a dream Ready to take flight An ocean will wake Crashing with might Still to push forward Through this endless fight Do not ask for help It will be alright Keep the eye North Such a great height A lip, a cheek, a tongue Forgotten to bite
DanDrisco profile picture
Anyone pick up a new hobby?
Depression Support / by DanDrisco
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January 28th, 2024
...See more Good day to you all, I have been enjoying this app recently as it has make me feel good to help those who I can relate to from experiences of my own. Lately I have been getting into new hobbies, from reading and writing to building birdhouses and have been encouraging many of you to try and do the same. Now, I would like to invite all of you to drop your hobby wether old or new, simple or intricate, something that you find to be fun so others who may be struggling with finding a hobby can grab an idea and, just maybe, a friend! During the feeling of loneliness or sadness, I learned that what I was missing was someone that I could talk to who had genuine interests in what I was talking about and could provide more details that I may not have known. Never hurts to have an ear available during triumphs of your day!
DanDrisco profile picture
It's late
Depression Support / by DanDrisco
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January 25th, 2024
...See more Good evening, I just wanted to say goodnight to you all. Tomorrow will be a great day for you. I'm counting on you!
DanDrisco profile picture
7 cups, of water
Depression Support / by DanDrisco
Last post
January 18th, 2024
...See more Good day to you all, During what I can only describe as the most challenging point of my life, I have finally found the light and it's all thanks to this app, a few good neighbors, my wife and my friends. This was how I found my way out of a bad depression and encourage any and all to take this in consideration. Around 4 years ago both of my parents were diagnosed with cancer. One was stage four and the other was stage one. My immediate reaction was to spend time with them and help out around the house or doctor appointments, but one moment in particular sent me on a downward spiral. I lost my father about a year ago, which I tried hard to hold in my grief. This was my biggest mistake, about a year passed and I couldn't hold it on anymore. From family fighting about money to my marriage falling apart everything felt like it was coming down on me, and so, I cracked. During all of this my wife got good with a hobby which peaked my interest in finding my own. I tried video games but found no purpose, I tried woodwork and make a few birdhouses but ultimately walked away from that. Then I tried melting metals, I started collecting silver rounds as a reward for quitting drinking as well as a savings of what would have normally went to alcohol. I made the item I wanted to, but I seen my wife started struggling with her hobby. So, I put it to the side so I can help her catch up with her tasks that were building up. During this, I decided to try and change my morning routine. Instead of starting my day with the usual caffeine cigarettes and all sorts of junk I decided to start with a bottle of water. This has been pretty helpful in some sort of way as I see it as a good start to my day rather than smoking and feeling like crap from so much caffeine. It's a very subtle change in routine, but it's a good change in my opinion. Now, I feel like things are starting to feel better. I'm no longer getting mad at myself for the things I cannot control, I'm no longer sitting in my thoughts and if I feel like sat too long, i.e: right now, I get up and pace or go look around the house for anything to do. Your emotions may be heavy and damning but arguing within your own self will only make things worse and I can tell you first hand it will not get better until you make a change in yourself. Getting yourself moving, treat yourself properly and not like trash. You are more important than you truly understand and you will find your way out of dark times, but dark times will not find their way out of you until you come to the realization that you are important and meant to do great things.
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